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File metadata and controls

51 lines (45 loc) · 2.26 KB

We will be releasing one more point release (0.10.x) followed by 1.0. While the following reflects our current thinking, critical bugs may alter it somewhat.


  • No breaking changes to the Gemfile are expected
  • We expect to modify the format of Gemfile.lock.
    • This should be the final change; it will not change for 1.0
    • The Gemfile.lock generated by 0.9 will continue to work until 1.0
    • If you use Bundler 0.10, we will transparently update the format
    • This means: you will not be able to upgrade a locked app directly from 0.9 to 1.0.
  • Bundler 0.10 will automatically generate Gemfile.lock when any resolve is successful.
  • bundle install will conservatively update Gemfile.lock from the last successful resolve if the Gemfile has been modified since the last use of bundler.
    • This means that adding a new gem to the Gemfile that does not conflict with existing gems will not force an update of other gems.
    • This also means that we will not force an update to previously resolved dependencies as long as they are compatible with some valid version of the new dependency.
    • When removing a gem, bundle install will simply remove it, without recalculating all dependencies.
  • We will be adding bundle update for the case where you -do- wish to re-resolve all dependencies and update everything to the latest version.
    • bundle update will also take a gem name, if you want to force an update to just a single gem (and its dependencies).
  • Add a way to install dependencies that require build options
  • Add a way to specify groups that are opt-in at install-time, rather than opt-out.
  • Some additional features that we have tagged for 0.10. For up to date information, please visit


  • No breaking changes to the Gemfile are expected
  • No breaking changes to the Gemfile.lock are expected
  • No major changes to the workflow are expected
  • Reduce open bug count to 0
  • Some additional features that require more thought. For details, see

No Breaking changes

We expect no breaking changes of the Gemfile, Gemfile.lock, or basic workflow for 1.x releases.