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Description of example Terraform code

apopova edited this page Jun 1, 2022 · 1 revision

The Terraform code should be pretty self-explanatory. Only parts performing the deployment and autoscaling of Wallarm filtering nodes are provided below.

Configuration of Wallarm node deployment

Deployment settings are performed in the wallarm_launch_config object of the file. In the current example the code performs the following operations on a freshly started node:

  1. Create local files /etc/nginx/key.pem and /etc/nginx/cert.pem holding a self-signed SSL certificate and its private key. In production use, the files should be replaced with real SSL certificate and private key data.

  2. Create local file /etc/nginx/sites-available/default with the configuration of web resources to be protected. In this example the system will define for the following properties:

    • HTTP and HTTPS server configuration blocks as the default proxy servers for all incoming requests
    • A health check endpoint defined as /healthcheck and it always returns an HTTP status code 200
    • Proxy all incoming HTTP and HTTPS requests to the DNS name of the Wordpress ELB instance as defined in Terraform variable ${aws_elb.wp_elb.dns_name}
  3. Run a set of commands to configure the filtering node (described in the runcmd block):

    • Add the new node to the Wallarm Cloud
    • Test the configuration and start a local NGINX instance

Configuration of Wallarm node autoscaling

Autoscaling settings are performed in the following object of the file:

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "wallarm_waf_asg" {
  lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true }

  name                 = "tf-wallarm-demo-waf-asg-${}"
  launch_configuration = "${}"
  min_size             = "2"
  max_size             = "5"
  min_elb_capacity     = "2"
  availability_zones   = [var.az_a]
  vpc_zone_identifier  = ["${}"]
  target_group_arns = [ "${aws_lb_target_group.wallarm_asg_target_http.arn}", "${aws_lb_target_group.wallarm_asg_target_https.arn}"

  enabled_metrics = [
  metrics_granularity = "1Minute"

  tag {
      key                 = "Name"
      value               = "tf-wallarm-demo-waf-node"
      propagate_at_launch = true
  • Enabled CloudWatch metrics (enabled_metrics statement) are required for automatic scaling of the ASG size depending on CPU load. You can omit this part if you plan to use a fixed amount of Wallarm nodes in the ASG.
  • Autoscaling policies wallarm_policy_up and wallarm_policy_down (and associated CloudWatch metric alarms) are defining CPU usage thresholds and periods which will trigger ASG up or down scaling activities.
  • Configuration statement lifecycle { create_before_destroy = true } defines that should there be a need to introduce a change in the Wallarm cluster's configuration Terraform will first create a new set of Launch Configuration and ASG objects, verify that new filtering nodes have been recognized by the associated load balancer as healthy (statement min_elb_capacity), and only after that remove old Launch Configuration and ASG resources. The approach guarantees that new Wallarm node configuration changes can be rollout out with no interruption to the traffic flow.
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