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Quick Start Guide

This quick start guide will introduce the main concepts of JuMP. If you are familiar with another modeling language embedded in a high-level language such as PuLP (Python) or a solver-specific interface you will find most of this familiar, with the exception of macros. A deep understanding of macros is not essential, but if you would like to know more please see the Julia documentation. If you are coming from an AMPL or similar background, you may find some of the concepts novel but the general appearance will still be familiar.

Creating a Model

Models are Julia objects. They are created by calling the constructor:

m = Model()

All variables and constraints are associated with a Model object. For a list of all functions related to Model, including how to change the default solver and set solver parameters, see :ref:`ref-model`.

Defining Variables

Variables are also Julia objects, and are defined using the @variable macro. The first argument will always be the Model to associate this variable with. In the examples below we assume m is already defined. The second argument is an expression that declares the variable name and optionally allows specification of lower and upper bounds. For example:

@variable(m, x )              # No bounds
@variable(m, x >= lb )        # Lower bound only (note: 'lb <= x' is not valid)
@variable(m, x <= ub )        # Upper bound only
@variable(m, lb <= x <= ub )  # Lower and upper bounds

All these variations introduce a new variable x in the local scope. The names of your variables must be valid Julia variable names. For information about common operations on variables, e.g. changing their bounds, see the :ref:`ref-variable` section.

Integer and binary restrictions can optionally be specified with a third argument, Int or Bin.

To create arrays of variables we append brackets to the variable name. For example:

@variable(m, x[1:M,1:N] >= 0 )

will create an M by N array of variables. Both ranges and arbitrary iterable sets are supported as index sets. Currently we only support ranges of the form a:b where a is an explicit integer, not a variable. Using ranges will generally be faster than using arbitrary symbols. You can mix both ranges and lists of symbols, as in the following example:

s = ["Green", "Blue"]
@variable(m, x[-10:10,s], Int )
# e.g. x[-4, "Green"]

Finally, bounds can depend on variable indices:

@variable(m, x[i=1:10] >= i )

Objective and Constraints

JuMP allows users to use a natural notation to describe linear expressions. To add constraints, use the @constraint() and @objective() macros, e.g.:

@constraint(m, x[i] - s[i] <= 0)  # Other options: == and >=
@constraint(m, sum(x[i] for i=1:numLocation) == 1)
@objective(m, Max, 5x + 22y + (x+y)/2) # or Min


The sense passed to @objective must be a symbol type: :Min or :Max, although the macro accepts :Min and :Max, as well as Min and Max (without the colon) directly.

The sum() syntax directly follows Julia's own generator expression syntax. You may use conditions within sums, e.g.:

sum(expression for i = I1, j = I2 if cond)

which is equivalent to:

a = zero(AffExpr)
for i = I1
    for j = I2
        if cond
            a += expression


JuMP previously used a special curly brace syntax for sum{}, prod{}, and norm2{}. This has been entirely replaced by sum(), prod(), and norm() since Julia 0.5. The curly brace syntax is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.