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File metadata and controls

437 lines (338 loc) · 19.5 KB

Q: Can WebDataset be used with torch-xla in a multiprocessing context?

A: Yes, WebDataset can be used with torch-xla in a multiprocessing context. A gist has been written for this purpose using the torch-xla distributed MpDeviceLoader with shard splitting across accelerators and workers. The code also includes checks to make sure that all the minibatches are unique. The gist can be found at It has been suggested to include this in the WebDataset documentation.

Q: Why does WebDataset decode the file path separator in Windows incorrectly?

A: The issue is caused by brace-expand, which is used to expand input file strings with glob style braces. Some file systems, including Windows, use a backslash to separate directories in file paths. However, brace-expand also considers the backslash as an escape character, which causes WebDataset to decode it incorrectly. A possible solution is to represent paths using forward slashes, which works across all platforms. Alternatively, you can translate the backslash to a different character that isn't recognized as an escape character by brace-expand. Or you can just expand the list of files using any Windows glob function and then pass the resulting list to WebDataset.

Q: How can webdatasets be used with PyTorch Lightning?

A: Currently, webdataset datasets using the default PyTorch DataLoader or WebLoader does not work with PyTorch Lightning. The user is required to write their own wds.WebLoader with a custom length function as illustrated in discussions on the issue tracker. The length function can raise TypeError or NotImplementedError. It is possible to set the length attribute of the webdataset DataLoader to a custom length function that raises an error of your choosing or set it to False. Three alternatives have been suggested by users for webdataset to work better with PyTorch Lightning. They include, exposing a way to pass arguments to wds.Processor, making wds.Processor raise TypeError when length=False or making wds.Processor.__len__ raise TypeError instead of ValueError. Documentation has also been suggested to make it easier for users to integrate webdatasets and PyTorch Lightning.

Q: My training program stops randomly when using WebDataset, the GPU still has high utility but the training does not go on and the error message is raised. What could be the reason for this?

A: This issue mostly happens when doing multinode training. You need to make sure that the number of workers corresponds to the number of shards in a reasonable way. Secondly, when it comes to your validation set, the number of nodes doing the validation depends on the size of the validation set. If the validation set size is small, you can choose to run it on the node with the rank 0 or opt to distribute it across all nodes. In the case of a small validation set, you can load it into memory and keep it there to speed things up. If you choose to distribute the validation set and it's small, you can use WebDataset(...).islice(rank, 999999, world_size) as your input. This way, the same shard will be opened on all nodes with each node getting a different subset of samples.

Q: Why is my dataset not completely shuffled even when buffer size and initial are set to the size of the dataset?

A: The issue might be due to creating a toy dataset with 100 shards containing a total of 10,000 integer values, with 16 processes reading those shards. This leads to only 6 shards per worker in each epoch, causing integers that are near each other to be included in the same batch, regardless of shuffling. One alternative solution is to sample with replacement, by using an infinite data stream, rebatching with dataloader and then shuffling. Another solution is to not split the shards by identity and instead select by slice. This can be done with the following code:

offset = worker_id + num_workers * node_id
splitsize = num_workes * world_size
dataset = WebDataset(..., nodesplitter=identity, splitter=identity).slice(offset, 999999, splitsize).shuffle(...).decode(...)

The dataset can then be loaded using WebLoader. Also, setting epoch_shuffle to True can enable epoch-specific shuffling with the environment variable WDS_EPOCH. Shuffling using per-sample methods such as random sampling can also be done through filters or operations on the datasets. Furthermore, if complex augmentation and I/O is required, nvlabs/tensorcom can be used.

Q: What does this issue fix in WebDataset?

A: This fix adds an option to shuffle the shards before splitting them between nodes and workers. With epoch-based training loops, the idea is to set the random seed to a different number every epoch, ensuring shards are distributed differently at each iteration. Without this, each worker always sees the same subset of shards at every epoch, which may limit the possibilities of which datapoints are being contrasted. The fix introduces a set_epoch method, which informs the dataloader of the current epoch, and uses that as a random seed for shuffling shards before they are being split between workers and nodes.

Q: How should one handle storing small embeddings when using WebDataset?

A: Storing small embeddings using WebDataset can lead to significant space overhead and slower performance when reading the dataset. However, the overhead may not be significant enough to require a change in approach. To speed up processing, the following can be tried:

  • Use .npy or .ten storage format if you're storing tensors; they can probably be decoded faster.
  • Store data in 8-bit integer or float16 formats.
  • Store batched data.
  • Cache data in memory or in a database.

If using batched data or caching in a database, careful considerations should be made regarding number of workers and shared database writes. Additionally, for small records, it is recommended to reduce DataLoader IPC overhead. To handle this, one can try chaining commands such as unbatched(), shuffle(), and batched() during data loading. There is no recommended minimum file size when using WebDataset, but it can be effective for storing non-image data such as a mix of strings, ints, and floats using JSON.

Q: How can we fix the issue where invalid header arises when streaming images from an s3 bucket in PyTorch using the WebDataset project?

A: The invalid header issue occurs due to missed included info in stdout for streaming in s3cmd when downloading images. One solution to this issue is to use the quite option while downloading data from s3cmd. The use case is to filter the useless stdout or to note the case for users. There isn't really anything WebDataset can do to fix it: once s3cmd mixes outputs, WebDataset can't unmix them. A bug report can also be raised for programs like s3cmd which print diagnostics to stdout when using stdout for data.

Q: How can I solve the "gopen handler not defined" error when trying to iterate through a locally-stored dataset in WebDataset on Windows with file paths?

A: One solution proposed on the WebDataset issue tracker is to use the file: scheme in the URL for local addresses, for example file:d:/some/path/train-{000000..000999}.tar. Another solution is to use Windows symlinks that include drive letters in the target. It is also suggested to refer to the dataset path as "./data" regardless of machine and to create symlinks for the actual data path to the "./data" path on each machine.

Q: Is there a concrete example of using tensorcom and webdataset?

A: Yes, it is possible to convert a tensorcom Connection object to a webloader object. You can turn any object with an __iter__ method into a Processor, and there are some examples provided in the issue tracker. For instance, the code snippet below shows how to create a rebatching pipeline using tensorcom and webdataset.

connection = Connection(...) # or TensorcomDataset(...)
src = Processor(connection, utils.identity)
rebatched = src.unbatched().shuffle(1000).batched(300)

Here, Connection is the tensorcom connection object, utils.identity is the function that is applied to each item in the connection, src is a tensorcom backend processor, and rebatched is a webdataset processor that unbatchs, shuffles, and rebatches the data in 300 batches.

Q: Is it possible to apply online filtering on a dataset with WebDataset?

A: Yes, you can apply online filtering to a dataset with WebDataset. Processing is just a chain of iterators operating on a stream of data, so you can select, reorder, and transform any way you like. You can use shorthand for selecting samples such as in the following example:

def selection(sample):
    return "training" in sample["__key__"]

ds = WebDataset(...).select(selection).decode(...).etc...

Note that this will still read all samples but then discard the samples it doesn't want/need based on the selection function. When you train on very small subsets of the original dataset (less than 10%) and you need maximal I/O performance, you may want to prefilter the data based on some criteria and generate a new dataset representing just that subset.

Q: Does webdataset support horovod?

A: According to the developer, webdataset provides standard PyTorch IterableDataset instances and should be able to work with Horovod. There is not an example provided for this case but the developer has added that you have complete control over splitting so you can customize the dataset to work for your use case. For instance, you can include use cases such as my_node_splitter and wds.split_by_worker to customize splitting of the data.

Q: What happened to the length argument in WebDataset?

A: The length argument is no longer supported in the current version of WebDataset (v2). In order to specify an explicit size, you should use .with_length(n) instead. For v1, use webdataset.FakeLength for setting the length. If you want to force a specific epoch length, use .repeat().slice(num_samples). The __len__ method had to be removed because PyTorch considers having a __len__ method on an IterableDataset to be wrong. The documentation has since been updated.

Q: What's wrong with the docstring of PytorchShardList?

A: The docstring of the constructor of PytorchShardList class in the file of WebDataset is missing some parameters such as epoch_shuffle and includes some deprecated parameters. As a result, users might have trouble using those parameters or might be confused about whether to use them or not. To ensure the proper usage of the PytorchShardList constructor, users should rely on the actual code implementation rather than the docstring. Here is an example of how to use epoch_shuffle:

import webdataset as wds

shardlist = wds.PytorchShardList(

Q: What happened to the WebDataset documentation website?

A: The WebDataset documentation website is currently down and not up to date. There are plans to improve the documentation by adding more notebooks in the docs subdirectory. However, in the meantime, you may view an old version of the documentation at

Q: Does WebDataset internally deal with the num_workers>1 when transforming data, since it inherits from the PyTorch IterableDataset, which requires a worker_init_fn to avoid duplicate data when using multiple workers?

A: WebDataset automatically deals with num_workers > 1. By default, wds.shuffle seeds the random number generator (RNG) by the process ID and time at the start of each epoch. If split_by_worker is used first, shards will deterministically be assigned to workers; placing wds.shuffle after that operation will shuffle shards with an unpredictable seed on each epoch. This is what the WebDataset wrapper does by default. Detshuffle can be used to achieve deterministic shuffling. The WebDataset interface is a small convenience for the DataPipeline interface and only splits by workers, not by nodes. As such, it's recommended to use the pipeline interface for more control. However, the advantage of using WebDataset is that there aren't any duplicates, making it a suitable solution for small-to-medium-sized datasets.

Q: What is the issue with the compose implementation in WebDataset, and how can it be resolved?

A: The compose() function in WebDataset and its associated source_ method are outdated and no longer recommended. Instead, the wds.DataPipeline interface should be used, which is easier to use and extend. Conversion from compose() to DataPipeline is simple, and can be accomplished by referring to the module to see how the implementation has changed.

Q: What happens when using glob pattern as shard URL in WebDataset?

A: When using a glob pattern as a shard URL in WebDataset, it will expand the pattern as single shard, which means that every worker would read the same samples in the same order from the same shards resulting in almost no randomness. It's important to use the brace notation intended for WebDataset which allows to specify the range of files. However, if it's necessary to use a glob pattern, an additional step is needed to retrieve the list of files that match the pattern before piping them to WebDataset by using an auxiliary Python code that retrieves the files in a list and feeds that to WebDataset, like this:

shard_list = list(os.popen("gsutil ls gs://BUCKET/PATH/training_*.tar").readlines())
train_data = wds.WebDataset(shard_list, shardshuffle=True, repeat=True)

Q: Why am I getting an "ImportError" when trying to import "PytorchShardList" from "webdataset"?

A: The error is caused by the fact that "PytorchShardList" has been removed from the "webdataset" package since version 0.1. You should try using "SimpleShardList" instead, like this: from webdataset import SimpleShardList. Here's an example of how to use it:

from import Dataset, DataLoader
from webdataset import SimpleShardList, IterableDataset

# Define a function that parses a sample.
def parser(sample):
    # ...
    return parsed_sample

# Create a SimpleShardList and an IterableDataset.
shardlist = SimpleShardList("path/to/shards")
dataset = IterableDataset(shardlist).map(parser)

# Create a DataLoader from the Dataset.
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, num_workers=4)

Q: Why is the epoch count in DetShuffle not incrementing across epochs, causing issues with shuffling shards across nodes and workers in WebDataset pipelines?

A: According to the WebDataset issue tracker, this issue is likely due to how the DataLoader handles worker processes and internal state, and there are many subtle interactions that can arise depending on the configuration used. The recommended solution is to use resampling if possible, as that does not require any configuration and will always provide reasonable results. It has also been suggested that supporting the use of WDS_EPOCH in the run() method of DetShuffle could be continued as a backup option for when persistent_workers=False is used, though this is considered an "ugly" solution.

Q: How can I use WebDataset together with DDP for training and what happened to the ddp_equalize method?

A: Instead of using .ddp_equalize in WebDataset, you can use the .repeat(2).set_length(n) method, where n depends on your preferences regarding frequency of repeating samples and unequal sample distribution across workers. Alternatively, you can do partial distributed SGD updates. Note that these issues are being addressed in torchdata, which is merging all the WebDataset functionality into its pipeline. While torchdata doesn't return an actual WebDataset and doesn't have the decode method, it does have a webdataset() method and provides flexible options for distributed training. An example of building a pipeline for supervised vision with torchdata can be found in their GitHub repository.

Q: What happened to wds.Processor in the v2 or main branch?

A: Starting from the v2 or main branch, the wds.Processor class is not included anymore because the architecture for pipelines has changed to be more in line with torchdata. To add preprocessing pipelines to the data, create a pipeline stage as a callable and compose the dataset with it. When you write map(f), the function f gets the complete sample as an argument. A sample callable can be done as follows:

def process(source):
    for sample in source:
        ... code goes here ..

ds = WebDataset(...).compose(process)

Q: How can I subsample a large dataset in the WebDataset format without slowing down the iteration speed too much?

A: To subsample a large dataset represented in the WebDataset format, there are some tradeoffs that need to be considered to achieve optimal performance. First, it is recommended to perform the select(...) operation before the decode and any data augmentation since image decompression/augmentation is usually the slowest part of the pipeline. Additionally, if only a small percentage of the samples needs to be retained, generating a subset of the dataset ahead of time is the best approach. This can be done through a small WebDataset/TarWriter pipeline to generate the subset using ray for parallelization or by using tarp proc ... | tarp split .... If dynamic selection is required, it is best to split the dataset into shards based on the categories to split on. While these choices may seem cumbersome, they are necessary to achieve high performance I/O as file formats that enable selecting subsets dynamically end up using random file accesses, which slows down input pipelines.

Q: Can ShardWriter write to remote URLs?

A: No, ShardWriter cannot write to remote URLs directly. TarWriter, which is used internally by ShardWriter, supports writing to remote URLs, but the error handling gets complicated with remote writing. ShardWriter only writes to local disks, but it provides a hook to upload the data. For example, you can use the post argument of the ShardWriter constructor to pass a function that uploads the sharded file to a remote URL using a command-line utility like gsutil. Here's an example of how to use post:

import os
from webdataset import ShardWriter

def upload_shard(fname):
    os.system(f"gsutil cp {fname} gs://mybucket")  # replace with your preferred command

with ShardWriter("mydata-%d.tar", maxsize=1000, post=upload_shard) as writer:
    # write data to the ShardWriter

This creates a ShardWriter that shards the data into files with names like mydata-0.tar, mydata-1.tar, etc., and calls the upload_shard function to upload each file to a remote bucket after it's written. The upload_shard function sends each file to the mybucket bucket in Google Cloud Storage using the gsutil cp command-line utility, then removes the file from the local disk. Replace the gs://mybucket URL with the destination URL that you want to use.

Q: How do I use the ShardList object in WebDataset?

A: In the newer version of WebDataset (v2), the ShardList object has been renamed to SimpleShardList. Additionally, the keyword argument splitter has been renamed to nodesplitter. Here is an updated code example:

import webdataset as wds

# Use braceexpand to create a list of urls
urls = list(wds.gopen("dataset-{000000..000999}.tar").readlines())
dataset = wds.SimpleShardList(urls, nodesplitter=wds.split_by_node, splitter=wds.split_by_worker, shuffle=False)
dataset = wds.Processor(dataset, wds.url_opener)
dataset = wds.Processor(dataset, wds.tar_file_expander)
dataset = wds.Processor(dataset, wds.group_by_keys)