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636 lines (467 loc) · 25.4 KB

Author: Garret Rieger
Date: January 27th, 2021
Document Version: 3

Changes from Version 2

  • Changed binary protocol to use a CBOR encoding which replaces the custom encoding format.


This document describes a protocol which allows a client to retrieve a subset of a font and then augment it by expanding the subset with subsequent requests. Requests are sent to a server via HTTP GET or POST requests. Request information is encoded into the body of the POST request using the CBOR format

The following sections first describe the encoding for the request and response payload. Then subsequent sections discuss the expected behaviour of the client and server.

Data Types

Primitive Types

The following primitive data types are used in the remainder of this document.

Data Type Description CBOR Encoding
Integer Signed or unsigned integer from (-2^64 - 1, 2^64 - 1) Major type 0 or 1.
ByteString Variable number of bytes Major type 2.
ArrayOf<Type> Array of a variable number of objects or primitives Major type 4.


An object is a data structure with one or more fields. Fields are key value pairs. All fields on a object are optional and do not have to have values specified in a particular instance of that object.

Objects have a defined type. The type is a schema which lists the field available for an object of that type. For each field the schema specifies:

  • A human readable name for the field.

  • A numeric value (unsigned integer) for the field. Used for compact encoding.

  • The type of the value stored in this field. Type can be either a primitive type or an object type.

COBR Encoding

Object instances are encoded as a CBOR map (major type 5). Each field on the instance which is present is encoded in the map as a key value pair. The fields numeric ID is used as the key and it's value is encoded as a the corresponding CBOR data item for that value.

The ordering of the key value pairs in the encoding is not specified.


A data structure which represents a set of non negative integers using a bit set tree. This gives the compactness of a bit set, but needs far less bytes when dealing with a set that has large gaps between members.

A tree of height N can encode any set which contains values between 0 and 8^N - 1.

Each node in the tree corresponds to an interval of values. The root node covers the internal [0, 8^N-1]. A node subdivides the interval it covers into 8 equal length intervals. It may have up to 8 children, where each child node corresponds to one of the 8 sub intervals. If a child node covering an interval is present this implies that there is at least one set member within that interval. This subdivision continues until the bottom of the tree is reached where leaf nodes represent an interval covering 8 values.

Each node is encoded as a single byte. Each of the 8 bits in the byte represent each of the 8 sub intervals covered by the node. If a bit is set it indicates that a child node is present which covers that interval.

The tree can then be serialized to a byte array by placing each node's byte into the array in layer order.

For example, the set {2, 33, 323} can be encoded as a tree of height 3 (A tree of height 2 can encode [0, 63], height 3 can encode [0, 511]).

|- layer 1 -|------ layer 2 --------|----------- layer 3 ---------------|
[ 0b10000100, 0b10001000, 0b10000000, 0b00100000, 0b01000000, 0b00010000]

The first byte 0b10000100 is the root node. Two bits are set which indicates that there are two children. The first child covers all values between 0 and 63 and the second between 320 and 383.

The next two bytes, 0b10001000 and 0b10000000, are the two children of the root node:

  • 0b10001000 indicates that it has children covering values in [0, 7] and in [32, 39].

  • 0b10000000 indicates that it has a single child covering values in [320 - 327]

Finally the last 3 bytes 0b00100000, 0b01000000, 0b00010000 represent the third layer of the tree:

  • 0b00100000 indicates that value 2 is in the set.
  • 0b01000000 indicates that value 32 + 1 = 33 is in the set.
  • 0b00010000 inidcates that value 320 + 3 = 323 is in the set.

COBR Encoding

SparseBitSet's are encoded as a COBR byte string (major type 2).

Object Schemas


ID Field Name Type
0 protocol_version Integer
1 original_font_checksum Integer
2 base_checksum Integer
3 patch_format ArrayOf<Integer>
4 codepoints_have CompressedSet
5 codepoints_needed CompressedSet
6 ordering_checksum Integer
7 indices_have CompressedSet
8 indices_needed CompressedSet

patch_format can include the following values:

Value Patch Format
0 Brotli Shared Dictionary


ID Field Name Type
0 response_type Integer
1 original_font_checksum Integer
2 patch_format Integer
3 patch ByteString
4 patched_checksum Integer
5 codepoint_ordering CompressedList
5 ordering_checksum Integer

response_type can be one of the following values:

Value Response Type


Encodes a list of unsigned integers. The set is ordered and allows duplicate values. Values are encoded as a list of deltas where each delta the difference between the current and previous value in the list. The list [2, 2, 5, 1, 3, 7] would be encoded as [2, 0, 3, -4, 2, 4].

ID Field Name Type
0 value_deltas ArrayOf<Integer>


Encodes a set of unsigned integers. The set is not ordered and does not allow duplicates. Members of the set are encoded into either a sparse bit set or a list of ranges. To obtain the final set the members of the sparse bit set and the list of ranges are unioned together.

The list of ranges is encoded as a series of deltas. For example the ranges

[3, 10], [13, 15], [17, 17] would be encoded as [3, 7, 3, 2, 2, 0].

ID Field Name Type
0 sparse_bit_set SparseBitSet
1 range_deltas ArrayOf<Integer>

Request Behaviour

There are two request types that a client may make. The first is a request for a new font. This type of request is issued when a client has no existing data on a font. The second type is a request to augment a font the client already has. This request typically results in a patch being sent by the server (though not always).

New Font Request

For a new font request the client can send it as either a HTTP POST or GET request.


If sent as a POST request the post body will be a single PatchRequest object encoded via CBOR. All fields of PatchRequest should be left unset except for:

  • PatchRequest.codepoints_needed:
    This field should be populated with the set of unicode codepoints which the client requires data for.

  • PatchRequest.patch_format:
    This field should be populated with the set of patch formats that this client is capable of decoding. If this field is not specified the server may choose the encoding.


If sent as a GET request the client will include a single query parameter

  • request:
    The value is a single PatchRequest object encoded via CBOR and then via Base64 (TODO(garretrieger): add specifics for the variant of base64). The PatchRequest object uses the same fields as with a POST request.

Patch Font Request

Patch font requests can only be POST requests. The post body will be a single PatchRequest object encoded via CBOR. The fields of PatchRequest should be set as follows:

  • PatchRequest.original_font_checksum:
    Set to the most recent value of original_font_checksum provided by a previous response from the server for this particular font.

  • PatchRequest.base_checksum:
    Set to the checksum of the client’s most recent copy of the font.

  • PatchRequest.patch_format:
    This field should be populated with the set of patch formats that this client is capable of decoding. If this field is not specified the server may choose the encoding.

If the server has previously provided a codepoint_ordering for this font the client should set:

  • PatchRequest.ordering_checksum:
    Set to the most recent value of ordering_checksum provided by a response from the server for this particular font.

  • PatchRequest.indices_have:
    The set of codepoints that are covered by the client’s copy of the font. Specified using indices obtained by applying codepoint reordering to the set of codepoints.

  • PatchRequest.indices_needed:
    The set of codepoints that the clients would like added to it’s copy of the font. Specified using indices obtained by applying codepoint reordering to the set of codepoints.

If the server has not previously provided a codepoint_ordering for this font then the codepoints_have and codepoints_needed fields should be used instead. Note: it is permitted for a client which has been provided with a codepoint_ordering to also use these two fields. If both are provided the server will union the index set and codepoint set together.

  • PatchRequest.codepoints_have:
    The set of codepoints that are covered by the client’s copy of the font.

  • PatchRequest.codepoints_needed:
    The set of codepoints that the clients would like added to it’s copy of the font.

Transfer Encoding

The client can opt to use whatever transfer encoding for the HTTP request that the server supports. Particularly code point/index sets have been shown to benefit from additional compression.

Response Behaviour

Corresponding with the two types of requests from clients, the server has two main response types: a new font or a patch to an existing font.

New Font Response

If the client asks for a new font the server will respond with a single PatchResponse object encoded via COBR:

  • PatchResponse.response_type:
    Set to REBASE.

  • PatchResponse.original_font_checksum:
    The checksum computed for the full unmodified original font.

  • PatchResponse.patch:
    A subset of the original font on the codepoints requested by the client in the codepoints_needed field.

  • PatchResponse.patched_checksum:
    The checksum computed for the subsetted font, prior to compression.

  • PatchResponse.patch_format:
    The compression format used to encode the PatchResponse.patch.

  • PatchResponse.codepoint_ordering:
    The server must provide a codepoint reordering which the client can use to communicate codepoint sets back to the server. See codepoint reordering for details. The server is free to chose the mapping, but the mapping must use only code points in the font and must map all codepoints in the font.

  • PatchResponse.ordering_checksum:
    Checksum for the codepoint ordering. See codepoint reordering for details.

If the client receives a new font response it should replace any version of the font it currently has with the contents of the PatchResponse.patch (after uncompressing with the specified decoder). Also PatchResponse.original_font_checksum and PatchResponse.codepoint_ordering, and PatchResponse.codepoint_ordering_checksum should be saved as they are needed for future requests.

Patch Existing Font Response

If the client asks for a patch to an existing font, the server will respond with:

  • PatchResponse.response_type:
    Set to PATCH.

  • PatchResponse.original_font_checksum:
    The checksum computed for the full unmodified original font.

  • PatchResponse.patch:
    A patch which when applied to the subset specified by the union of codepoints_have/indices_have will produce the subset specified by the union of codepoints_have/indices_have and codepoints_needed/indices_needed. Patch encoding may use one of several formats. The format chosen should be specified by PatchResponse.patch_format.

  • PatchResponse.patched_checksum:
    The checksum computed for the subset specified by the union of codepoints_have/indices_have and codepoints_needed/indices_needed. Prior to any compression.

  • PatchResponse.patch_format:
    The patch format used to encode the PatchResponse.patch.

  • PatchResponse.codepoint_ordering:
    May be optionally set if the server wishes to change the codepoint ordering used by the client. Typically this would be needed if the base font has been updated. See codepoint reordering for details.

  • PatchResponse.ordering_checksum:
    If codepoint_ordering is set then this should be set as well. See codepoint reordering for details.

If a client receives a patch response it should apply the patch in PatchResponse.patch to its existing copy of the font. After computing the new version of the font the client should check that the checksum of the patched font matches PatchResponse.patch.patched_checksum. If it does not, follow the behaviour in exceptional cases.

Also PatchResponse.original_font_checksum, PatchResponse.codepoint_ordering, and PatchResponse.ordering_checksum should be saved if it differs from the values the client currently has saved.

Update Codepoint Ordering Response

In some cases the server may need to inform the client of a new codepoint reordering. For those the server uses the REINDEX response type:

  • PatchResponse.type:
    Set to REINDEX.

  • PatchResponse.original_font_checksum:
    the checksum computed for the full unmodified original font.

  • PatchResponse.patch:
    this is not set for a REINDEX request.

  • PatchResponse.codepoint_ordering:
    a new codepoint reordering for the client to use.

A codepoint reordering response does not contain any patch data, so the client should resend their request but use the new codepoint reordering provided by the response.

Exceptional Cases

The standard requests and responses operate on the assumption that the server can recreate the clients state from the provided information. However, there may be cases where this is not possible. This section describes several types of mismatches that could be encountered and how they are resolved.

Client’s Original Font does not Match Server’s

Over time servers may upgrade the original copies of a font with newer versions. After such an upgrade, clients who have subsets built from the previous versions may contact the server and request a patch against the previous version of the font.

The server will detect this case by checking that PatchRequest.original_font_checksum matches the checksum of the current version of the font. If a mismatch is detected there are two possible resolutions:

  • Honor the request. Possible if the server has maintained data on previous versions of the font, and the provided checksum matches a previous version. The server may then compute a patch between the old version of the font and the new version of the font with any additional codepoints requested by the client. In this case the server should respond with a PATCH response. The response should set PatchResponse.original_font_checksum to the checksum of the new version of the font. Additionally it may be necessary to send a new codepoint ordering if the set of codepoints covered by the font has changed.

  • Update the client to the new font. If the server is unable to match the provided checksum to any version of the font it has, then a REBASE response should be sent instead which will instruct the client to replace the version they have with the newer version. Future patch requests will succeed.

Client’s Base does not Match Server’s

Over time servers may upgrade or change the way they compute subsets of fonts. This could result in the base font that a server computes not matching the base font that a client has. This case can be detected by the server by comparing PatchRequest.base_checksum to the checksum for the base that the server computed. If there is a mismatch the server should respond with a REBASE instead of the usual PATCH. This will instruct the client to drop the base they currently have and replace it with the full font provided by REBASE. Future patch requests will succeed.

Client Codepoint Reordering does not Match Servers

The codepoint mapping used by the client may not be recognized by the server. This case can be detected by comparing PatchRequest.ordering_checksum to a checksum of the server’s codepoint reordering. If there is a mismatch the server should respond with a REINDEX response. Upon receiving a REINDEX response the client should resend their request using the new code point reordering specified in the REINDEX response.

Client Side Patched Base Checksum Mismatch

After a client receives a PATCH response and computes a new version of the font the client should compare the checksum of the new font to PatchResponse.patch.patched_checksum. If they differ, the client should discard the response and resend the request as a new font request. Upon receiving a new copy of the font the client can replace any existing data it has for that font.

Cmap Format 4 Overflow

In some cases the cmap subtable 4 of a subsetted version of a font may not actually fit within the size limit for a cmap subtable format 4. If this case is encountered, the server should recompute the subset but retain the full original cmap format 4 table. Any glyphs which would have normally be excluded from the subset should be replaced with empty, no outline glyphs. The server can then respond as per normal with either a PATCH or REBASE.

Error Cases

Font Not Found

If the server does not recognize the font identifier specified by the client then it should respond with HTTP Status Code 404.

Bad Request

If the server is unable to decode the request protobuf from the client, it should respond with HTTP Status Code 400.

Internal Error

If the server encounters some type of internal error for an otherwise valid request, it should respond with HTTP Status Code 500.

Additional Information

Codepoint Reordering

A codepoint reordering defines a reordering function which maps unicode codepoint values to a continuous space of [0, number of codepoints in the original font]. This transformation is intended to reduce the cost of representing codepoint sets.

A codepoint ordering is specified by:

  • PatchResponse.codepoint_ordering:
    A list which contains all codepoint values found in the original font. The new value for a codepoint is it's index into this list.

  • PatchResponse.ordering_checksum:
    A checksum of the mapping. Should be reproducible for an identical mapping and thus stable over time. Details of the algorithm for computing the checksum are defined in the next section.

Computing Codepoint Reordering Checksum

Since this checksum needs to be reproducible across different architectures, all operations below must be done with the integers converted to be little endian.

To compute the checksum of a codepoint reordering:

  1. Serialize the mapping into memory in the following form.

    struct {
      uint32_t num_deltas;
      int32_t deltas[num_deltas];
  2. Then use the standard checksuming function to compute a checksum on the bytes.

Recommend Reordering Algorithm

The server implementation is free to use whatever codepoint re-ordering it wants. Experiments have shown that re-ordering codepoints from highest frequency of occurence to lowest generally results in compact sets. However, it's likely this can be improved upon with more research.

Computing Checksums

Clients and servers must be able to compute the same checksums given the same set of bytes. 64 bit checksums will be used, as that will provide sufficient protection against collisions. farmhash::Fingerprint(farmhash::Fingerprint64()) (source) should be used to compute the checksums.

Patch and Compression Formats

The following patch and/or compression formats can be used:

Format Encode patch? Compress new base?
Brotli Shared Dictionary Yes Yes

Rationale for Technical Decisions

Stateful versus Stateless Approach

This design uses a stateless approach where the client includes it’s full state in every request. This has overhead cost associated with it for every request. To eliminate this cost a stateful approach could have been used in which the server maintains information on each individual clients state. However, the stateful approach was rejected because:

  • A stateful service is significantly more complicated to run. Adding state requires complex additional components such as a client id system, backend database, and sticky load balancing and/or sharding. Given one of the primary goals of progressive font enrichment is to make the technology easily accessible to anyone hosting fonts this adds an unnecessary burden to service operators.

Serialization Format

Several data serialization formats where evaluated for use in the protcol. CBOR was selected because it best met the needs of this specific use case. For details on the evaluation criteria and other serialization formats considered see the evaluation.

Checksum Function

The checksum function used needs to have a few properties:

  • Relatively fast.
  • 64 bit size.
  • Stable (ie. will always produce the same result for the same input).
  • Open source.
  • Low probability of collisions.
  • Does not need to be cryptographically secure for this usage.

Since we don’t require it to be cryptographically secure and want it to be relatively fast we can rule out using something like SHA-2 or SHA-3.

FarmHash checksum functions meet the above criteria so was chosen.

However, it is not standardized. So for standardization it may be desirable to select a different checksum function which is standardized.

Codepoint Reordering

An experiment on encoding sets efficiently found that reordering unicode code points before encoding could significantly reduce the number of bytes needed to describe a set of code points (up to 70% size reduction). Based on those findings a mechanism for the server to provide a codepoint reordering has been provided in the protocol (see the CodepointReordering message).

In this design the specific reordering is left up to the server implementation. This allows room for further experimentation and optimization without locking the implementation to a specific reordering scheme.

Even for fonts with a small number of codepoints a codepoint reordering should still be sent. The reordering serves an additional purpose in that it informs the client of which codepoints are actually in the font. This can eliminate future requests for codepoints the font does not have.

Compressed Sets and Lists

Multiple approaches to efficiently encode sets was explored here. The choice of using a combination of a sparse bit set and a range list is based on the findings of that experiment.


Need to add information about/consider adding:

  • Consider re-introducing codepoint grouping as part of the reordering. It was dropped because the simulation showed overhead with just reordering was acceptable.
  • Specify mime types for request and responses.
  • How to handle subsetting layout offset overflow. (Similar to CMAP4).
  • Retain glyph ids, should this be requested in the request? At least mention that it is desirable for the server to do this in many cases.
  • FarmHash is not standardized, may want to replace it with a standardized hashing function.