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Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of different applications inside software containers. Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run like: code, system tools, libraries, etc. This process guarantees that the system will always run the same, regardless the environment it is running.

We have created our own fork based on "deviantony" dockerfiles and "xetus-oss" dockerfiles. Thank you, Anthony Lapenna, for your contribution to the community. If you want to contribute to the Wazuh fork, please go to our Docker repository.

The images we created are in the Docker hub. You can install Wazuh with a single-host architecture using a set of Docker images that contains Wazuh Manager, Filebeat, Elasticsearch, Kibana and optionally Nginx. Open Distro for Elasticsearch is fully supported as well.

This section will show you the process of installing and configuring the Wazuh deployment on Docker:

docker-installation wazuh-container container-usage upgrade-guide faq-wazuh-container