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Python library to convert numbers into their Dutch written form


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A Python library to convert numbers into their Dutch (nl) written form.



To install from PyPI:

$ pip install telwoord

There are no dependencies; a Python 2 or Python 3 interpreter is all you need.


Use telwoord.cardinal() to convert an integer to its string representation.

By default, a friendly representation is used, based on some common style recommendations about when to spell out numbers, and when to leave them as is:

>>> from telwoord import cardinal

>>> numbers = (0, 1, 2, 3, 19, 20, 30, 31, 100, 200, 215, 300, 14999, 15000, 1000000, 12345678)

>>> for n in numbers: print("{0: 10d}   {1}".format(n, cardinal(n)))
         0   nul
         1   een
         2   twee
         3   drie
        19   negentien
        20   twintig
        30   dertig
        31   31
       100   honderd
       200   tweehonderd
       215   215
       300   driehonderd
     14999   14999
     15000   15 duizend
   1000000   1 miljoen
  12345678   12345678

To forcibly spell out all the numbers, pass friendly=False:

>>> for n in numbers: print("{0: 10d}   {1}".format(n, cardinal(n, friendly=False)))
         0   nul
         1   een
         2   twee
         3   drie
        19   negentien
        20   twintig
        30   dertig
        31   eenendertig
       100   honderd
       200   tweehonderd
       215   tweehonderdvijftien
       300   driehonderd
     14999   veertienduizend negenhonderdnegenennegentig
     15000   vijftienduizend
   1000000   een miljoen
  12345678   twaalf miljoen driehonderdvijfenveertigduizend zeshonderdachtenzeventig

In addition to cardinal numbers, you can also convert a number into its ordinal string representation using telwoord.ordinal():

>>> from telwoord import ordinal

>>> for n in numbers: print("{0: 10d}   {1}".format(n, ordinal(n)))
         0   nulde
         1   eerste
         2   tweede
         3   derde
        19   negentiende
        20   twintigste
        30   dertigste
        31   31e
       100   honderdste
       200   tweehonderdste
       215   215e
       300   driehonderdste
     14999   14999e
     15000   15 duizendste
   1000000   1 miljoenste
  12345678   12345678e

The telwoord.ordinal() function also takes a friendly argument that works the same way as for telwoord.cardinal().

Spelling rules and style recommendations

Version history

  • 0.4
    • Improved friendly representation for some negative numbers
  • 0.3
    • Implemented support for ordinal numbers
  • 0.2
    • Improved support for friendly representation of negative numbers
  • 0.1
    • Initial release
    • Support for spelling out numbers, optionally in a friendly way


To install from a source tree:

$ pip install -e .

To run the tests you will need a few extra packages:

$ pip install -r test-requirements.txt

To run the tests:

$ py.test

To test against multiple Python versions:

$ tox

Possible future work:

  • Fractions, e.g. "tweederde", "twaalf tachtigste"


Python library to convert numbers into their Dutch written form







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