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Wavefront App Metrics Reporter NuGet

This package provides support for reporting metrics recorded by App Metrics to Wavefront via proxy or direct ingestion.

Frameworks Supported

  • .NET Standard (>= 2.0)


Install the NuGet package.

Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package Wavefront.AppMetrics.SDK.CSharp

.NET CLI Console

> dotnet add package Wavefront.AppMetrics.SDK.CSharp

Set Up App Metrics with Wavefront

This SDK adds Wavefront integrations to App Metrics, allowing for the reporting of metrics and histograms to Wavefront.

The steps for creating an App Metrics IMetrics instance that reports to Wavefront are:

  1. Create a MetricsBuilder instance.
  2. Create an IWavefrontSender instance for sending data to Wavefront.
  3. Use the MetricsBuilder to configure reporting to Wavefront using the IWavefrontSender.
  4. Use the MetricsBuilder to build an IMetrics instance.

For the details of each step, see the sections below.

1. Create a Builder for IMetrics

An App Metrics IMetrics object serves as an interface for storing and reporting metrics and histograms. We create a builder to configure and build an IMetrics instance.

// Create a builder instance for App Metrics
var metricsBuilder = new MetricsBuilder();

You can optionally configure IMetrics using configuration options that can be accessed via the builder. See App Metrics documentation on this subject for more details.

2. Set Up an IWavefrontSender

An IWavefrontSender object implements the low-level interface for sending data to Wavefront. You can choose to send data to Wavefront using either the Wavefront proxy or direct ingestion.

Note: If you are using multiple Wavefront C# SDKs, see Sharing an IWavefrontSender for information about sharing a single IWavefrontSender instance across SDKs.

3. Configure Reporting to Wavefront

To enable reporting of metrics and histograms to Wavefront, you must configure the MetricsBuilder to use the IWavefrontSender.

// Configure the builder instance to report to Wavefront
  options =>
    options.WavefrontSender = BuildWavefrontSender(); // pseudocode; see above
    options.Source = "appServer1"; // optional
    options.WavefrontHistogram.ReportMinuteDistribution = true; // optional

The Wavefront reporter has the following configuration options:

Property Description Required?
WavefrontSender The IWavefrontSender instance that handles sending of data to Wavefront. Y
Source The source of your metrics. Defaults to your local host name. N
WavefrontHistogram.ReportMinuteDistribution Whether to report Wavefront Histograms aggregated into minute intervals. Defaults to false. N
WavefrontHistogram.ReportHourDistribution Whether to report Wavefront Histograms aggregated into hour intervals. Defaults to false. N
WavefrontHistogram.ReportDayDistribution Whether to report Wavefront Histograms aggregated into day intervals. Defaults to false. N
Filter The IFilterMetrics that will be used by this reporter for filtering metrics. N
FlushInterval The interval between flushing metrics. N
ApplicationTags Metadata about your application that will be reported to Wavefront as point tags. N
LoggerFactory The ILoggerFactory that will be used to create internal loggers for this reporter. N
MetricFields Apply a custom MetricFields to rename or filter the default metrics. N

4. Build an IMetrics Instance

After configuring the builder to report to Wavefront, we're ready to build our IMetrics instance.

var metrics = metricsBuilder.Build();

Running the Reporter

If you have an ASP.NET Core application, refer to these instructions on how to schedule reporting.

Alternatively, you can manually run your configured reporter(s) using the ReportRunner in your IMetrics instance:

await metrics.ReportRunner.RunAllAsync();

Or you can use the AppMetricsTaskScheduler to schedule reporting:

var scheduler = new AppMetricsTaskScheduler(
  async () =>
    await Task.WhenAll(metrics.ReportRunner.RunAllAsync());

See App Metrics documentation on reporting for more details.

Types of Data You Can Report to Wavefront

App Metrics supports various metric types. This Wavefront SDK additionally provides a DeltaCounter type and a WavefrontHistogram type.

To create and start reporting a DeltaCounter:

// Configure and instantiate a DeltaCounter using DeltaCounterOptions.Builder.
var myDeltaCounter = new DeltaCounterOptions.Builder("myDeltaCounter")
  .Tags(new MetricTags("cluster", "us-west"))

// Increment the counter by 1

// Increment the counter by n
metrics.Measure.Counter.Increment(myDeltaCounter, n);

To create and start reporting a WavefrontHistogram:

// Configure and instantiate a WavefrontHistogram using WavefrontHistogramOptions.Builder.
var myWavefrontHistogram = new WavefrontHistogramOptions.Builder("myWavefrontHistogram")
  .Tags(new MetricTags("cluster", "us-west"))

// Add a value to the histogram
metrics.Measure.Histogram.Update(myWavefrontHistogram, myValue);