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AnimatedArchitecture is a plugin for the Minecraft server mod Spigot. Its aim is to enhance your server with animated blocks that can be used to create many kinds of animated architectural structures.

AnimatedArchitecture is the new upcoming rewrite of the old BigDoors plugin. It is currently still very much a work in progress without a planned release date.
If you are looking for the current release of BigDoors, please check out v1 instead.

Using AnimatedArchitecture


Before you try to use AnimatedArchitecture, please be aware that this project is still very much in development, so:

  • There are many unfinished features.
  • You will encounter many bugs when using it. I am aware of many of them, so you don't need to report every minor issue you encounter.
  • Many of the current systems are just placeholders that will be replaced when I get around to them.
  • There is currently no upgrade path from v1; this will be added (much) later on in the development process.
  • Any structures you create now may be reset at any time.


  • Java 19
  • A Spigot server (or a fork) for Minecraft 1.19.3.


  • Grab the latest release from the actions page. I would recommend picking a build from the master branch. You will need both and files.
  • Extract both zip files.
  • Place the AnimatedArchitecture-Spigot.jar in the plugins directory of your server.
  • Create the following folder (or start the server to generate it automatically): plugins/AnimatedArchitecture/extensions.
  • Move all the jars from the file to the new extensions directory.
  • (Re)start your server.


Official translations

Official translations are managed through Weblate:

Translation status

Custom translations

By default, the plugin will use the messages from localization/translations.bundle. This file is regenerated every time the plugin restart, so please do not edit this file manually.

All translation keys used by the plugin are also written to a localization/ file.
When you provide one or more keys with a value, the plugin will create a new file the next time it restarts: localization/ This file contains the same data as the 'base' bundle, except for any lines you changed in the properties file.
To put it simply, you can override any of the official translations using the properties file.

One thing to keep in mind when trying to override translations is that it respects the locale entry. This means that the file only overrides the base localization messages. The way the localization system works, is that it first tries to get the translated message from the locale defined in the config, and, if that does not exist, from the base localization file.

For example, if you set the locale to nl_NL (Dutch) in the config, the plugin will try to retrieve messages from first. If no value is provided for the key the plugin is looking for, it will try the file next.

So, if you have set your locale to nl_NL in the config and want to override the default translations, follow these steps:

  1. Copy to
  2. Apply the changes you wish to make.
    • You can check the files in localization/translations.bundle to see the current translations.
  3. Restart either the server or the plugin.
    • You can restart the plugin with /AnimatedArchitecture restart

Compiling AnimatedArchitecture

Compilation requirements:

  • Java 19+
  • Maven
  • Have NMS for 1.19.3 in your local repository. You can get this by running BuildTools for 1.19.3.

You can then compile the project by running the following command in this directory:

mvn package

To also run all the tests, static analysis tools etc., you can run the following command:

mvn -P=errorprone test package checkstyle:checkstyle pmd:check

The AnimatedArchitecture-Spigot.jar file can then be found in animatedarchitecture-spigot/spigot-core/target/AnimatedArchitecture-Spigot.jar. The jars for each structure type can be found in structures/StructuresOutput/<StructureType>.jar.


The javadocs for the current project can be found here.