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Backend API manual

VST Utils framework uses Django, Django Rest Framework, drf-yasg and Celery.


A model is the single, definitive source of truth about your data. It contains essential fields and behavior for the data you’re storing. Usually best practice is to avoid writing views and serializers manually, as BModel provides plenty of Meta attributes to autogenerate serializers and views for many use cases.




You can also use custom models without using database:


Model Fields



Web API is based on Django Rest Framework with additional nested functions.


The Framework includes a list of convenient serializer fields. Some of them take effect only in generated admin interface.



There are validation classes for fields.








Vstutils has the advanced system of working with actions. REST API works with data through verbs, which are called methods. However, to work with one or a list of entities, such actions may not be enough.

To expand the set of actions, you need to create an action that will work with some aspect of the described model. For these purposes, there is a standard rest_framework.decorators.action, which can also be extended using the scheme. But for the greater convenience, there is a set of decorator objects in vstutils to eliminate the routine of writing boilerplate code.

The main philosophy for these wrappers is that the developer writes business logic without being distracted by the boilerplate code. Often, most of the errors in the code appear precisely because of the blurry look from the routine writing of the code.



For greater development convenience, the framework provides additional classes and functions for filtering elements by fields.



DRF provides a standard set of variables whose names correspond to the human-readable name of the HTTP code. For convenience, we have dynamically wrapped it in a set of classes that have appropriate names and additionally provides following capabilities:

  • String responses are wrapped in json like { "detail": "string response" }.
  • Attribute timings are kept for further processing in middleware.
  • Status code is set by class name (e.g. HTTP_200_OK or Response200 has code 200).

All classes inherit from:



By default, Django supposes that a developer creates Middleware class manually, but it's often a routine. The vstutils library offers a convenient request handler class for elegant OOP development. Middleware is used to process incoming requests and send responses before they reach final destination.


Filter Backends

Filter Backends are used to modify model queryset. To create custom filter backend to, (i.g. annotate model queryset), you should inherit from vstutils.api.filter_backends.VSTFilterBackend and override vstutils.api.filter_backends.VSTFilterBackend.filter_queryset and in some cases vstutils.api.filter_backends.VSTFilterBackend.get_schema_fields.



Celery is a distributed task queue. It's used to execute some actions asynchronously in a separate worker. For more details on Celery, check it's official docs. For Celery related vstutils features to work, you need to specify [rpc] and [worker] sections in settings.ini. Also you need to include extra [rpc] requirements.




Endpoint view has two purposes: bulk requests execution and providing OpenAPI schema.

Endpoint url is /{API_URL}/endpoint/, for example value with default settings is /api/endpoint/.

API_URL can be changed in


Bulk requests

Bulk request allows you send multiple requests to api at once, it accepts json list of operations.

Method Transactional (all operations in one transaction) Synchronous (operations executed one by one in given order)
PUT /{API_URL}/endpoint/ NO YES
POST /{API_URL}/endpoint/ YES YES
PATCH /{API_URL}/endpoint/ NO NO

Parameters of one operation (required parameter marked by *):

  • method* - http method of request
  • path* - path of request, can be str or list
  • data - data to send
  • query - query parameters as str
  • let - string with name of variable (used for access to response result in templates)
  • headers - dict with headers which will be sent, names of headers must follow CGI specification (e.g., CONTENT_TYPE, GATEWAY_INTERFACE, HTTP_*).
  • version - str with specified version of api, if not provided then VST_API_VERSION will be used

In any request parameter you can insert result value of previous operations (<<{OPERATION_NUMBER or LET_VALUE}[path][to][value]>>), for example:

    {"method": "post", "path": "user", "data": {"name": "User 1"}),
    {"method": "delete", "version": "v2", "path": ["user", "<<0[data][id]>>"]}

Result of bulk request is json list of objects for operation:

  • method - http method
  • path - path of request, always str
  • data - data that needs to be sent
  • status - response status code

Transactional bulk request returns 502 BAG GATEWAY and does rollback after first failed request.


If you send non-transactional bulk request, you will get 200 status and must validate statuses on each operation responses.

OpenAPI schema

Request on GET /{API_URL}/endpoint/ returns Swagger UI.

Request on GET /{API_URL}/endpoint/?format=openapi returns OpenAPI schema in json format. Also you can specify required version of schema using version query parameter (e.g., GET /{API_URL}/endpoint/?format=openapi&version=v2).

To change the schema after generating and before sending to user use hooks. Define one or more function, each taking 2 named arguments:

  • request - user request object.
  • schema - ordered dict with OpenAPI schema.


Sometimes hooks may raise an exception; in order to keep a chain of data modification, such exceptions are handled. The changes made to the schema before the exception however, are saved.

Example hook:


def hook_add_username_to_guiname(request, schema):

schema['info']['title'] = f"{request.username} - {schema['info']['title']}"

To connect hook(s) to your app add function import name to the OPENAPI_HOOKS list in


Testing Framework

VST Utils Framework includes a helper in base test case class and improves support for making API requests. That means if you want make bulk request to endpoint you don't need create and init test client, but just need to call:


endpoint_results = self.bulk([

# list of endpoint requests


Creating test case module contains test case classes based on vstutils.tests.BaseTestCase. At the moment, we officially support two styles of writing tests: classic and simple query wrappers with run check and runtime optimized bulk queries with manual value checking.

Simple example with classic tests

For example, if you have api endpoint like /api/v1/project/ and model Project you can write test case like this:


from vstutils.tests import BaseTestCase

class ProjectTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):

super(ProjectTestCase, self).setUp() # init demo project self.initial_project = self.get_model_class('project.Test').objects.create(name="Test")

def tearDown(self)

super(ProjectTestCase, self).tearDown() # remove it after test self.initial_project.delete()

def test_project_endpoint(self):

# Test checks that api returns valid values self.list_test('/api/v1/project/', 1) self.details_test( ["project",], ) # Try to create new projects and check list endpoint test_data = [ {"name": f"TestProject{i}"} for i in range(2) ] id_list = self.mass_create("/api/v1/project/", test_data, 'name') self.list_test('/api/v1/project/', 1 + len(id_list))

This example demonstrates functionality of default test case class. Default projects are initialized for the fastest and most efficient result. We recommend to divide tests for different entities into different classes. This example demonstrate classic style of testing, but you can use bulks in your test cases.

Bulk requests in tests

Bulk query system is well suited for testing and executing valid queries. Previous example could be rewritten as follows:


from vstutils.tests import BaseTestCase

class ProjectTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):

super(ProjectTestCase, self).setUp() # init demo project self.initial_project = self.get_model_class('project.Test').objects.create(name="Test")

def tearDown(self)

super(ProjectTestCase, self).tearDown() # remove it after test self.initial_project.delete()

def test_project_endpoint(self):
test_data = [

{"name": f"TestProject{i}"} for i in range(2)

] bulk_data = [ {"method": "get", "path": ["project"]}, {"method": "get", "path": ["project",]} ] bulk_data += [ {"method": "post", "path": ["project"], "data": i} for i in test_data ] bulk_data.append( {"method": "get", "path": ["project"]} ) results = self.bulk_transactional(bulk_data)

self.assertEqual(results[0]['status'], 200) self.assertEqual(results[0]['data']['count'], 1) self.assertEqual(results[1]['status'], 200) self.assertEqual(results[1]['data']['name'],

for pos, result in enumerate(results[2:-1]):

self.assertEqual(result['status'], 201) self.assertEqual(result['data']['name'], test_data[pos]['name'])

self.assertEqual(results[-1]['status'], 200) self.assertEqual(results[-1]['data']['count'], 1 + len(test_data))

In this case, you have more code, but your tests are closer to GUI workflow, because vstutils-projects uses /api/endpoint/ for requests. Either way, bulk queries are much faster due to optimization; Testcase execution time is less comparing to non-bulk requests.

Test case API



This is tested set of development utilities. Utilities include a collection of code that will be useful in one way or another for developing the application. Vstutils uses mosts of these functions under the hood.
