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Gcov Example

Use Gcov and LCOV to mersure C/C++ projects code coverage

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This repo shows how Gcov works and how to use Gcov and LCOV to measure code coverage for C/C++ projects.


The problem I encountered: A C/C++ project from decades ago has no unit tests, only regression tests. But I want to know:

  • what code is tested by regression tests?
  • Which code is untested?
  • What is the code coverage?
  • Where do I need to improve automated test cases in the future?

Can code coverage be measured without unit tests? The answer is Yes.

C/C++ code coverage tool

There are some tools on the market that can measure the code coverage of black-box testing, such as Squish Coco, Bullseye, etc.

Their principle is to insert instrumentation when build product.

I've researched on Squish Coco, but I didn't buy a license for this expensive tool due to some unresolved compilation issues.

When I investigated code coverage again, I found out that GCC has a built-in code coverage tool called Gcov.


Requires GCC and LCOV to be installed before running the program.

Note: The source code is under the master branch, and code coverage report under branch coverage.

# This is the version of GCC and lcov on my test environment.
sh-4.2$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

sh-4.2$ lcov -v
lcov: LCOV version 1.14

How Gcov works

Gcov workflow diagram


There are three main steps:

  1. Adding special compile options to the GCC compilation to generate the executable, and *.gcno.
  2. Running (testing) the generated executable, which generates the *.gcda data file.
  3. With *.gcno and *.gcda, generate the gcov file from the source code, and finally generate the code coverage report.

Here's how each of these steps is done exactly.

1. Compile

The first step is to compile. The parameters and files used for compilation are already written in the makefile.

make build
Click to see the output of the make command
sh-4.2$ make build
gcc -fPIC -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -c -Wall -Werror main.c
gcc -fPIC -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -c -Wall -Werror foo.c
gcc -fPIC -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -o main main.o foo.o

As you can see from the output, this program is compiled with two compile options -fprofile-arcs and -ftest-coverage. After successful compilation, not only the main and .o files are generated, but also two .gcno files are generated.

The .gcno record file is generated after adding the GCC compile option -ftest-coverage, which contains information for reconstructing the base block map and assigning source line numbers to blocks during the compilation process.

2. Run executable

After compilation, the executable main is generated, which is run (tested) as follows

Click to see the output when running main
sh-4.2$ ./main
Start calling foo() ...
when num is equal to 1...
when num is equal to 2...

When main is run, the results are recorded in the .gcda data file, and if you look in the current directory, you can see that two .gcda files have been generated.

$ ls
foo.c  foo.gcda  foo.gcno  foo.h  foo.o  img  main  main.c  main.gcda  main.gcno  main.o  makefile

.gcda record data files are generated because the program is compiled with the -fprofile-arcs option introduced. It contains arc transition counts, value distribution counts, and some summary information.

3. Generate report

make report
Click to see the output of the generated report
sh-4.2$ make report
gcov main.c foo.c
File 'main.c'
Lines executed:100.00% of 5
Creating 'main.c.gcov'

File 'foo.c'
Lines executed:85.71% of 7
Creating 'foo.c.gcov'

Lines executed:91.67% of 12
lcov --capture --directory . --output-file
Capturing coverage data from .
Found gcov version: 4.8.5
Scanning . for .gcda files ...
Found 2 data files in .
Processing foo.gcda
geninfo: WARNING: cannot find an entry for main.c.gcov in .gcno file, skipping file!
Processing main.gcda
Finished .info-file creation
genhtml --output-directory out
Reading data file
Found 2 entries.
Found common filename prefix "/workspace/coco"
Writing .css and .png files.
Generating output.
Processing file gcov-example/main.c
Processing file gcov-example/foo.c
Writing directory view page.
Overall coverage rate:
  lines......: 91.7% (11 of 12 lines)
  functions..: 100.0% (2 of 2 functions)

Executing make report to generate an HTML report actually performs two main steps behind this command.

  1. With the .gcno and .gcda files generated at compile and run time, execute the command gcov main.c foo.c to generate the .gcov code coverage file.

  2. With the code coverage .gcov file, generate a visual code coverage report via LCOV.

The steps to generate the HTML result report are as follows.

# 1. Generate the data file
lcov --capture --directory . --output-file
# 2. Generate a report from this data file
genhtml --output-directory out

Delete all generated files

All the generated files can be removed by executing make clean command.

Click to see the output of the make clean command
sh-4.2$ make clean
rm -rf main *.o *.so *.gcno *.gcda *.gcov out

Code coverage report


The home page is displayed in a directory structure.


After entering the directory, the source files in that directory are displayed.


The blue color indicates that these statements are overwritten.


Red indicates statements that are not overridden.

LCOV supports statement, function, and branch coverage metrics.

Side notes:

There is another tool for generating HTML reports called gcovr, developed in Python, whose reports are displayed slightly differently from LCOV. For example, LCOV displays it in a directory structure, while gcovr displays it in a file path, which is always the same as the code structure, so I prefer to use the former.