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File metadata and controls

213 lines (156 loc) · 4.84 KB

Getting Started with UpCloo Framework

The base folder structure is: whatever you want...

We suggest something like this: :

- configs
- src
  - Your
    - Project
      - Namespace
- tests
  - Your
    - Project
      - Namespace
- web
    - js
    - css
    - img

That is similar to a standard ZF2 module.

Your entry point

Into web direction you have to place your single entry point for your application the index.php file. :

// web/index.php

$loader = require __DIR__ . "/../../vendor/autoload.php";
$loader->add("My", __DIR__ . '/../src');

$conf = include __DIR__ . "/../configs/app.php";

$config = new UpCloo\App\Config\ArrayProcessor();

$boot = new UpCloo\App\Boot($config);
$engine = new UpCloo\App\Engine();

$app = new UpCloo\App($engine, $boot);

As you can see the first to line uses the composer autoloader in order to satisfy all your dependencies.

The configuration is loaded through the inclusion. Subsequently we create the application and after that we run it.

Your base configuration

We want to create a json response at the / address. So, we need the router and at least one controller. :

// configs/app.php

return array(
    "router" => array(
        "routes" => array(
            "home" => array(
                "type" => "Literal",
                "options" => array(
                    "route" => "/"
                    'defaults' => array(
                        'controller' => 'My\\NM\\Index',
                        'action' => 'aMethod'
                'may_terminate' => true,
    "services" => array(
        "invokables" => array(
            "My\\NM\\Index" => "My\\NM\\Index",

Now the ActionController

The controller class is simply a POPO definition with just the action declared. :

// src/My/NM/Index.php

namespace My\\NM;

class Index
    public function aMethod()
        return array(
            "hello" => "world"

As you can see the method should return the value that the renderer will serialize into the response.

Test you business logic

The goal of this structure is oriented to testing. For that reason the test section is not optional! :

// tests/My/NM/IndexTest.php

namespace My\\NM;

class IndexTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    private $object;

    public function setUp()
        $this->object = new Index();

    public function testSimpleIndexMethod()
        $oracleData = array(
            "hello" => "world"

        $this->assertEquals($oracleData, $this->object->aMethod());

Obviously this is just a simple action! Before run tests correctly we need to load classes and framework, for that use a bootstrap file. :

// tests/bootstrap.php

$loader = require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; //composer load the framework

$loader->add("My", __DIR__ . '/../src'); //Your source
$loader->add("My", __DIR__); // tests folder

Now run your tests: :

phpunit --bootstrap tests/bootstrap.php tests/

The output should be something similar to this: :

PHPUnit 3.7.22 by Sebastian Bergmann.


Time: 1 seconds, Memory: 1.25Mb

OK (1 tests, 1 assertions)

Now you can continue with more interesting things!

Integration testing

You can test your controller in isolation (see controllers) or you can run the whole application. If you are interested in this last thing, you have to inherits from UpClooTestWebTestCase during testing. :

namespace Your\NM;

use UpCloo\Test\WebTestCase;

class MyControllerTest extends WebTestCase
    public function setUp()
            "router" => [
                ... // Routes
            "services" => [
                ... // A conf

    public function testMyAction()
        $response = $this->dispatch("/my-action"); //get method

        $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode());
        //... more assert

        $content = $response->getContent();

The dispatch method signature is: :

public function dispatch($url, $method = "GET", array $params = array())

Possibile methods are:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT