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Docker Cheatsheet Commands

Cleaning up

$ docker-compose down # Stops instances
$ docker-compose rm -v # Removes stopped containers & volumes
$ docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
$ docker images # Lists all images
$ docker rmi 4b5361dd1869 <--- docker image
$ docker system prune # Removes stopped containers, dangling images, and build caches


$ docker-compose build --no-cache # Recreates images
$ docker-compose up --force-recreate # Recreates containers


$ docker ps
$ docker images
$ docker container ls
$ docker volume ls (bind mounts will not show up in this list)

docker compose

$ docker-compose up #already built
$ docker-compose up --build

Entering container's command line Find container id with docker ps first

$ docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash

remove or stop docker

$ docker images -a
$ docker stop ImageId
$ docker stop wtt_server wtt_front treedbdocker
$ docker stop 06f3b2498fdc
$ docker rmi Image
$ docker rmi -f 06f3b2498fdc  1f1bd4302537
$ docker-compose rm -fv

Access locally running PSQL server

$ HOST_IP=docker.for.mac.localhost PSQL_PORT=5435 docker-compose up --build

NOTE: If on Windows use: host.docker.internal in place of docker.for.mac.localhost