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Releases: wallaby-rails/wallaby-rails

Added Mode to allow Wallaby to pick up multiple ORM adaptors

13 May 18:57
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  1. Added concept Mode to allow Wallaby to pick up multiple ORM adaptors apart from ActiveRecord
  2. Caching improvements:
    • Cached compiled ERB template (not for development)
    • Most Rails cache implementation for delete_match takes string instead of regex
    • Cached Calculations for finding a subclass
  3. Resolve an issue when a file under /app folder is not following Rails convention (e.g. class CSV in csv.rb) or if it is a module declaration under concerns folder, it raises load error on booting up Rails server

Ensure support for mysql and sqlite

04 May 19:05
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  1. Fixed an issue for loading irregular classes/files under /app folder
  2. Ensure to support mysql and sqlite

Use model class throughout a request and some bugfixes

24 Apr 02:15
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  1. Used model class to dispatch requests to controllers
  2. Fixed sorting / remove link for custom fields on index page table headers
  3. Added types email and color for index/show/form
  4. Ensure all hashes used for fields is instance of HashWithIndifferentAccess

Add major features (cancancan/sorting) and supports all postgres types

11 Apr 17:58
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  1. Used Rails cache for caching subclasses
  2. Added support for CanCanCan (authorization)
  3. Added support for all Postgres types
  4. Added support for sorting
  5. Added model servicer to take away the responsibilities (collection/find/initialize) for model decorator and extract all actions for resource controller

Really Resolved Autoload issue

03 Feb 09:40
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  1. Resolved Autoload issue

Resolved Autoload

03 Feb 08:14
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  1. Resolved Autoload
  2. Reduced view path set and speeded up page render
  3. Broke down resources_helper into styling_helper/links_helper/form_helper
  4. Added partial for type inet


18 Jan 00:55
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  1. Basic search for collection
  2. Kaminari pagination for collection.
  3. Basic flash message.
  4. Authentication. It can be configured.
  5. Basic form errors