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retrieve short answers to questions based on the Webs with redundant data.

Query Reformulation:

rewrite the sentence:

  1. split the words
  2. choose keywords and ANDing them

assign weight to the strings

“associated weights manually” in paper Better way?

N-Gram Mining

put the reformulated parse into search engine and get the summary of web page
extract(In Watson's implementation, the passage returned is evaluated within an 20-word window, shifting 6 words at a time) unigrams, bigrams and trigrams and then score them respectively based on the weight specified aforehand.(say, “eat an apple” wins 5 points)
sum the n-grams across all the summaries individually
(say, “eat an apple” appears 3 times in 3 unique summaries, then the final score is 5 * 3 = 15)

First, find the known named entity in the database from the relation argument string using a step called entity disambiguation and matching.

N-Gram Filtering

assign question types to the query
decide the collection of filters (How?)
rescore the n-gram according to their feature relevant to the filter

N-Gram Tiling

greedily merges similar answers and assembles longer answers from overlapping smaller answer fragments
(say, the best answer for now is A*, if n-gram B can merge into A*, then AU B = B is optimal; if not, keep the one with a larger score).

return the answer


Train a decision tree to judge whether to answer or not.
Train another decision tree to judge whether a correct answer appears in the top 5 answers

File Description

File Name(.py) Usage
search main function, including the input and output to the system
query define class Qeury
engine define class Search Engine, so that it will return summaries after inputting a query
filter reweight each n-gram with the certain query and n-gram set
tile greedily tile all the n-grams until exit

Question Discription

All_pairs: Full context of all our collected pairs
good_pairs are the pairs we used for evaluation
bad_pairs are the pairs that our QA system didn't perform quite well on, we shall leave it for future work.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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