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473 lines (387 loc) · 18.4 KB

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473 lines (387 loc) · 18.4 KB
title author version date license
Abbreviation Extension Spec
Vladimir Schneider


flexmark-java extension for defining abbreviations and turning appearance of these abbreviations in text into abbr tags with titles consisting of the expansion of the abbreviation.

Document[0, 21]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 20] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 6] close:[6, 8] abbreviation:[8, 20]

Should work without trailing EOL

Document[0, 20]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 20] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 6] close:[6, 8] abbreviation:[8, 20]

This has an Abbr embedded in it.
<p>This has an <abbr title="Abbreviation">Abbr</abbr> embedded in it.</p>
Document[0, 54]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 20] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 6] close:[6, 8] abbreviation:[8, 20]
  Paragraph[22, 54]
    TextBase[22, 54] chars:[22, 54, "This  … n it."]
      Text[22, 34] chars:[22, 34, "This  … s an "]
      Abbreviation[34, 38] chars:[34, 38, "Abbr"]
      Text[38, 54] chars:[38, 54, " embe … n it."]

No inline processing in expansion text.

*[Abbr]: Abbreviation has *emphasis*, **bold** or `code`

This has an Abbr embedded in it.
<p>This has an <abbr title="Abbreviation has *emphasis*, **bold** or `code`">Abbr</abbr> embedded in it.</p>
Document[0, 90]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 56] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 6] close:[6, 8] abbreviation:[9, 56]
  Paragraph[58, 90]
    TextBase[58, 90] chars:[58, 90, "This  … n it."]
      Text[58, 70] chars:[58, 70, "This  … s an "]
      Abbreviation[70, 74] chars:[70, 74, "Abbr"]
      Text[74, 90] chars:[74, 90, " embe … n it."]
*[Abbr]: Abbreviation has *emphasis*, **bold** or `code`

This has an Abbr embedded in it.
<p>This has an <a href="#" title="Abbreviation has *emphasis*, **bold** or `code`">Abbr</a> embedded in it.</p>
Document[0, 90]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 56] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 6] close:[6, 8] abbreviation:[9, 56]
  Paragraph[58, 90]
    TextBase[58, 90] chars:[58, 90, "This  … n it."]
      Text[58, 70] chars:[58, 70, "This  … s an "]
      Abbreviation[70, 74] chars:[70, 74, "Abbr"]
      Text[74, 90] chars:[74, 90, " embe … n it."]
*[Abbr]: Abbreviation 1
*[Abbre]: Abbreviation 2
Document[0, 48]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 23] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 6] close:[6, 8] abbreviation:[9, 23]
  AbbreviationBlock[24, 48] open:[24, 26] text:[26, 31] close:[31, 33] abbreviation:[34, 48]
*[Abbr]: Abbreviation 1
*[Abbre]: Abbreviation 2

This has an Abbre embedded in it.
And this has another Abbr embedded in it.
<p>This has an <abbr title="Abbreviation 2">Abbre</abbr> embedded in it.
And this has another <abbr title="Abbreviation 1">Abbr</abbr> embedded in it.</p>
Document[0, 125]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 23] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 6] close:[6, 8] abbreviation:[9, 23]
  AbbreviationBlock[24, 48] open:[24, 26] text:[26, 31] close:[31, 33] abbreviation:[34, 48]
  Paragraph[50, 125]
    TextBase[50, 83] chars:[50, 83, "This  … n it."]
      Text[50, 62] chars:[50, 62, "This  … s an "]
      Abbreviation[62, 67] chars:[62, 67, "Abbre"]
      Text[67, 83] chars:[67, 83, " embe … n it."]
    SoftLineBreak[83, 84]
    TextBase[84, 125] chars:[84, 125, "And t … n it."]
      Text[84, 105] chars:[84, 105, "And t … ther "]
      Abbreviation[105, 109] chars:[105, 109, "Abbr"]
      Text[109, 125] chars:[109, 125, " embe … n it."]
*[U.S.A.]: United States of America
*[US of A]: United States of America

U.S.A. is an abbreviation and so is US of A, an abbreviation.
<p><abbr title="United States of America">U.S.A.</abbr> is an abbreviation and so is <abbr title="United States of America">US of A</abbr>, an abbreviation.</p>
Document[0, 135]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 35] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 8] close:[8, 10] abbreviation:[11, 35]
  AbbreviationBlock[36, 72] open:[36, 38] text:[38, 45] close:[45, 47] abbreviation:[48, 72]
  Paragraph[74, 135]
    TextBase[74, 135] chars:[74, 135, "U.S.A … tion."]
      Abbreviation[74, 80] chars:[74, 80, "U.S.A."]
      Text[80, 110] chars:[80, 110, " is a … o is "]
      Abbreviation[110, 117] chars:[110, 117, "US of A"]
      Text[117, 135] chars:[117, 135, ", an  … tion."]
*[US]: United States
*[U.S.A.]: United States of America
*[US of A]: United States of America

U.S.A., US of A, and US are all abbreviations.
<p><abbr title="United States of America">U.S.A.</abbr>, <abbr title="United States of America">US of A</abbr>, and <abbr title="United States">US</abbr> are all abbreviations.</p>
Document[0, 141]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 20] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 4] close:[4, 6] abbreviation:[7, 20]
  AbbreviationBlock[21, 56] open:[21, 23] text:[23, 29] close:[29, 31] abbreviation:[32, 56]
  AbbreviationBlock[57, 93] open:[57, 59] text:[59, 66] close:[66, 68] abbreviation:[69, 93]
  Paragraph[95, 141]
    TextBase[95, 141] chars:[95, 141, "U.S.A … ions."]
      Abbreviation[95, 101] chars:[95, 101, "U.S.A."]
      Text[101, 103] chars:[101, 103, ", "]
      Abbreviation[103, 110] chars:[103, 110, "US of A"]
      Text[110, 116] chars:[110, 116, ", and "]
      Abbreviation[116, 118] chars:[116, 118, "US"]
      Text[118, 141] chars:[118, 141, " are  … ions."]
*[Abbr]: Abbreviation

This is an Abbr and this is not [Abbr].

<p>This is an <abbr title="Abbreviation">Abbr</abbr> and this is not <a href="">Abbr</a>.</p>
Document[0, 88]
  AbbreviationBlock[0, 21] open:[0, 2] text:[2, 6] close:[6, 8] abbreviation:[9, 21]
  Reference[22, 45] refOpen:[22, 23, "["] ref:[23, 27, "Abbr"] refClose:[27, 29, "]:"] url:[30, 45, ""]
  Paragraph[47, 87] isTrailingBlankLine
    TextBase[47, 79] chars:[47, 79, "This  …  not "]
      Text[47, 58] chars:[47, 58, "This  … s an "]
      Abbreviation[58, 62] chars:[58, 62, "Abbr"]
      Text[62, 79] chars:[62, 79, " and  …  not "]
    LinkRef[79, 85] referenceOpen:[79, 80, "["] reference:[80, 84, "Abbr"] referenceClose:[84, 85, "]"]
      Text[80, 84] chars:[80, 84, "Abbr"]
    Text[85, 86] chars:[85, 86, "."]

A reference that is not on the first line is just text.

Paragraph with second line having a reference
*[test]: test abbreviation

<p>Paragraph with second line having a reference</p>
Document[0, 74]
  Paragraph[0, 46]
    Text[0, 45] chars:[0, 45, "Parag … rence"]
  AbbreviationBlock[46, 72] open:[46, 48] text:[48, 52] close:[52, 54] abbreviation:[55, 72]

simple use case

text with abbr embedded

*[abbr]: abbreviation

<p>text with <abbr title="abbreviation">abbr</abbr> embedded</p>
Document[0, 48]
  Paragraph[0, 24] isTrailingBlankLine
    TextBase[0, 23] chars:[0, 23, "text  … edded"]
      Text[0, 10] chars:[0, 10, "text with "]
      Abbreviation[10, 14] chars:[10, 14, "abbr"]
      Text[14, 23] chars:[14, 23, " embedded"]
  AbbreviationBlock[25, 46] open:[25, 27] text:[27, 31] close:[31, 33] abbreviation:[34, 46]

Source Position Attribute

text with abbr embedded

*[abbr]: abbreviation

<p md-pos="0-24">text with <abbr title="abbreviation" md-pos="10-14">abbr</abbr> embedded</p>
Document[0, 48]
  Paragraph[0, 24] isTrailingBlankLine
    TextBase[0, 23] chars:[0, 23, "text  … edded"]
      Text[0, 10] chars:[0, 10, "text with "]
      Abbreviation[10, 14] chars:[10, 14, "abbr"]
      Text[14, 23] chars:[14, 23, " embedded"]
  AbbreviationBlock[25, 46] open:[25, 27] text:[27, 31] close:[31, 33] abbreviation:[34, 46]

Typographic quotes interaction

Typographic quotes and smarts will break up text and make it not match abbreviations

Some text about HTML, SGML and HTML4.

Let's talk about the U.S.A., (É.U. or É.-U. d'A. in French).

*[HTML4]: Hyper Text Markup Language version 4
*[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language
*[SGML]: Standard Generalized Markup Language
*[U.S.A.]: United States of America
*[É.U.]: États-Unis d'Amérique
*[É.-U. d'A.]: États-Unis d'Amérique

And here we have a CD, some CDs, and some other CD's.

*[CD]: Compact Disk

Let's transfert documents through TCP/IP, using TCP packets.

*[IP]: Internet Protocol
*[TCP]: Transmission Control Protocol
<p>Some text about <abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</abbr>, <abbr title="Standard Generalized Markup Language">SGML</abbr> and <abbr title="Hyper Text Markup Language version 4">HTML4</abbr>.</p>
<p>Let&rsquo;s talk about the <abbr title="United States of America">U.S.A.</abbr>, (<abbr title="États-Unis d'Amérique">É.U.</abbr> or É.-U. d&rsquo;A. in French).</p>
<p>And here we have a <abbr title="Compact Disk">CD</abbr>, some CDs, and some other <abbr title="Compact Disk">CD</abbr>&rsquo;s.</p>
<p>Let&rsquo;s transfert documents through <abbr title="Transmission Control Protocol">TCP</abbr>/<abbr title="Internet Protocol">IP</abbr>, using <abbr title="Transmission Control Protocol">TCP</abbr> packets.</p>
Document[0, 535]
  Paragraph[0, 38] isTrailingBlankLine
    TextBase[0, 37] chars:[0, 37, "Some  … TML4."]
      Text[0, 16] chars:[0, 16, "Some  … bout "]
      Abbreviation[16, 20] chars:[16, 20, "HTML"]
      Text[20, 22] chars:[20, 22, ", "]
      Abbreviation[22, 26] chars:[22, 26, "SGML"]
      Text[26, 31] chars:[26, 31, " and "]
      Abbreviation[31, 36] chars:[31, 36, "HTML4"]
      Text[36, 37] chars:[36, 37, "."]
  Paragraph[39, 100] isTrailingBlankLine
    Text[39, 42] chars:[39, 42, "Let"]
    TypographicSmarts[42, 43] typographic: &rsquo; 
    TextBase[43, 84] chars:[43, 84, "s tal … -U. d"]
      Text[43, 60] chars:[43, 60, "s tal …  the "]
      Abbreviation[60, 66] chars:[60, 66, "U.S.A."]
      Text[66, 69] chars:[66, 69, ", ("]
      Abbreviation[69, 73] chars:[69, 73, "É.U."]
      Text[73, 84] chars:[73, 84, " or É … -U. d"]
    TypographicSmarts[84, 85] typographic: &rsquo; 
    Text[85, 99] chars:[85, 99, "A. in … nch)."]
  AbbreviationBlock[101, 147] open:[101, 103] text:[103, 108] close:[108, 110] abbreviation:[111, 147]
  AbbreviationBlock[148, 183] open:[148, 150] text:[150, 154] close:[154, 156] abbreviation:[157, 183]
  AbbreviationBlock[184, 229] open:[184, 186] text:[186, 190] close:[190, 192] abbreviation:[193, 229]
  AbbreviationBlock[230, 265] open:[230, 232] text:[232, 238] close:[238, 240] abbreviation:[241, 265]
  AbbreviationBlock[266, 296] open:[266, 268] text:[268, 272] close:[272, 274] abbreviation:[275, 296]
  AbbreviationBlock[297, 333] open:[297, 299] text:[299, 309] close:[309, 311] abbreviation:[312, 333]
  Paragraph[335, 389] isTrailingBlankLine
    TextBase[335, 385] chars:[335, 385, "And h … er CD"]
      Text[335, 354] chars:[335, 354, "And h … ve a "]
      Abbreviation[354, 356] chars:[354, 356, "CD"]
      Text[356, 383] chars:[356, 383, ", som … ther "]
      Abbreviation[383, 385] chars:[383, 385, "CD"]
    TypographicSmarts[385, 386] typographic: &rsquo; 
    Text[386, 388] chars:[386, 388, "s."]
  AbbreviationBlock[390, 409] open:[390, 392] text:[392, 394] close:[394, 396] abbreviation:[397, 409]
  Paragraph[411, 472] isTrailingBlankLine
    Text[411, 414] chars:[411, 414, "Let"]
    TypographicSmarts[414, 415] typographic: &rsquo; 
    TextBase[415, 471] chars:[415, 471, "s tra … kets."]
      Text[415, 445] chars:[415, 445, "s tra … ough "]
      Abbreviation[445, 448] chars:[445, 448, "TCP"]
      Text[448, 449] chars:[448, 449, "/"]
      Abbreviation[449, 451] chars:[449, 451, "IP"]
      Text[451, 459] chars:[451, 459, ", using "]
      Abbreviation[459, 462] chars:[459, 462, "TCP"]
      Text[462, 471] chars:[462, 471, " packets."]
  AbbreviationBlock[473, 497] open:[473, 475] text:[475, 477] close:[477, 479] abbreviation:[480, 497]
  AbbreviationBlock[498, 535] open:[498, 500] text:[500, 503] close:[503, 505] abbreviation:[506, 535]

Ins extension interaction

Document[0, 7]
  Paragraph[0, 7]
    Ins[0, 7] textOpen:[0, 2, "++"] text:[2, 5, "TCP"] textClose:[5, 7, "++"]
      Text[2, 5] chars:[2, 5, "TCP"]
Document[0, 7]
  Paragraph[0, 7]
    Strikethrough[0, 7] textOpen:[0, 2, "~~"] text:[2, 5, "TCP"] textClose:[5, 7, "~~"]
      Text[2, 5] chars:[2, 5, "TCP"]

*[TCP]: Transmission Control Protocol
<p><ins><abbr title="Transmission Control Protocol">TCP</abbr></ins></p>
Document[0, 46]
  Paragraph[0, 8] isTrailingBlankLine
    Ins[0, 7] textOpen:[0, 2, "++"] text:[2, 5, "TCP"] textClose:[5, 7, "++"]
      TextBase[2, 5] chars:[2, 5, "TCP"]
        Abbreviation[2, 5] chars:[2, 5, "TCP"]
  AbbreviationBlock[9, 46] open:[9, 11] text:[11, 14] close:[14, 16] abbreviation:[17, 46]

*[TCP]: Transmission Control Protocol
<p><del><abbr title="Transmission Control Protocol">TCP</abbr></del></p>
Document[0, 46]
  Paragraph[0, 8] isTrailingBlankLine
    Strikethrough[0, 7] textOpen:[0, 2, "~~"] text:[2, 5, "TCP"] textClose:[5, 7, "~~"]
      TextBase[2, 5] chars:[2, 5, "TCP"]
        Abbreviation[2, 5] chars:[2, 5, "TCP"]
  AbbreviationBlock[9, 46] open:[9, 11] text:[11, 14] close:[14, 16] abbreviation:[17, 46]

Issue 198

Issue #198


Document[0, 9]
  AbbreviationBlock[1, 7] open:[1, 3] text:[3, 3] close:[3, 5] abbreviation:[5, 7]

Issue xxx-01

References loose special characters when abbreviation extension is included

* [ ] Fix: [#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple \<code\> inside \<pre\> bug]
[#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple \<code\> inside \<pre\> bug]:

  <li>[ ] Fix: <a href="">#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple &lt;code&gt; inside &lt;pre&gt; bug</a></li>
Document[0, 203]
  BulletList[0, 79] isTight
    BulletListItem[0, 79] open:[0, 1, "*"] isTight hadBlankLineAfter
      Paragraph[2, 79] isTrailingBlankLine
        LinkRef[2, 5] referenceOpen:[2, 3, "["] reference:[4, 4] referenceClose:[4, 5, "]"]
          Text[4, 4]
        Text[5, 11] chars:[5, 11, " Fix: "]
        LinkRef[11, 78] referenceOpen:[11, 12, "["] reference:[12, 77, "#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple \<code\> inside \<pre\> bug"] referenceClose:[77, 78, "]"]
          TextBase[12, 77] chars:[12, 77, "#326, … > bug"]
            Text[12, 50] chars:[12, 50, "#326, … iple "]
            EscapedCharacter[50, 52] textOpen:[50, 51, "\"] text:[51, 52, "<"]
            Text[52, 56] chars:[52, 56, "code"]
            EscapedCharacter[56, 58] textOpen:[56, 57, "\"] text:[57, 58, ">"]
            Text[58, 66] chars:[58, 66, " inside "]
            EscapedCharacter[66, 68] textOpen:[66, 67, "\"] text:[67, 68, "<"]
            Text[68, 71] chars:[68, 71, "pre"]
            EscapedCharacter[71, 73] textOpen:[71, 72, "\"] text:[72, 73, ">"]
            Text[73, 77] chars:[73, 77, " bug"]
  Reference[84, 201] refOpen:[84, 85, "["] ref:[85, 150, "#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple \<code\> inside \<pre\> bug"] refClose:[150, 152, "]:"] url:[153, 201, ""]

References loose special characters when abbreviation extension is included

* [ ] Fix: [#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple \<code\> inside \<pre\> bug]

[#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple \<code\> inside \<pre\> bug]:

  <li>[ ] Fix: <a href="">#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple &lt;code&gt; inside &lt;pre&gt; bug</a></li>
Document[0, 199]
  BulletList[0, 79] isTight
    BulletListItem[0, 79] open:[0, 1, "*"] isTight hadBlankLineAfter
      Paragraph[2, 79] isTrailingBlankLine
        LinkRef[2, 5] referenceOpen:[2, 3, "["] reference:[4, 4] referenceClose:[4, 5, "]"]
          Text[4, 4]
        Text[5, 11] chars:[5, 11, " Fix: "]
        LinkRef[11, 78] referenceOpen:[11, 12, "["] reference:[12, 77, "#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple \<code\> inside \<pre\> bug"] referenceClose:[77, 78, "]"]
          TextBase[12, 77] chars:[12, 77, "#326, … > bug"]
            Text[12, 50] chars:[12, 50, "#326, … iple "]
            EscapedCharacter[50, 52] textOpen:[50, 51, "\"] text:[51, 52, "<"]
            Text[52, 56] chars:[52, 56, "code"]
            EscapedCharacter[56, 58] textOpen:[56, 57, "\"] text:[57, 58, ">"]
            Text[58, 66] chars:[58, 66, " inside "]
            EscapedCharacter[66, 68] textOpen:[66, 67, "\"] text:[67, 68, "<"]
            Text[68, 71] chars:[68, 71, "pre"]
            EscapedCharacter[71, 73] textOpen:[71, 72, "\"] text:[72, 73, ">"]
            Text[73, 77] chars:[73, 77, " bug"]
  Reference[80, 197] refOpen:[80, 81, "["] ref:[81, 146, "#326, flexmark-html-parser - multiple \<code\> inside \<pre\> bug"] refClose:[146, 148, "]:"] url:[149, 197, ""]