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Fábio Caldas edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 4 revisions

SplunkLoggerConfiguration is a class used to configure Splunk loggers.


  • HECConfiguration

    • BatchIntervalInMilliseconds (Define how long batch manager should waiting for before send log events.)
    • BatchSizeCount (Define how much objects batch manager should have to send log events.)
    • DefaultTimeoutInMilliseconds (Define default http client post to Splunk call timeout.)
    • SplunkCollectorUrl (Define Splunk HEC URL.)
    • UseAuthTokenAsQueryString (Define to use or not hec token autentication at query string.)
    • ChannelIdType (Define to use or not channel identification when using http raw endpoint.)
    • Token (Define Splunk HEC token.)

It's important to say about ChannelIdType that Splunk documentation indicates that ChannelId parameter is only required for Splunk versions older than 6.7.0. So if you have earlier version you can supress send this extra data by using None

  • SocketConfiguration

    • HostName (Define Splunk hostname)
    • Port (Define Splunk port)
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