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Wajez Utils

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A bunch of handy functions used to build other Wajez packages.



yarn add wajez-utils


npm i --save wajez-utils

Generating Random Data

generate :: Schema -> (() -> *)

The function generate takes a Schema and returns a function which when called will return some random data based on the given schema.

Schemas can be defined using the following functions:

string :: {minLength: Number, maxLength: Number, match: Regex, choices: [String]} -> Schema
number :: {min: Number, max: Number} -> Schema
boolean :: () -> Schema
buffer :: () -> Schema
date :: {min: Date, max: Date} -> Schema
array :: {schema: Schema, minLength: Number, maxLangth: Number} -> Schema
object :: {*: Schema} -> Schema

Here are some examples:

const U = require('wajez-utils')

// Generate Strings
const anyString = U.generate(U.string())
const yesOrNo = U.generate(U.string({choices: ['yes', 'no']}))
const email = U.generate(U.string({match: /[a-z0-9._+-]{1,20}@[a-z0-9]{3,15}\.[a-z]{2,4}/}))
const lessThen20Chars = U.generate(U.string({maxLength: 20}))

// @RAJPF1y#FqM%!U(8ESsnr@PMM*c03NN^GRFwPY6*hhWNuwf
// no
// h8mtue4vwr9@1nop1vu72qg.spjm
// ^CRYr@bP

// Generate Numbers
const anyNumber = U.generate(U.number())
const rating = U.generate(U.number({min: 1, max: 5}))

// -46
// 4

// Generate Booleans
const anyBoolean = U.generate(U.boolean())
// true
// false

// Generate Dates
const anyDate = U.generate(
const inTheFuture = U.generate({min: new Date()}))

// 2018-10-11T02:09:58.000Z
// 2018-10-31T01:46:48.000Z

// Generate Buffers
const anyBuffer = U.generate(U.buffer())
// <Buffer 4d 6f 26 40 69 29 26 4c 77 28 44 58 52 23 74>

// Generate unique values
const uniqueNumber = U.generate(U.unique(U.number()))
uniqueNumber() // 15
uniqueNumber() // -35
uniqueNumber() // 49

// Generate Objects & Arrays
const person = U.object({
  name: U.string({maxLength: 50}),
  age: U.number({min: 0})

const project = U.object({
  name: U.string({maxLength: 25}),
  language: U.string({choices: ['javascript', 'c++', 'php', 'python']})

// schemas are composable!
const developer = U.object({
  ... person.fields,
  projects: U.array(project, {maxLength: 10})

const newDeveloper = U.generate(developer)

// {
//   "name":"9dMK&KKg@&mKPHDr6L]Md6HL$jqGAA]Z",
//   "age":-741,
//   "projects": [{
//     "name":"xZL2YPl9eW]dsKYOQZB",
//     "language":"python"
//   },{
//     "name":")jE&17",
//     "language":"php"
//   }]
// }

Generating Mongoose Model

The schema of a mongoose model can be defined using the model function:

model :: MongooseModel -> Schema
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const {Schema} = mongoose
const U = require('wajez-utils')

const Username = {
  type: String,
  match: /[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]{5,20}/

const User = mongoose.model('User', new Schema({
  name: {
    type: String,
    minLength: 3,
    maxLength: 25,
    match: /^[a-z ]+$/
  picture: Buffer,
  since: {
    type: Date,
    max: new Date()
  rating: {
    type: Number,
    min: 0,
    max: 5
  links: {
    facebook: Username,
    twitter: Username,
    github: Username

const generateUser = U.generate(U.model(User))

// {
//   name: 'gwyvehx raxilunaetkwdzwdwcpwdrpqvp mwpbcxwpku',
//   picture: <Buffer 2a 42 78 71 55 57 38 31 79 30 34 49 39 4b 36 70>,
//   since: 2018-02-12T04:31:15.000Z,
//   rating: 2,
//   links: {
//     facebook: 'VeBL6e-pU',
//     twitter: 'gKGLqLV',
//     github: 'vhIC6BDLvNf4MuHOj_'
//   }
// }

Seeding a Mongoose Database

The function seed can be used to fill a mongodb database with random data based on mongoose models.

seed :: {model1: Number, model2: Number, ...} -> [Relation] -> Promise(*)

The first argument of seed is an object associating each model name to the number of records to generate and insert. The second argument is an array of relations.

Relations can be defined using the functions oneOne, oneMany and manyMany.

oneOne(sourceModel, sourceField, targetModel, targetField)
oneMany(sourceModel, sourceField, targetModel, targetField)
manyMany(sourceModel, sourceField, targetModel, targetField)

Here is a full example

const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const {Schema} = mongoose
const {seed, oneOne, oneMany, manyMany} = require('./src')

mongoose.Promise = global.Promise

const User = mongoose.model('User', new Schema({
  posts: [{
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'Post'
  profile: {
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'Profile'
  name: String

const Profile = mongoose.model('Profile', new Schema({
  picture: Buffer

const Post = mongoose.model('Post', new Schema({
  writer: {
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'User'
  tags: [{
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'Tag'
  title: String,
  content: String

const Tag = mongoose.model('Tag', new Schema({
  name: String,
  posts: [{
    type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    ref: 'Post'

  User: 3,
  Profile: 3,
  Post: 5,
  Tag: 4
}, [
  oneOne('User', 'profile', 'Profile', null),
  oneMany('User', 'posts', 'Post', 'writer'),
  manyMany('Post', 'tags', 'Tag', 'posts')
.then(data => {

// {
//   "User": [
//     {
//       "posts": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ed",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ee",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ef"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2e7",
//       "profile": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ea",
//       "name": "7MthPn7WA)!3y@SjHigl]vFAK&xRo9FfsdMF)dK]#t#HiF@^s^wvFns",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "posts": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f0",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f1"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2e8",
//       "profile": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2eb",
//       "name": "B]([^8*k6padMySnAI1MS%FX^LoLXAHbE&S)OmXw",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "posts": [],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2e9",
//       "profile": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ec",
//       "name": "!w3I84iTXYtSJdmVJX]c1[d6#*16nd1mqMiDP)g^&o6R053RnNcyxYr0c*5^X18St6RsquCAorFq)KlHWs",
//       "__v": 0
//     }
//   ],
//   "Profile": [
//     {
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ea",
//       "picture": {
//         "type": "Buffer",
//         "data": [52, 53, 97, 105, 67, 114, 42, 99, 41, 118, 40, 38, 42, 35, 78]
//       },
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2eb",
//       "picture": {
//         "type": "Buffer",
//         "data": [51, 98, 78, 33, 76, 86]
//       },
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ec",
//       "picture": {
//         "type": "Buffer",
//         "data": [69, 69, 48, 37, 66, 87, 33, 83, 93, 89, 38, 67, 82]
//       },
//       "__v": 0
//     }
//   ],
//   "Post": [
//     {
//       "tags": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f2",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f4"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ed",
//       "writer": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2e7",
//       "title": "3F]K8JQnIXsne(whhGn%U*YyrA0vC^pC%pxhKwGU]FAivdhDznMri*Ip&]HT1nY[%DpDegCoBW",
//       "content": "rp",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "tags": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f3",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f5"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ee",
//       "writer": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2e7",
//       "title": "^8Nkp8B)JHu(YV0s**InJof@J!JGBhlYy6wuQCc#sb^d[K)C]b8jg)PnEDxF#[JFT#]ABT4x%vgWw8CWssemwvmODFSJVdd",
//       "content": "D3cdhdg)hO$@ydIx)T!!St1vy!BfYP1TK2A5$#$g*@o)Qk(xF78a8V5H(QdgokP08&A(mf*tmER6PzoNi(6CeXxn$W%V",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "tags": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f2",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f3"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ef",
//       "writer": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2e7",
//       "title": "C[dbHT!DaP9KTi3qWpbWYLqIMzZOJE9p[](M0cNnDmnc7h%p#)vzcU%O%l2Dq8YIx0f5eLZe(vFFV#72k0dP6",
//       "content": "(#q#xY)osPBQOTb27h$jPYh[hq38lm37XO$ZZh&zb!zF!2^",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "tags": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f2",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f3",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f4"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f0",
//       "writer": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2e8",
//       "title": "xGVK&Z%Pf%t@kkozDez[VTedKekVqdnHFj]JnuD@FbrW2R9dhLGIu(oShe9ngv]RY0sV4l!u&tXNh%S@Bl8n**)A0ArOblrEh",
//       "content": "tcNQ$I4oh#fqv2xrh]ioCMQKYB8eXI#IA9xuz4MVDi4*(HKhBe8SIWxTglIR[DAkwWB",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "tags": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f2",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f3",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f4"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f1",
//       "writer": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2e8",
//       "title": "Lsfm!l)QzkeBUnKBnKgrQ4EpeEMPuT@1GRL$(x#2W]WgaS0TQsuuoIgVnJIa3lJIRFWoVXD(dNjn6fDQ0kvRc&1oEqm!09",
//       "content": "iN7J[oJh7TDI#&*XX6qK7no!9^OwcQdGlMzcjueDVKwQQrAJIIXENvgHHlx3gfLjo%)&btAqGfLJqz",
//       "__v": 0
//     }
//   ],
//   "Tag": [
//     {
//       "posts": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ed",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ef",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f0",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f1"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f2",
//       "name": "MhT4[w1cVzrNc(%cgJq%A*GknXU%[r7y%#vi$5MZqQTOwKgEAwno76HDoM5V",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "posts": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ee",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ef",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f0",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f1"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f3",
//       "name": "BQl2c9ozL39^J$Re@H*ida&!5]V",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "posts": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ed",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f0",
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f1"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f4",
//       "name": "vgsHTSPoivaAb^)(vE!33G)P8CdHHeNUiA0DdY9a$JiOKHH!5YZCACC3Y&zHbr64xECMdGxf5]dPi[H",
//       "__v": 0
//     },
//     {
//       "posts": [
//         "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2ee"
//       ],
//       "_id": "5aed2cd384702a2207c3e2f5",
//       "name": "f#(BSFM)Ez749b7IJW5wyyuu$jVgcMRd3NQ7OX0RYXTYoAy",
//       "__v": 0
//     }
//   ]
// }

Converting Data

The function applyConverter can be used to apply a converter on data. A converter is an object which specifies what function to apply on each property of the given data.

We will start with a full example, then explain different ways to use applyConverter.

Full Example

Let's assume I have the following user infos returned from database

const user = {
  _id: 'xxxxxxx',
  _v: 1,
  username: 'webneat',
  password: 'myVerySecurePassword :P',
  profile: {
    _id: 'yyyyyyy',
    _v: 1,
    firstname: 'Amine',
    lastname: 'Ben hammou',
    picture: 'some-url',
  repos: [

I want to transform it into something like this

  username: 'webneat',
  fullName: 'Amine Ben hammou',
  picture: 'some-url',
  repos: [
      name: 'lumen-generators',
      url: ''
      name: 'command',
      url: ''
      name: 'api',
      url: ''

I would simply do the following

const {applyConverter, I} = require('./src')

const fullName = ({profile: {firstname, lastname}}) => firstname + ' ' + lastname
const repo = name => ({
  name: name.split('/')[1],
  url: `${name}`

const convert = applyConverter({
  username: I,
  fullName: fullName,
  picture: _ => _.profile.picture,
  repos: repo

// {
//   username: 'webneat',
//   fullName: 'Amine Ben hammou',
//   picture: 'some-url',
//   repos: [
//     { name: 'lumen-generators', url: '' },
//     { name: 'command', url: '' },
//     { name: 'api', url: '' }
//   ]
// }

Converter can be a Function

When given a Function as converter, applyConverter will simply apply that function on the value and return the result.

applyConverter(x => x + 1, 5) // 6

Converter can be an Object

When given an object of functions, it will try to apply each function to the corresponding attribute on the value.

const addOne = _ => _ + 1
const triple = _ => _ * 3

const value = { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }

applyConverter({ x: triple, y: addOne }, value) // {x: 3, y: 3}

Note that since the key z is not mentioned in the converter, it's not included in the result.

Converter maps over Arrays

When applying a converter to an array, it's applied to each item of the array

const sum = ({x, y}) => x + y

const values = [
  { x: 1, y: 2 },
  { x: 3, y: 4 },
  { x: 5, y: 6 },

applyConverter({a: sum}, values) // [{a: 3}, {a: 7}, {a: 11}]

An Array of converters is a converter

const addOne = _ => _ + 1
const triple = _ => _ * 3
const sum = ({x, y}) => x + y

const value = {x: 1, y: 2}

    {x: addOne, y: triple},
) // 8

Converters are recursive

When defining a converter as object, are applied as converters, so they can be functions, objects of converters or array of converters.

const value = {
  x: {
    a: 1,
    y: {
      z: 2

applyConverter({x: {y: {z: addOne}}}, value) // {x: {y: {z: 3}}}


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