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Nu Plugin Hello

This is an example "hello" sink plugin that uses the Go library nu-plugin. You can look at main.go for how much simpler it is to use! Instructions for building are below.


If you have Go installed locally, you can use the Makefile to build the plugin

$ make
go build -o nu_plugin_hello

Then you can run nushell, here is inspecting help:

> help hello
A friendly plugin

  > hello {flags} 

  --name <String>

Without arguments, it just says hello

> hello 

You can give it your name!

> hello --name Vanessa
Hello Vanessa

Or tell it to be excited:

> hello --name Vanessa --excited
Hello Vanessa!

Test With Docker

Once you are happy, you can install the plugin with Nushell easily via Docker. Here we build the container using first GoLang to compile, and then copying the binary into in /usr/local/bin. We do this so that the plugin is discovered. So first, build the container:

$ docker build -t vanessa/nu-plugin-hello .

Then shell inside - the default entrypoint is already the nushell.

$ docker run -it vanessa/nu-plugin-hello

Once inside, you can run nu, or use nu -l trace to confirm that nu found your plugin.

/code(add/circleci)> nu -l trace

And proceed with usage as we did before. The plugin will output logs to /tmp/nu-plugin-hello.log