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A package for building Browser Extension with Blazor WebAssembly application.


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You can now easily build a browser extension with Blazor!


Blazor Browser Extension Demo

How to use this package

Important for v0.*.*:
This package is still in pre-release stage so the versioning does not comply with semantic versioning. Feature and bug fix increments the patch version and breaking change increments the minor version. So be sure to check the release note before upgrading between minor version.

This package imports two other packages, which are:

  1. WebExtensions.Net - Provides interop for WebExtensions standard API.
  2. Blazor.BrowserExtension.Build (in this repository) - Adds build target and tasks to the project.

Create new project

  1. Run dotnet new --install Blazor.BrowserExtension.Template.
  2. Run dotnet new browserext --name <ProjectName> to initialize a new project with the template.
  3. Change the working directory into the newly created project directory.
  4. Run dotnet build to build the project.

If you are using Visual Studio, you can do all these from the UI, like how I did in the demo above (once you have enabled showing .Net Core templates in the New project dialog).

Setup existing project

  1. Install NuGet package Blazor.BrowserExtension.
  2. Add <BrowserExtensionBootstrap>true</BrowserExtensionBootstrap> under the <PropertyGroup> node in your .csproj project file to automatically setup the project files to be compatible for building into browser extension.
  3. Build the project.

Manual Setting Up

You can setup the project manually as well, if for some reason you encounter any problem with the bootstrapping step above.

  1. Add a new file manifest.json under the wwwroot folder. An example of minimal manifest.json file:
      "manifest_version": 2,
      "name": "My Blazor Extension",
      "description": "My browser extension built with Blazor WebAssembly",
      "version": "0.1",
      "background": {
        "page": "background.html",
        "persistent": true
      "content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval' 'wasm-eval' 'sha256-v8v3RKRPmN4odZ1CWM5gw80QKPCCWMcpNeOmimNL2AA='; object-src 'self'",
      "web_accessible_resources": [
  2. Add the following to the .csproj file to make sure that all the files under wwwroot will always be copied to the output.
        <None Include="wwwroot\**\*" CopyToOutputDirectory="Always" />
  3. In wwwroot/index.html replace the script tag <script src="_framework/blazor.webassembly.js"></script> with <script src="BrowserExtensionScripts/Core.js"></script>
  4. In Pages/Index.razor replace the first line @page "/" with the following lines:
    @page "/index.html"
    @inherits Blazor.BrowserExtension.Pages.IndexPage
  5. Add a Background.razor file under Pages folder (Right click on the Pages folder and select Add → Razor Component), with the following content:
    @page "/background.html"
    @inherits Blazor.BrowserExtension.Pages.BackgroundPage
    @using WebExtensions.Net.Tabs
    @code {
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            await base.OnInitializedAsync();
            // this opens index.html in the extension as a new tab when the background page is loaded
            var extensionUrl = await WebExtensions.Runtime.GetURL("index.html");
            await WebExtensions.Tabs.Create(new CreateProperties()
                url = extensionUrl
  6. Add the following into Program.cs file.
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        // workaround to use JavaScript fetch to bypass url validation
        // see:
        builder.Services.AddScoped<HttpClient>(sp => new JsHttpClient(sp) { BaseAddress = new Uri(builder.HostEnvironment.BaseAddress) });
        builder.Services.AddBrowserExtensionServices(options =>
            options.ProjectNamespace = typeof(Program).Namespace;

Change initialization behaviour

The following properties can be set to change the behaviour of the core scripts.

Variable Name Description
ImportBrowserPolyfill Set to false to disable importing of the browser polyfill script.
Default: true
StartBlazorBrowserExtension Set to false to prevent auto initialization of Blazor. Use BlazorBrowserExtension.InitializeAsync to initialize manually.
Default: true


In wwwroot/index.html

  globalThis.ImportBrowserPolyfill = false;
  globalThis.StartBlazorBrowserExtension = false;
<script src="BrowserExtensionScripts/Core.js"></script>

Build and load extension

Google Chrome

  1. Launch the Extensions page ( ⋮ → More tools → Extensions).
  2. Switch on Developer mode.
  3. Click on the Load unpacked button, then navigate to %ProjectDir%\bin\Debug\net5.0\ and select the foler browserextension.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Launch the Extensions page ( ⋮ → Extensions).
  2. Click on the ☰ and switch on Developer mode.
  3. Click on the button with the title Load unpacked, then navigate to %ProjectDir%\bin\Debug\net5.0\ and select the foler browserextension.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Navigate to the URL about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox
  2. Click on Load Temporary Add-on..., then navigate to %ProjectDir%\bin\Debug\net5.0\browserextension and select any file in the directory.

Debugging locally in IIS Express or Kestrel

  1. Start the Blazor project directly from Visual Studio or dotnet run.
  2. Once the application is loaded, use the Blazor debugging hotkey Shift+Alt+D to launch the debugging console.

Browser Extension features

Add a browser action popup page

Add the following to the manifest.json

"browser_action": {
  "default_popup": "popup.html"

Add a Popup.razor Razor component under Pages folder with the following content.

@page "/popup.html"
@inherits Blazor.BrowserExtension.Pages.BasePage

<h1>My popup page</h1>

Add an extension options page

Add the following to the manifest.json

"options_ui": {
  "page": "options.html",
  "open_in_tab": true

Add a Options.razor Razor component under Pages folder with the following content.

@page "/options.html"
@inherits Blazor.BrowserExtension.Pages.BasePage

<h1>My options page</h1>

Add a content script

Add the following to the manifest.json

"content_scripts": [
    "matches": [ "*://*/*" ],
    "js": [ "BrowserExtensionScripts/ContentScript.js" ]

Add a ContentScript.razor Razor component under Pages folder with the following content.

@page "/contentscript.html"
@inherits Blazor.BrowserExtension.Pages.BasePage

<h1>My content script</h1>

Additional changes are required for content scripts to not have conflict of the element ID of the Blazor root component with any other elements in any pages.

  1. In index.html change the ID app of line <div id="app">Loading...</div> to %SafeProjectName%_app.
  2. In Program.cs change the ID #app of line builder.RootComponents.Add<App>("#app"); to #%SafeProjectName%_app.


Project Name Safe Project Name Element Name
MyProject MyProject MyProject_app
My.Project My_Project My_Project_app
My Project My_Project My_Project_app
My-Project My_Project My_Project_app

In App.razor, add the following if statement to opt out of routing only for content scripts.

@using My.Project.Pages;
@inject IBrowserExtensionEnvironment BrowserExtensionEnvironment

@if (BrowserExtensionEnvironment.Mode == BrowserExtensionMode.ContentScript)
    <Router ...>

Browser Extension API

When you inherit from the BasePage, a few properties are injected for you to consume. This includes the WebExtensions API and Logger. The WebExtensions API is provided by the package WebExtensions.Net, and you can consume the API in a page:

@inherits Blazor.BrowserExtension.Pages.BasePage;

<button @onclick="GetIndexPageUrl">Get index page URL</button>

@code {
    string indexPageUrl = null;
    async Task GetIndexPageUrl()
        indexPageUrl = await WebExtensions.Runtime.GetURL("index.html");

How does routing work

Default routing

The default routing when using this package is physical file routing. When building the project,

  1. all the razor components are processed to get a list of all the physical file routes
  2. the routing entry file (default is index.html, see BrowserExtensionRoutingEntryFile below) is copied to the output directory based on the list of physical file routes

For example, if the Background.razor contains @page "/background.html" and the Options.razor contains @page "/options.html", when the project is built or published, the file index.html will be copied/duplicated to the output directory with the name background.html and options.html.

This is especially useful for browser extensions because the browsers only serve static files, and the presence of these physical files supports the routing when the extension page is reloaded.

Virtual path routing

Routing with virtual path is also supported, however not encouraged due to the requirements.

Virtual path routing means that the routes do not have a corresponding physical file, for example /background or /options. What this means is that when the user tries to reload the page, the browser will return a page not found (404) error.

To overcome this, the background page intercepts every requests that is made to the extension's path, and if any path does not have an extension, it will redirect the request to index.html?path={original path}. This forces the browser to load the index.html and the IndexPage class uses the NavigationManager in Blazor to redirect to the original path.

You can use the @page directive to add route attribute with a virtual path to a Razor page, for example @page "/options".


  1. Background.razor must inherit from the BackgroundPage class.

  2. Index.razor must inherit from the IndexPage class.

  3. The manifest.json must declare the background page with persistent: true and the following permissions

    • *://*/*
    • webRequest
    • webRequestBlocking


    "permissions": [

The background will only intercept the calls if it detects the permissions are declared. When the permissions are not declared in the manifest, the only routing that works is the physical file routing.

Customize build

The following MSBuild properties can be specified in your project file or when running dotnet run, dotnet build and dotnet publish command.

Property Default value Description
BrowserExtensionEnvironment Blazor default: Production The environment name which the Blazor application will run in.
IncludeBrowserExtensionAssets true If set to false, the JavaScript files will not be added to the project.
LinkBrowserExtensionAssetsPath BrowserExtensionScripts The root folder where the JavaScript files should be added as link.
BrowserExtensionBootstrap False If set to True, the project will be bootstrapped during the build.
BuildBlazorToBrowserExtension True If set to False, the Blazor to Browser Extension build target will be skipped.
PublishBlazorToBrowserExtension True If set to False, the Blazor to Browser Extension publish target will be skipped.
BrowserExtensionAssetsPath wwwroot The root folder of the browser extension.
BrowserExtensionOutputPath browserextension The folder of the build/publish output.
BrowserExtensionRoutingEntryFile index.html The HTML entry file for the Blazor application.
BrowserExtensionEnableCompression $(BlazorEnableCompression)
Blazor default: True
If set to True, the .br compressed files will be loaded instead of .dll.

Manifest V3 Support

At the moment, Chromium based browsers (Chrome & Edge) has support for the manifest V3 specification while Firefox's implementation is in progress. However, there is an issue in Chromium where extensions using manifest V3 is not able to run web assembly.

Therefore, manifest V3 is currently not supported for Blazor browser extension projects.

Additional Information

Find out how to build a cross browser extension with the links below:

  1. MDN - Building a cross-browser extension
  2. David Rousset - Creating One Browser Extension For All Browsers: Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Brave And Vivaldi


A package for building Browser Extension with Blazor WebAssembly application.







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