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Communication between MicroPython hardware boards

This provides a means of communication between two devices, each running MicroPython, where a UART cannot be used. An example is where one device is an ESP8266 board. While this has one bidirectional UART, this may be in use either as a REPL console, for viewing debug output, or for other puposes.

It is intended for use in asynchronous programs. Currently it uses usched as a framework for cooperative multi-tasking.

The module offers a bidirectional full duplex communication channel between two hardware devices. Its unit of communication is an arbitrary Python object making for simple application. Physically it uses a 4-wire interface. It is designed to run on devices with minimal features and makes no assumptions about processing performance: at a physical level the interface is synchronous. If each device has two pins which can be used for output and two for input, and is capable of running the scheduler it should work.

Now supports a timeout to enable the detection and resetting of a crashed target device.

Example usage

from usched import Sched
from syncom import SynCom
from machine import Pin

 # Thread just echoes objects back
def my_thread(chan):
    while True:
        yield chan.await_obj    # Wait for input
        obj = chan.get()        # Receive an object
        chan.send(obj)          # send it back

mtx = Pin(14, Pin.OUT)          # Define pins
mckout = Pin(15, Pin.OUT, value = 0) # clock must be initialised to zero.
mrx = Pin(13, Pin.IN)
mckin = Pin(12, Pin.IN)

objsched = Sched()              # Instantiate scheduler
channel = SynCom(objsched, True, mckin, mckout, mrx, mtx)
finally:                        # Under test conditions where code fails or
    mckout(0)                   # is interrupted, set up hardware for a re-run


  • Readily portable to any MicroPython platform.
  • It does not use hardware features such as interrupts or timers.
  • Hardware requirement: two arbitrary output pins and two input pins on each device.
  • The interface is synchronous, having no timing dependencies.
  • It supports full duplex communications (concurrent send and receive).
  • The unit of transmission is an arbitrary Python object.
  • All methods are non-blocking.
  • Small: ~130 lines of Python.


  • The interface is an alternative to I2C or SPI and is intended for directly linked devices sharing a common power supply.
  • It is slow. With a Pyboard linked to an ESP8266 clocked at 80MHz, throughput is about 1.8Kbps. In practice throughput will depend on the performance of the slowest device and the behaviour of other threads. Clocking the ESP8266 at 160MHz yields about 3.2Kbps, a 75% improvement. Note these figures represent raw bps figures: mean throughput will be lower, see section Timing below.


The obvious question is why not use I2C or SPI. The reason is the nature of the slave interfaces: these protocols are designed for the case where the slave is a hardware device which guarantees a timely response. The MicroPython slave drivers achieve this by means of blocking system calls. Such calls are incompatible with asynchronous programming.

The two ends of the link are defined as initiator and passive. These describe their roles in initialisation. Once running the protocol is symmetrical and the choice as to which unit to assign to each role is arbitrary.


  • The library.
  • Test program configured for Pyboard: run with on other device.
  • Test program configured for ESP8266: runs on other end of link.

Hardware connections

Each device has the following logical connections, din, dout, ckin, ckout. The din (data in) of one device is linked to dout (data out) of the other, and vice versa. Likewise the clock signals ckin and ckout. To ensure reliable startup the clock signals should be pulled down with 10K resistors. The Pyboard's internal pulldown is not suitable. This is because after reset, Pyboard pins are high impedance. If the other end of the link starts first, it will see a floating input. It is best to avoid using pin 15 as an input as it is used to detect boot mode. On the reference board it has a 10K pull-down so using it as the ckout pin is permissible and saves the need for an external resistor.

Initiator Passive
dout (o/p) din (i/p)
din (i/p) dout (o/p)
ckout (o/p) ckin (i/p)
ckin (i/p) ckout (o/p)

An additional optional connection may be provided to enable one device to reset the other. For example a Pyboard linked to an ESP8266 might reset the ESP8266 in the event of a timeout. The watchdog timer on the Pyboard could extend this capability, restarting the Pyboard and in turn resetting the ESP8266 in the event of a fault. A reset connection simplifies development in that restarting the Pyboard code can reset the ESP8266 enabling automatic synchronisation.

In this instance the pin providing the reset is arbitrary, but must be connected to the reset pin of the target. The polarity of the reset pulse is definable in code (0 is required by the ESP8266).

The library

This has the following dependencies.

class SynCom


Positional arguments:

  1. objsched The scheduler instance.
  2. passive Boolean. One end of the link sets this True, the other False.
  3. ckin An initialised input Pin instance.
  4. ckout An initialised output Pin instance. It should be set to zero.
  5. din An initialised input Pin instance.
  6. dout An initialised output Pin instance.
  7. latency (optional) default 5. Sets the number of characters exchanged before yielding to the scheduler.
  8. verbose (optional) default True. If set, synchronisation messages will be output to the REPL.


  • start Optional args a Pin instance and an integer (0 or 1) a reset state. Starts or restarts the interface. The arguments provide for resetting the remote hardware, for example if a failure occurs. The passed pin is driven to the passed value for 100ms.
  • send Argument an arbitrary Python object. Sends it to the receiving hardware.
  • send_str Argument a string. Sends it to the receiving hardware.
  • get Return a received Python object if one exists and remove it from the queue, otherwise return None.
  • get_str Return a string if one exists and remove it from the queue, otherwise return None.
  • any Return the number of received objects in the queue.
  • set_timeout Optional argument an integer no. of us. Returns the current timeout value. The timeout provides for the case where the remote device crashes, is reset or calls a method which blocks indefintely: this will cause the scheduler on the local unit to pause for the timeout duration as it waits for the remote. The initial timeout value is 0 signifying no timeout. set_timeout can be called before issuing start.
  • running No args. Returns True if it's started and running. Will return False if it has timed out.


  • await_obj This is an instnce of a scheduler Poller class. The following code fragment illustrates its use in waiting for an incoming object:
    while True:
        reason = yield channel.await_obj  # Thread pauses here
        if reason[1] == 1:
            obj = channel.get()
        elif reason[1] == 2:
            raise MyException # Handle crashed target
        # process obj

It returns 1 if an incoming object has been received, 2 if the link has timed out.



When a unit issues the start method a thread is started which runs forever. If a reset pin argument is provided it resets the other unit, otherwise the assumption is that both units have started after power has been applied. The units achieve synchronisation when each has received a known sync character from the other. The link then runs continuously as a background process. In normal circumstances synchronisation is maintained indefinitely, the exception being if one end of the link suffers a software crash.

If a system is to be capable of surviving this, the unit which is still running needs to be able to detect the failure. Its SynCom object will time out and its running method will return False. By polling this another thread can restart its own interface and reset the failed unit. It should do this by issuing start with reset arguments (pin and state). This resets the other unit, kills its own backround thread and then restarts it, so the synchronisation phase begins again.

send_str and get_str methods

On resource constrained platforms the pickle module can be problematic: the method used to convert a string to an arbitrary Python object involves invoking the compiler which demands significant amounts of RAM. This can be avoided by sending only strings to the resource constrained platform, which must then parse the strings as required by the application. The protocol places some restrictions. The bytes must not include 0, and they are limited to 7 bits. The latter limitation can be removed (with small performance penalty) by changing the value of _BITS_PER_CH to 8. The limitations allow for normal UTF8 strings.

Note that on resource constrained platforms sending arbitrary Python objects should not be an issue as the relevant pickle method uses only repr.


The time taken to transmit a character is approximately 4ms (assuming a Pyboard linked to an ESP8266). Yielding to the scheduler after such a brief interval would result in excessive task switching; the latency value provides control over the length of time the background thread monopolises the processors of both devices and is defined as the number of characters exchanged between yield statements. The default provides for a time of around 20ms.


The timing measurements in Limitations above were performed as follows. A logic analyser was connected to one of the clock signals and the time for one character (7 bits) to be transferred was measured (note that a bit is transferred on each edge of the clock). This produced figures for the raw bits per second throughput of the bitbanged interface.

The value produced by the test programs ( and is the total time to send an object and receive it having been echoed back by the ESP8266. This includes encoding the object as a string, transmitting it, decoding and modifying it, followed by similar processing to send it back. Hence converting the figures to bps will produce a lower figure (on the order of 1.3Kbps at 160MHz).

The Pickle module

The library uses the Python pickle module for object serialisation. This has some restrictions, notably on the serialisation of user defined class instances. See the Python documentation. Currently there is a MicroPython issue #2280 where a memory leak occurs if you pass a string which varies regularly. Pickle saves a copy of the string (if it hasn't already occurred) each time until RAM is exhausted. The workround is to use any data type other than strings or bytes objects.