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Daniel Holbach committed Aug 7, 2018
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title: Visualizing Microservices with Weave Cloud on Docker for Mac

**Note:** You are looking at our `old-guides` repository. The guides in here haven't been updated in a while.
They might or might not work for you. We are keeping them around for informational purposes.


In this guide you will learn how Weave Cloud can help you understand and troubleshoot a microservices-based app. The app you will deploy is an online store, called the Socks Shop that consists of several microservices written in three different languages: Node.js, Spring Boot and Go Kit, and which also uses the data services, RabbitMQ and MongoDB.

Docker and Docker Compose will be used to deploy the Socks Shop onto your local machine, and then you will launch Weave Scope probes to push metrics to Weave Cloud so that you can observe the topology of the app and explore how it works. Weave Scope probes monitor network traffic and builds a topology graph in real-time. The view in Weave Cloud is augmented with metadata from the Docker API along with several different systems metrics that allow you to troubleshoot your app.

The following topics are discussed:

* [Installing Docker for Mac](#install-docker-for-mac)
* [Deploying the Socks Shop App](#deploy-the-demo-app)
* [Signing Up for Weave Cloud](#sign-up-to-weave-cloud)
* [Connecting the Scope Probes to Weave Cloud](#connect-scope-probe-to-weave-cloud)

<h3 id="install-docker-for-mac">Installing Docker for Mac</h3>

If you haven't installed Docker for Mac, please follow the installation instructions on <a href="" target="_blank"> Docker website </a>.

Once it's running you will see <img alt="Docker Icon in the Mac OS menu bar" src="./images/docker-for-mac-menu-bar-icon.png"
style="height: 1em;" /> in your menu bar.

<h3 id="deploy-the-demo-app">Deploying the Socks Shop App</h3>

To deploy The Socks Shop:

**1. Get the code:**

git clone
cd microservices-demo/deploy/docker-compose

**2. Deploy the Socks Shop app:**

docker-compose up -d
open http://localhost

>**Note:** If localhost does not load the Socks Shop, then use the IP `` instead.
Once the app displays in your browser, you can test the functionality. Login using `user1`/`password1`, and then put an item in the basket and proceed to the checkout.

![The Socks Shop](./images/socks-shop.png)


<h3 id="sign-up-to-weave-cloud">Signing Up for Weave Cloud</h3>

To visualize microservices, first sign up for Weave Cloud:

1. Go to <a href="" target="_blank"> Weave Cloud </a>
2. Sign up using either a Github, or Google account or use an email address.
3. Obtain the cloud service token from the User settings screen:

![Obtain service token for Weave Cloud](./images/weave-cloud-token-screenshot.png)

<h3 id="connect-scope-probe-to-weave-cloud">Connecting the Scope Probes to Weave Cloud</h3>

Install and launch the Weave Scope probes:

sudo curl --silent --location --output /usr/local/bin/scope
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/scope
scope launch --service-token=<WEAVE_CLOUD_TOKEN>


* `<WEAVE_CLOUD_TOKEN>` - is the token that appears on the settings page, once you’ve logged into Weave Cloud.

**Note:** To set the Weave Cloud controls to read-only for all users, you can launch scope with the flag. In this demo, you will be launching a terminal window and viewing messages between microservices, and so this flag is not necessary. However, you may want to keep this flag in mind when using Weave Cloud and sharing your infrastructure views with others outside of your organization.

Weave Cloud controls allow you to stop, start and pause containers. They also enable you to launch a terminal and interact directly with your containers.

<h3 id="run-the-load-test">Running the Load Test</h3>

To fully appreciate the topology of this app, you will need to run a load on the app.

Run a load test with the following:

docker run -ti --rm --name=LOAD_TEST --net=dockercompose_default \
--net=shop_external \
weaveworksdemos/load-test -h edge-router -r 100 -c 2

With the load test running, you can observe the different services communicating by clicking on the Load Test container in Weave Cloud. From the metrics panel, open Load Test's terminal to view the messages. With the load test running, the Sock Shop topology will form in Weave Cloud.

![Weave Load Test](./images/load-test-messages.png)

### Tearing Down the App

To clean up the app from your system:

docker-compose down

### Conclusions

In this guide, an online store using a microservices-based approach was launched into the Weave Cloud, where you could observe communication events and also interact with the topology of the microservices app.

If you have any questions or comments, we would be happy to hear from you, visit [Weave Help & Support](/help/) for information on ways to contact us.

**Further Reading**

* [Introducing Weave Cloud](/docs/scope/latest/introducing/)
* [Installing Weave Scope](/docs/scope/latest/installing/)

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title: "Part 1: Launching Weave Net with Docker Machine"

**Note:** You are looking at our `old-guides` repository. The guides in here haven't been updated in a while.
They might or might not work for you. We are keeping them around for informational purposes.


In this Part 1 "Launching Weave Net with Docker Machine" the basics of launching a container network with Weave Net is introduced. In [Part 2 "Using Weave With Docker Machine and Swarm](./, you will learn how to configure a basic [Docker Swarm Cluster]( and use Weave Net to discover containers within it. In [Part 3 "Creating and Scaling Multi-host Docker Deployment with Swarm and Compose using Weave"](./, you will take what you learned in Parts 1 and 2 and use [Docker Compose]( and Weave Net to launch a two-tier application spread across three VMs.

[Docker Machine]( makes it simple to create Docker hosts (VMs) on your computer, on cloud providers or within your own data center. It creates servers, installs Docker on them, and then it configures the Docker client to talk to them.

Weave Net simplifies networking Docker containers across hosts by automatically allocating unique IP addresses to containers. It also allows you to find the IP of any container through either a DNS query or by using its name and it does this without requiring an external database (cluster store).

In Part 1 of this tutorial, you will:

1. Install Docker Machine and Weave Net
2. Launch Weave Net on to a single VM on VirtualBox
3. Deploy a basic _"Hello, Weave!"_ application
4. Use weaveDNS to discover the Weave-attached Docker containers on the network
5. Communicate with your app and send a message from one container to another using shell commands

This example uses very simple UNIX tools, doesn't require any programming skills and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

## What You Will Use

- [Weave Net](
- [Docker & Docker Machine](

## Before You Begin

If you are using OS X or Windows, install [Docker Toolbox](, which provides all of the tools you need to complete this guide.

For other operating systems, install and configure the following separately before proceeding:

- [`docker-machine`]( binary (_`>= 0.2.0`_)
- [`docker`]( binary, at least the client (_`>= v1.6.x`_)
- [VirtualBox]( (_`>= 4.3.x`_)
- `curl` (_any version_)

## Installing Weave Net

Download the latest version of `weave`and then clone the guides directory. If you do not have ownership of the `/usr/local/bin` directory, you may need to preface the commands with `sudo`:

curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/weave
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/weave

Next create a Virtual Machine (VM) on the VirtualBox, called `weave-1`, by running:

docker-machine create -d virtualbox weave-1

With the VM running, configure your shell environment by typing:

eval "$(docker-machine env weave-1)"

and then, verify that everything is installed correctly:

docker info

Now you are ready to launch the Weave network:

weave launch

Next set up your environment to use Weave's Docker API Proxy. The Docker API Proxy allows you to use standard Docker commands, and enables you to attach containers to the Weave network and assigns IP addresses to them. An alternative way to attach containers to the Weave network is by using the Docker Plugin (for Docker >= 1.9). In this tutorial, you will be using the Weave Docker API Proxy to attach containers.

To set up the environment for the Weave Docker API Proxy:

eval "$(weave env)"

Type `weave status` to check that Weave Net is running:


Version: 1.6.0 (up to date; next check at ......)

Service: router
Protocol: weave 1..2
Name: 8a:a9:91:a6:1f:e9(weave-1)
Encryption: disabled
PeerDiscovery: enabled
Targets: 0
Connections: 0
Peers: 1
TrustedSubnets: none

Service: ipam
Status: ready

Service: dns
Domain: weave.local.
TTL: 1
Entries: 0

Service: proxy
Address: tcp://

Service: plugin
DriverName: weave


Running `weave launch` automatically configures your network, starts the weave router, `weavedns`, and also launches the Docker API proxy and the Weave Docker Plugin.

>**Note:** If necessary, you can start and stop Weave components independently, see `weave --help` for more information.
Now you are ready to deploy containers and take advantage of weaveDNS to discover containers.

### Deploying Two Containers to the Weave Network

In this example, you are using the Docker API proxy to attach containers to the Weave network. As a reminder, the proxy was configured when you ran `eval$(weave env)`.

>**Note:** Do not attach containers to the Weave network using both the Weave Docker Networking Plugin and Weave Docker API Proxy simultaneously. Containers run in this way will end up with two Weave network interfaces and two IP addresses. To ensure that the proxy is not being used, do not run eval $(weave env), or docker $(weave config). To attach containers with the Docker Network Plugin, you can use the `--net=weave` flag when using the Docker run command.
For more information on how to use the Weave Docker Plugin, see ["Integrating Docker via the Network Plugin"](/docs/net/latest/plugin/)

The first app to be deployed is called `pingme`. It consists of a simple netcat (aka `nc`) server running on TCP port 4000, and it is configured to send a short message, `Hello, Weave!` to any client that connects to it.

docker run -d --name=pingme \
gliderlabs/alpine nc -p 4000 -ll -e echo 'Hello, Weave!'

The second containerized app is called `pinger`. You will launch that app in interactive mode using the `-ti` flag. The `-ti` flag allows you to type and run simple commands within a Docker container.

docker run --name=pinger -ti \
gliderlabs/alpine sh -l

Ping one of the containers:

pinger:/# ping -c3 pingme.weave.local

PING pingme.weave.local ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.100 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.114 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.111 ms

--- pingme.weave.local ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.100/0.108/0.114 ms

Test if pinger responds on TCP port 4000 as expected:

pinger:/# echo "What's up?" | nc pingme.weave.local 4000


Hello, Weave!

Type 'exit' to exit the `pinger` container.

## Cleanup

This completes Part 1 of this tutorial. If you are not going on to [Part 2](./, then you may want to remove the containers and the VM used in this example:

> docker rm -f pingme pinger
> docker-machine rm -f weave-1

## Conclusions

This tutorial demonstrated how to launch a Weave network using Docker Machine. A simple _"Hello, Weave!"_ service was deployed to a container that listens on TCP port 4000 for any connections from other containers.

Proceed to [Part 2](./, where you will set up multiple Virtual Machines, using Docker Swarm to schedule containers, use [Weave Net](/oss/net/) to provide transparent connectivity across multiple Docker hosts and to automatically discover new containers with weaveDNS without the need of an external cluster store.

Send us your thoughts, comments or issues via [Help and Support](/help/).

## Further Reading

* [Learn More About Weave](/docs/net/latest/introducing-weave/)
* [How Weave Works](/docs/net/latest/how-it-works/)
* [Discovering Containers with WeaveDNS](/docs/net/latest/weavedns/)
* [Weave Docker API](/docs/net/latest/weave-docker-api/)

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