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Releases: weaviate/weaviate

0.17.0 - Vector Search

22 Jul 14:35
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.17.0

New features

  • Vector indexing at import time
    When a concept is imported through a non-batch fashion, a vector-representation is created and stored in weaviate's vector db.
  • GQL{ Local { Explore }} (#888, #904)
    A new GQL Field was added which allows to search for concepts rather than keywords. The request is served through weaviate's vector searching backends. (Docs not up to date yet, coming soon!)
  • New GQL argument explore() in { Local { Get }} (#906)
    The existing { Local { Get } } API was extended with a new explore() parameter, which allows for a concept (vector-based) search in addition to the classical where() structured search

Known limitations

  • Roadmap
    See #907 for the road map of related features

Breaking Changes

  • New esvector backend
    If the new vector-based concept search should be used, a new esvector backend is required. See the docker-compose/runtime/docker-compose.yml file for an example
  • Reimport required for Vector Creation
    While the changes themselves are not breaking, vectors are currently only created at import time. There is no reindex feature yet. So we strongly recommend to setup an empty weaviate installation and reimporting all concepts when moving to 0.17.x

0.16.2 - provide client ID with OIDC info

12 Jul 13:43
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.16.2


  • Include Client ID with OIDC info
    We previously added an openid-configuration with a link to the configured issuer's page when authentication.oidc.enabled is set to true. However, for clients to be able to retrieve a token they also need client_id information. This information is now included in the response.

0.16.1 - Bugfix: can't filter on 'uuid'

09 Jul 15:57
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.16.1


  • Bug: Can't filter on uuid (#880)
    Previously a cryptic error (with error stack) would be shown when the user tried to set a filter on the uuid property.

0.16.0 - Set Thing/Action ID yourself

09 Jul 14:32
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.16.0

New features

  • Let user set UUID (#903)
    Prior to this feature UUIDs would always be assigned by Weaviate. With this feature you can set UUIDs yourself. This makes importing concepts with cross-refs easier, as you don't need to catch the return value on creation to know what to reference in your cross-ref. Instead you can assign IDs yourself and prepare even the cross-references up front.

    For POST /actions and POST /things the uuid is validated for the correct format and that it doesn't exist yet. For batch requests (POST /batching/things and POST /batching/actions) validation is far less strict. If you use batch and set IDs yourself, you must make sure that every ID is used only once. For more details, see the docs.

    Non-breaking implementation
    Existing behavior is unchained. Simply leave the id field empty and weaviate will assign one for you - the same way it did prior to 0.16.0

0.15.0 - Ability to add "Read only users" to admin list plugin

24 Jun 13:47
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.15.0

New Features

  • Distinguish between admins and read-only users in authorization (#893)
    This release extends the existing "AdminList" Authorization plugin with the ability to add a list of read_only_users. Existing functionality remains unchanged, the new feature is entirely non-breaking. This way, Authorization becomes a little more fine-grained as it is now possible to distinguish between three categories: Admins (full CRUD capabilites), Read-Only users and authenticated but entirely unauthorized users (no permissions).

0.14.6 - Present auth info in body instead

24 Jun 13:00
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.14.5


  • Don't redirect, show url in body
    The previous release added the ability to discover auth information through the API. However, common javascript request methods such as fetch or XMLHttpRequest don't offer a way not to follow redirects automatically. Following them automatically lead to unexpected CORS issues in some SPA frontend applications. Instead the desired discovery URL is now presented in the message body and no 302 status code is sent. This way (JS) clients can decide for themselves what to do with this particular information.

0.14.5 - Redirect to Token Issuers OIDC Discovery page

05 Jun 15:28
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.14.5

Note: We decided to mark this release as a patch, even though it's technically a new feature. However, since we are still at major 0, a minor release currently has big signalling effects. Since this is not a big feature, we're sneaking it into a patch

New features

  • Redirect to Token Issuers OIDC Discovery page (#889)
    If OIDC auth is not used, this release doesn't change any behavior. If OIDC auth is used, a request to /weaviate/v1/.well-known/openid-configuration will redirect (302 Found) to the configured token issuers OIDC discovery page. If no OIDC issuer is configured it will return 404 Not Found instead.

0.14.4 - Bugfix Janusgraph Filter perfomance at scale

05 Jun 07:07
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.14.4


  • Fix #891: Janusgraph filter queries highly inefficient at medium to large scale
    We have identified that some GraphQL queries in previous versions made very inefficient use of the Elasticsearch index in the Janusgraph/Elasticsearch setup. While the index was used, it was only used for the most basic filtering, such as kind==Thing where the more fine-grade filtering, such as class=City or name=BestCity was instead happening in Janusgraph itself. This very primitive search basically lead to Janusgraph querying thousands upon thousands of random entries until the desired criteria was matched. In many cases - even at relatively low scales of 50k to 100k - this lead to request timeouts.

0.14.3 - Bugfix #890

04 Jun 19:17
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.14.3


  • #890 Bug GQL API not present after restart when no network is configured
    Prior to this version the GQL API was not available after restarting weaviate (or doing a rolling update on K8s) when no network was configured. If a network was set, the incoming pings (also triggering a rebuild) masked the error. Therefore it also wasn't caught in our test suite, which currently exclusively tests with a network. Post Mortem: Extend test suite to test multiple configurations simultaneously.

0.14.2 Architectural improvements

29 May 14:08
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Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.14.2


  • No user-facing changes
    This release reflects an overhaul of our internal architecture, moving closer to the desired microservice architecture, where the weaviate server and contextionary in-mem db can be scaled, deployed and updated independently
