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Ethereum Attestation Service(EAS) Web3 Plugin

npm version

The Ethereum Attestation Service(EAS) Web3.js Plugin extends the capabilities of the Web3.js library to interact seamlessly with the Ethereum Attestation Service. This plugin provides convenient methods for interacting with the Ethereum Attestation Service(EAS) contracts.

Supported Features:

  • Get contract addresses of given network
  • Schema Registration
  • Attestations
  • Native Schema Encoder(WIP)


Note: Make sure you are using web3 version 4.0.3 or higher in your project.

npm install web3-plugin-eas web3@latest --save


Basic Usage

import { Web3 } from "web3";
import { EASPlugin } from "web3-plugin-eas";

const web3 = new Web3(""); // Any RPC node you wanted to connect with
web3.registerPlugin(new EASPlugin());

// Getting contract addresses of connected chain
const addresses = await web3.eas.getContractAddresses();

// or with given chain ID
// const addresses = await web3.eas.getContractAddresses(80001); // Chain ID of Polygon Mumbai

// Contract Instances
const schemaRegistry = web3.eas.schemaRegistry(addresses.schemaRegistry);
const easCore = web3.eas.easCore(addresses.eas);

// Getting schema record
const schemaUID =
  "0xd100943957d0f72cf5f93d55bea0dda8083817cd20af71863fe7efbb88eeb1ba"; // mainnet
const schemaRecord = await schemaRegistry.methods.getSchema(schemaUID).call();
console.log("Schema Record:", schemaRecord);

// Getting Attestation
const uid =
const attestation = await easCore.methods.getAttestation(uid).call();
console.log("Attestation:", attestation);

Connecting Accounts to Web3

import { Web3 } from "web3";
import { EASPlugin } from "web3-plugin-eas";

// With any RPC node and private key
const web3 = new Web3("");
const wallet = web3.eth.accounts.wallet.add("0x..."); // Private Key
const { address: account } = wallet[0];

// or with browser wallets
const web3 = new Web3(window.ethereum);
const [account] = await window.ethereum.request({
  method: "eth_requestAccounts"

web3.registerPlugin(new EASPlugin());

// Getting contract addresses of connected chain
const addresses = await web3.eas.getContractAddresses();

// or with given chain ID
// const addresses = await web3.eas.getContractAddresses(80001); // Chain ID of Polygon Mumbai

// Contract Instances
const schemaRegistry = web3.eas.schemaRegistry(addresses.schemaRegistry);
const easCore = web3.eas.easCore(addresses.eas);

Schema Registry:

Registering Schema:

const schema = "uint256 eventId, uint8 voteIndex";
const resolver = "0x0a7E2Ff54e76B8E6659aedc9103FB21c038050D0"; // Sepolia 0.26, or 0x00..
const revocable = false;

const registerSchemaTx = await schemaRegistry.methods
  .registerSchema(schema, resolver, revocable)
    from: account,
    gas: 1000000


Get Schema Info:

// Getting schema record
const schemaUID = "0xYourSchemaUID";
const schemaRecord = await schemaRegistry.methods.getSchema(schemaUID).call();
console.log("Record", schemaRecord);

Get Version:

const version = await schemaRegistry.methods.VERSION().call();
console.log(version); // 0.26

Refer EAS SchemaRegistry Docs for more information.

EAS Core:

Get Attestation:

const uid =
const attestation = await easCore.methods.getAttestation(uid).call();

Check if Attestation Valid:

const uid =
const isValid = await easCore.methods.isAttestationValid(uid).call();

Create Onchain Attestation:

import { SchemaEncoder } from "web3-plugin-eas";

// Initialize SchemaEncoder with the schema string
const schemaEncoder = new SchemaEncoder("uint256 eventId, uint8 voteIndex");
const encodedData = schemaEncoder.encodeData([
  { name: "eventId", value: 1, type: "uint256" },
  { name: "voteIndex", value: 1, type: "uint8" }

const schemaUID =

// Create an instance of AttestationRequestData
const requestData = {
  recipient: "0xrecipientAddress", // Zero address if no recipient
  expirationTime: 0n, // expiration time in unix. 0 if no expiration
  revocable: true,
  refUID: "0x", // zero Bytes if none
  data: encodedData,
  value: 0 // Explicit ETH amount to send to the resolver

// Create an instance of AttestationRequest
const request = {
  schema: schemaUID,
  data: requestData

const tx = await easCore.methods.attest(request).send({
  from: account


Refer EAS Attestation Docs for more information


To publish a new version of the package to npm, run the following command:

npm run build

npm publish

Change Log


  • Added example typescript project to demonstrate usage


  • Updated examples


  • Initial Release
  • Get Contract Addresses
  • Schema Registration
  • Attestations



This is experimental software and subject to change over time.

This package is not audited and has not been tested for security. Use at your own risk. I do not give any warranties and will not be liable for any loss incurred through any use of this codebase.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Ethereum Attestation Service(EAS) Web3 Plugin







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