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217 lines (144 loc) · 9.58 KB

File metadata and controls

217 lines (144 loc) · 9.58 KB
  • Start Date: 2019-11-05
  • Target Major Version: 3.x
  • Reference Issues: N/A
  • Implementation PR: N/A


  • v-on listeners used on a component will fallthrough and be registered as native listeners on the child component root. .native modifier is no longer needed.

  • inheritAttrs: false now affects class and style.

  • this.$attrs now contains everything passed to the component minus those explicitly declared as props, including class, style, and v-on listeners. this.$listeners is removed.

  • Functional components attribute fallthrough behavior adjusted:

    • With explicit props declaration: full fallthrough like stateful components.
    • With no props declaration: only fallthrough for class, style and v-on listeners.


In Vue 2.x, components have an implicit attributes fallthrough behavior. Any attribute passed to a component that is not declared as a prop by the component, is considered an extraneous attribute. Fore example:

<MyComp id="foo"/>

If MyComp didn't declare a prop named id, then the id is considered an extraneous attribute and will implicitly be applied to the root node of MyComp.

This behavior is very convenient when tweaking layout styling between parent and child (by passing on class and style), or applying a11y attributes to child components.

This behavior can be disabled with inheritAttrs: false, where the user expects to explicitly control where the attributes should be applied. These extraneous attributes are exposed in an instance property: this.$attrs.

There are a number of inconsistencies and issues in the 2.x behavior:

  • inheritAttrs: false does not affect class and style.

  • Implicit fallthrough does not apply for event listeners, leading to the need for .native modifier if the user wish to add a native event listener to the child component root.

  • class, style and v-on listeners are not included in $attrs, making it cumbersome for a higher-order component (HOC) to properly pass everything down to a nested child component.

  • Functional components have no implicit attrs fallthrough behavior.

In 3.x, we are also introducing Fragments (multiple root nodes in a component template), which require additional considerations on the behavior.

Detailed design

v-on Listener Fallthrough

With the following usage:

<MyButton @click="hello" />
  • In v2, the @click will only register a component custom event listener. To attach a native listener to the root of MyButton, @click.native is needed.

  • In v3, the @click listener will fallthrough and register a native click listener on the root of MyButton. This means component authors no longer need to proxy native DOM events to custom events in order to support v-on usage without the .native modifier. In fact, the .native modifier will be removed altogether.

Avoiding Unnecessary Native Listeners

The v3 behavior may result in unnecessary registration of native event listeners when the component author intends to use that event name as a component emitted custom event only.

With flat VNode data and the removal of .native modifier, all listeners are passed down to the child component as onXXX functions:

<foo @click="foo" @custom="bar" />

compiles to:

h(foo, {
  onClick: foo,
  onCustom: bar

With the fallthrough, all parent listeners are applied to the target element as native DOM listeners. In the above example, both a native click event and a custom one emitted by this.$emit('click') in the child will trigger the parent's foo handler. This may lead to unwanted behavior.

The introduction of the emits option, as proposed in #16, provides a way to explicit declare an event to be a component custom event so that the event's listener will be excluded from the fallthrough (and this.$attrs in case of manual control). The two RFCs should be considered in tandem.

Explicitly Controlling the Fallthrough

inheritAttrs: false

With inheritAttrs: false, the implicit fallthrough is disabled. The component can either choose to intentionally ignore all extraneous attrs, or explicitly control where the attrs should be applied via v-bind="$attrs":

<div class="wrapper">
  <!-- apply attrs to an inner element instead of root -->
  <input v-bind="$attrs">

this.$attrs (and context.attrs for setup() and functional components) now contains all attributes passed to the component (as long as it is not declared as props). This includes class, style, normal attributes and v-on listeners. This is based on the flat props structure proposed in Render Function API Change.

v-on listeners are included in $attrs as onXXX props. For example, @click will result in an onClick prop in $attrs. If the user wants to handle attributes and listeners separately, it can be done with simple helper functions that separate props that start with on from those that don't.

Multiple Root / Fragment Components

In Vue 3, components can have multiple root elements (i.e. fragment root). In such cases, an automatic merge cannot be performed. The user will be responsible for spreading the attrs to the desired element:

  <div v-bind="$attrs">main element</div>

If $attrs is non-empty, and the user did not perform an explicit spread (checked by access to this.$attrs during render), a runtime warning will be emitted. The component should either bind $attrs to an element, or explicitly suppress the warning with inheritAttrs: false.

In Render Functions

In manual render functions, it may seem convenient to just use a spread:

export default {
  props: { /* ... */ },
  inheritAttrs: false,
  render() {
    return h('div', { class: 'foo', ...this.$attrs })

However, this will cause attrs to overwrite whatever existing props of the same name. For example, there the local class may be overwritten when we probably want to merge the classes instead. Vue provides a mergeProps helper that handles the merging of class, style and onXXX listeners:

import { mergeProps } from 'vue'

export default {
  props: { /* ... */ },
  inheritAttrs: false,
  render() {
    return h('div', mergeProps({ class: 'foo' }, this.$attrs))

This is also what v-bind uses internally.

If returning the render function from setup, the attrs object is exposed on the setup context:

import { mergeProps } from 'vue'

export default {
  props: { /* ... */ },
  inheritAttrs: false,
  setup(props, { attrs }) {
    return () => {
      return h('div', mergeProps({ class: 'foo' }, attrs))

Note the attrs object is updated before every render, so it's ok to destructure it.

Functional Components

In 2.x, functional components do not support automatic attribute fallthrough and require manual props merging.

In v3, functional components use a different syntax: they are now declared as plain functions (as specified in Render Function API Change).

With Explicit Props Declaration

A functional component with props declaration will have the same automatic fallthrough behavior as stateful components. It can also explicitly control the attrs with inheritAttrs: false:

const Func = (props, { attrs }) => {
  return h('div', mergeProps({ class: 'foo' }, attrs), 'hello')

Func.props = { /*...*/ }
Func.inheritAttrs = false

With Optional Props Declaration

v3 functional components also support Optional Props Declaration. When a functional component has no props option defined, it receives all attributes passed by the parent as its props:

const Foo = props => h('div', { class: 'foo' }, props.msg)

When a functional component is leveraging optional props declaration, there is only implicit fallthrough for class, style, and v-on listeners.

The reason for class, style and v-on listeners to be whitelisted is because:

  • They cover the most common use cases for attribute fallthrough.
  • They have close to no risk of clashing with prop names.
  • They require special merge logic instead of simple overwrites, so handling them implicitly yields more convenience value.

If a functional component with optional props declaration needs to support full attribute fallthrough, it needs to declare inheritAttrs: false, pick the desired attrs from props, and merge it to the root element:

// destructure props, and use rest spread to grab unused ones as attrs.
const Func = ({ msg, ...attrs }) => {
  return h('div', mergeProps({ class: 'foo' }, attrs), msg)
Func.inheritAttrs = false

API Deprecations

  • .native modifier for v-on will be removed.
  • this.$listeners will be removed.

Adoption strategy

  • Deprecations can be supported in the compat build:

    • .native modifier will be a no-op and emit a warning during template compilation.
    • this.$listeners can be supported with a runtime warning.
  • There could technically be cases where the user relies on the 2.x behavior where inheritAttrs: false does not affect class and style, but it should be very rare. We will have a dedicated item in the migration guide / helper to remind the developer to check for such cases.

  • Since functional components uses a new syntax, they will likely require manual upgrades. We should have a dedicated section for functional components in the migration guide.