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161 lines (117 loc) · 7.12 KB

File metadata and controls

161 lines (117 loc) · 7.12 KB
  • Start Date: 2019-04-29
  • Target Major Version: Vue (2.x / 3.x) Vue Router (3.x / 4.x)
  • Reference Issues: vuejs/vue-router#2611,
  • Implementation PR: Implemented in both v3.x and v4.x


  • Remove tag prop
  • Remove event prop
  • Stop automatically assigning click events to inner anchors
  • Add a scoped-slot API
  • Add a custom prop to fully customize router-link's rendering

Basic example

<router-link to="/">
  <Icon>home</Icon> Home


Current implementation of Router Link has many limitations:

  • Active state customization is not complete (#2611
  • Cannot be integrated with custom components (#2021)
  • click event cannot be prevented (through @click.prevent nor through a disabled attribute #2098)

The idea of this RFC is to solve those issues by providing a scoped slot that allow app developers to easily extend Links based on their applications and to allow library authors to provide an even easier integration with Vue Router.

Detailed design

Slot with content

A simple use case would be slot with content (no nested anchors or buttons)

<router-link to="/">
  <Icon>home</Icon> Home

This implementation would:

  • generate an anchor (a) element and apply the corresponding properties:
    • href with the destination
    • class with router-link-active and/or router-link-exact-active (can be changed through prop or global option)
    • click listener to trigger navigation through router.push or router.replace with a event.preventDefault (except when the link is clicked using a modifier like or Ctrl)
  • Put anything passed as the children of the anchor
  • Pass down any attributes that aren't props to the a element

Breaking changes:

  • no longer accept a tag prop -> use the scoped slot instead (see the point below)
  • no longer accepts event -> use the scoped slot instead
  • no longer works as a wrapper automatically looking for the first a inside -> use the scoped slot instead

Scoped slot

A scoped slot would get access to every bit of information needed to provide a custom integration and allows applying the active classes, click listener, links, etc at any level. This would allow a better integration with UI frameworks like Bootstrap ( The idea would be to create a Vue component to avoid the boilerplate like bootstrap-vue does (

<router-link to="/" custom v-slot="{ href, navigate, isActive }">
  <li :class="{ 'active': isActive }">
    <a :href="href" @click="navigate">
      <Icon>home</Icon><span class="xs-hidden">Home</span>

The custom prop is necessary to take full control over router-link's rendering: not rendering a wrapping a element.

Why is a custom prop necessary: in Vue 3, scoped slots and regular slots cannot be differentiated from each other, which means vue router is unable to make the difference between these 3 cases:

<router-link to="/" v-slot="{ href, navigate, isActive }"></router-link>
<router-link to="/" v-slot></router-link>
<router-link to="/">Some Link</router-link>

In all three cases we need to render the slot content but router-link needs to know if it has to render a wrapping a element. In Vue 2, we are able to do so by checking $scopedSlots but in Vue 3, only slots exists. This means that the behavior is slightly different in Vue Router v3 and Vue Router v4:

  • In v3, the custom prop is required (see Adoption strategy) alongside v-slot. router-link will not wrap the slot content with an a element.
  • In v4, the custom prop is not required alongside v-slot. It controls whether router-link should wrap its slot content with an a element or not:
    <router-link to="/" v-slot="{ href }">
    <router-link to="/" custom v-slot="{ href, navigate }">
      <a :href="href" @click="navigate">{{ href }}</a>
    <!-- both render the same -->
    <a href="/">/</a>
    <a href="/">/</a>

Accessible variables

The slot should provide values that are computed inside router-link:

  • href: resolved relative url to be added to an anchor tag (contains the base if provided while route.fullPath doesn't)
  • route: resolved normalized route location from the to (same shape as $route)
  • navigate: function to trigger navigation (usually attached to a click). Also calls preventDefault if the click is directly pressed.
  • isActive: true whenever router-link-active is applied. Can be modified by exact prop
  • isExactActive: true whenever router-link-exact-active is aplied. Can be modified by exact prop.

The removal of the tag prop

The tag prop can be replaced which a scoped slot and make the code clearer while not being exposed to any caveat. Its removal will also lighten the vue-router library.

<router-link to="/" tag="button">
  <Icon>home</Icon><span class="xs-hidden">Home</span>

is equivalent to

<router-link to="/" custom v-slot="{ navigate, isActive, isExactActive }">
  <button role="link" @click="navigate" :class="{ active: isActive, 'exact-active': isExactActive }">
    <Icon>home</Icon><span class="xs-hidden">Home</span>

(see above for explanation about the attributes passed to the scoped-slot)


  • Whereas it's possible to keep existing behaviour working and only expose a new behaviour with scoped slots, it will still prevent us from fixing existing issues with current implementation. That's why there are some breaking changes, to make things more consistent.
  • No access to the default router-link classes like router-link-active and router-link-exact-active.


  • Keeping event prop for convienience

  • Use a different named slot instead of a prop:

    <router-link #custom="{ href }">
      <a :href="href"></a>
    <router-link v-slot:custom="{ href }">
      <a :href="href"></a>
    <router-link custom v-slot="{ href }">
      <a :href="href"></a>

    The adoption strategy in this case would be similar but the warning would tell the user to use a different slot instead of a prop named custom

  • Create a new component like router-link-custom to differentiate the behavior. This solution is however heavier (in terms of size) than a prop or a different named slot. It is also less suitable than a prop because we are only changing a behavior of the component. The difference between the two components woud be too small to justify a whole new component.

Adoption strategy

  • Document new slot behaviour based on examples
  • Deprecate tag and event with a message in v3 and link to documentation, then remove in v4
  • In v3, if no custom prop is provided when using a scoped slot, warn the user to use the custom prop