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Getting Started with Gerbil Development

This is a quick start guide to setting up your Gerbil development environment, starting from scratch.

Install Gambit

  • Clone the repo from github
  • Follow the instructions from gambit/INSTALL.txt to install configure and install gambit, as the process for building from source tends to change frequently.

I usually configure Gambit for development with the following incantation:

 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gambit \
             --enable-single-host \
             --enable-multiple-versions \
             --enable-shared \
             --enable-openssl \
             --enable-default-runtime-options=f8,-8,t8 \
             --enable-poll # For Linux and BSD; don't use this on macOS

With this configuration, you need to add $GAMBIT_PREFIX/current/bin to your PATH and $GAMBIT_PREFIX/current/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

If you are on Linux or BSD, I also recommend using --enable-poll, which will use the more scalable poll-based i/o scheduler (instead of the default select-based one).

If you intend to build static applications for servers, then you should use the following configuration:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gambit \
             --enable-single-host \
             --enable-multiple-versions \
             --enable-openssl \
             --enable-default-runtime-options=f8,-8,t8 \

This removes --enable-shared, which will build gambit without shared libraries and thus result in static linkage of Gambit in executables.

I have the following in my .bashrc:

add_path $GAMBIT/bin
add_ldpath $GAMBIT/lib

with the helper functions defined as:

add_path() {
    if [[ ! "$PATH" =~ $1 ]]; then
        export PATH="$PATH:$1"

add_ldpath() {
    if [ -z "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ]; then
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$1"
    elif [[ ! "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" =~ $1 ]]; then
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$1"

Install Gerbil

Clone the repo from github and build:

$ cd gerbil/src
$ ./

In order to have a fully usable installation, you should export GERBIL_HOME and add $GERBIL_HOME/bin to your PATH. I have the following in my .bashrc:

export GERBIL_HOME=$HOME/gerbil
add_path $GERBIL_HOME/bin

Write some code

You can get started right away and write a script, but let's do a simple compiled library module and an executable as it is more relevant for real world development.

First create your workspace -- I recommend you use a top package for your libs so that you don't have namespace conflicts. So let's make our project with you using myuser as the top package name, and your source live in myproject. You should of course pick something more representative for your top package namespace, like your github user id.

So, let's make a simple library module:

$ mkdir -p myproject/src/myuser
$ cd myproject/src/myuser

# Create a gerbil.pkg file for our project
$ cat > gerbil.pkg <<EOF
(package: myuser)

$ cat > <<EOF
(export #t) ; export all symbols
(def (hello who)
 (displayln "hello " who))

Now let's compile it. By default, gxc will place compiler artefacts in ~/.gerbil/lib. You can change this with the -d option, but then you'll have to add your libdir to GERBIL_LOADPATH.

$ gxc

You now have a compiled module, which you can use in the interpreter:

$ gxi
> (import :myuser/mylib)
> (hello "world")
hello world

Next let's make an executable:

$ cat > <<EOF
(import :myuser/mylib)
(export main)
(def (main who)
 (hello who))

and let's compile it and run it:

$ gxc -exe -o mybin
$ ./mybin world
hello world

Note that this is a dynamically linked executable, the module has been compiled dynamically in the gerbil libdir and the executable is a stub that loads it and executes main, which means that your GERBIL_HOME (and GERBIL_LOADPATH if you are putting your artefacts in a different place, like myproject/lib) must be set.

You can also compile a statically linked executable, which can work without a local gerbil environment:

$ gxc -static  # compile dependent library statically first
$ gxc -static -exe -o mybin-static
$ ./mybin-static world
hello world

The advantage of static executables is that they can work without a local Gerbil installation, which makes them suitable for binary distribution. They also start a little faster, as there is no dynamic module loading at runtime. In addition, because all dependencies from the stdlib are compiled in together, you can apply global declarations like (declare (not safe)) to the whole program, which can result in significant performance gains. And as of Gerbil-v0.13-DEV-50-gaf81bba the compiler performs full program optimization, resulting in further performance benefits.

The downside is long compilation times and the limitation that the executable won't be able to use the expander or the compiler, as the meta parts of the Gerbil runtime are not linked in.

Note that when creating static executables, you will need to pass on options to the linker if you're relying on foreign libraries. For example, to include a dependency on zlib:

$ gxc -static -exe -o mybin-static -ld-options -lz

The -ld-options are being passed on to gsc which in turn adds the specified options to the command that invokes the C linker.