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Yew is a lightweight module mostly in its development/testing phase. Its aim is to aid in using plugin/event driven architecture within go. There are probably alternatives out there, I just started doing something small and it turned into this.

There are 2 main parts to this module, the Plugin and Handler. The Handler can register any Plugin's it is asked to load, this can be through .so file(s) (built using go build -buildmode=plugin) or any struct that implements the pkg/plugin.Plugin interface, example of this here.


The Handler is responsible for handling plugins and providing a number of utiliies to both the plugins and the application implementing the handler. Plugins can be loaded via any stuct that implements the pkg.Plugin interface, or .so files where they have an export Plugin variable the implements pkg.Plugin. Both the implementing application and the plugins will have access to the handler, but only the implementing application should import the pkg/handler package. The handler will pass itself to the plugins when they are registered via the Register function on the Plugins interface, this allows them to store the reference and use it for communicating.

Example use of the handler:

package main

import (


var h pkg.Handler

func main() {
	// create/get new Handler structure & load plugins from examples/.bin
	h = handler.NewHandler(&handler.Config{
		Services: true,
		Events:   map[string]func(event string, v interface{}){pkg.LoadedEvent: onLoad},

	// load .so files inside '.plugins/' dir


	t := time.Second * 5

func onLoad(event string, v interface{}) {
	h.Walk(func(manifest pkg.Manifest, plgin pkg.Plugin) {
		log.Printf("Loaded: %s", manifest.Namespace)


Plugins should only ever import, this helps reduce circular reference issues and also the need to rebuild for any minor releases. If the plugin is being built & distibuted via .so files (built using go build -buildmode=plugin), there should be an exported variable named Plugin in the main package, this is how the handler will find the Plugin in the binary, see below example for what this should look like.

Example plugin:

// this variable is looked up when loading the plugin from a .so file
// so make sure its there!
var Plugin plugin = plugin{}

// simple plugin struct, implements pkg.Plugin
type plugin struct {
	handler pkg.Handler

// Called as its being registered to the handler, can be used for setup/initialization
// as this is the first thing that happens.
// Also recommended to store the pkg.Handler reference at this stage
func (p *plugin) Register(handler pkg.Handler) error {
	p.handler = handler
	return nil

// returns the manifest which defines the plugin, what events it would like to recieve, config etc
func (p *plugin) Manifest() pkg.Manifest {
	return pkg.Manifest{Namespace: "plugin.example", Description: "Example plugin"}

Plugins can also be loaded directly via their structure using Handler.LoadPlugins(<&plugin{}>).


Plugin manager for Go. Implements an easy way to handle and communicate with plugins to help extend applications








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