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282 lines (260 loc) · 12.1 KB

File metadata and controls

282 lines (260 loc) · 12.1 KB

2024. 06. 04 (Pre release)

  • New: Added autocomplete in bookgen shell for basic git commands
  • New: ISO build now includes powershell core
  • New: Added table of contents support via the [toc] tag in markdown
  • New: JSON array support for subcommand configuration.
  • Change: Updated dependencies
  • Change: Cplipboard implementation replaced with TextCopy, now works multiplatform
  • Change: Linux distribution now uses a deb package for distribution
  • Change: SVG Passthrough implemented in md2html command
  • Change: md2thml is extended with templating and new options
  • Change: Various BookGen related settings now use a single .ZIP file for configuration
  • Change: Reworked templating engine
  • Fix: Various linux compatibility fixes
  • Fix: Various fixes in the Table of Contents generation
  • Fix: Template processor fixes
  • Fix: Various fixes

2024. 01. 09

  • New: Based on .NET 8
  • New: Linux install script
  • New: Windows builds with bootstappers
  • New: Laucnher includes a markdown cheat sheet
  • New: Launcher includes a news channel
  • New: Launcher has built-in task list
  • New: HTML2PDF command (Windows only)
  • New: Program in Directly runnable form, packed as ISO image
  • New: Terminal output renderer, when building markdown
  • New: CDG program can handle a path argument, to specify where to start from
  • New: WWW program that can perform web searches easily
  • New: toc command, to find files that are not included in the toc file
  • New: shortcodes command, to list available shortcodes
  • Change: API cleanup & removed C# scripting support
  • Change: StockSearch command functionality has been integrated to the WWW command
  • Change: Removed auto updater (hard to maintain)
  • Change: Removed ZIP format release
  • Change: Folder locking is now process based
  • Change: Improved stat command
  • Change: HTTP server has favicons & last acces time is sent in header
  • Change: Replaces File based folder locking wiht a process based one
  • Change: Auto updater removed, because of multiple platform issues
  • Change: Launcher file browser usability improvements
  • Change: Updated component dependencies
  • Fix: Image convert command correctly handles SVG files
  • Fix: ImgSearch correctly handles spaces in query
  • Fix: Shell now sets UTF-8 encoding for output
  • Fix: Various HTTP server bugfixes
  • Fix: HTML Tidy speed greatly improved and encoding issues are fixed
  • Fix: Initializer adapted to new folder structure
  • Fix: Fixed a possible crash in init, when using Windows Terminal
  • Fix: HTMTidy runtime speed improved & made more robust

2023. 05. 06

  • New: GUI has been reworked. Instead of Terminal.GUI Spectre.Console is used
  • New: Pack subcommand to pack the book source into a zip file
  • New: Download command, to quickly download files from the internet to your project
  • New: Tasks command, which allows running additional tasks & customizing workflow
  • New: Web server now has a dedicated page to make it easier to connect to it, from other devices
  • New: Linux build (experimental)
  • Change: The Shell's cdg command is now implemented as terminal UI program with more features
  • Change: Various fixes to support building and running on Linux distributions
  • Change: Default console log uses Spectre.Console for output. This produces more colourful output
  • Change: Reworked subcommand architecture
  • Change: Removed & cleaned up NuGet package dependencies
  • Change: Test server port is now 8090
  • Change: Removed WP-Load program
  • Change: Removed Chapters command
  • Change: Removed InstallPS Autocomplete command
  • Change: Removed support for VS tasks
  • Fix: Various Web sever stability fixes & improvements
  • Fix: E-pub build time has been reduced
  • Fix: Fixes a bug, which caused the progress bar messages while building not always readable
  • Fix: BookGen shell colour scheme adjusted in windows terminal for better readability


  • New: Rewrote launcher, looks a bit better & has built in preview function
  • New: Math2SVG module (Requires internet connection to work)
  • New: Output type for post processing (experimental)
  • New: QR code generator module (Requires internet connection to work)
  • New: Print output produces an XHTML file too, with embedded CSS rules for better compatibility with word processing
  • New: JSON schema for configuration and tags available
  • New: Tags module can now auto extract tags with RAKE if needed
  • Change: Reworked preview module, now has a basic markdown editor
  • Change: BookGen now ships with .NET, no need to install it separately
  • Change: Updater now is a separate program.
  • Change: Removed markdown editor from launcher
  • Change: Json output from now on doesn't encode non ASCII chars specially.
  • Change: Better XHTML output for e-Pub generation with the use of HTMLTidy
  • Change: Updated dependencies
  • Change: configuration files are moved into .bookgen folder for projects


  • New: ExternalLinks command
  • New: Tags command
  • New: Wordpress output generates tags based on output of tags command
  • New: Shell on init prints version
  • New: Shell extended with graphical cd command called cdg
  • New: Shell prints not commited file count
  • New: Math2Svg command
  • New: Installer offers to install Windows Terminal & Powershell core, if not installed
  • New: Installer can now run without admin rights
  • Change: Markdown Title finder now warns, if title is not 1st level
  • Change: PageGen module removed
  • Change: Progress reporting improved
  • Change: Md2HTML default template handles print better
  • Change: Windows terminal profile has now a distinct theme
  • Change: Windows terminal profile now uses powershell core, if installed
  • Change: Launcher has now a built in command documentation
  • Fix: Console Gui memory leaks
  • Fix: Updated wiki documentation


  • New: Better, simplistic icon
  • New: Wpload implements download feature
  • New: Installs as windows terminal fragment, if Windows terminal is installed
  • New: cdg command in shell, to graphically change workdir.
  • Fix: printable html generation
  • Fix: exiting gui properly deletes the folderlock
  • Updated dependencies


  • New: Quick editor in launcher
  • New: WpLoad tool to interact with wordpress backend sites
  • Fix: Stat module not working with GUI
  • Fix: Stat module better calculation for page size
  • Fix: Printable HTML generation, when using footnotes and file doesn't have new line as end.
  • Updated prism.js
  • Updated dependencies
  • System test project reworked
  • Pipeline build system


  • New: Wiki command - Opens the BookGen wiki page
  • New: Stocksearch command - Search for free stock images online
  • New: Launcher has more modern Message boxes
  • New: Added more options to the console Gui
  • New: Log output to JSON with the global -js argument.
  • New: Assembly documenting to a single markdown file (usefull for wiki pages)
  • New: Installer based on Inno setup
  • Change: Build process now indicates with a console progressbar
  • Change: Updated bootstrap to 5.1
  • Change: BookGen shell now displays git info in prompt, if folder is git repo.
  • Change: Autocomplete handles global arguments.
  • Change: Launcher folder list is now independent from version
  • Change: Now requires .NET 6 runtime
  • Change: Configuration can be in yml format
  • Change: Init subcommand now allows to select yml as config format
  • Fix: Launcher JumpList was not starting the shell in the folder
  • Fix: Auto updater now works


  • New: Added an Update command to make future updates easy
  • New: Added ImgConvert commmand to convert imgages
  • New: XML documentation generator reworked. Now uses XmlDocMarkdown
  • New: Syntax rendering reworked, improved
  • New: Rewrote launcher (again), Has more features.
    • New layout
    • Options to start VS code, File explorer, Preview and bookgen shell for folder
    • Filtering for recent folders
    • Integrated changelog
    • Integrated updtate laucher
    • Can install to path
  • Fix: Improved XHTML compatibility for epub
  • Fix: Fixed a memory leak in the generator
  • Fix: Various code quality fixes
  • Fix: Autocompleter now reacts better
  • Change: Removed HTML compressor code due to bad quality of dependency code
  • Change: No more ISO image releases, due to auto updater.
  • Change: Rar self extracting installer provided


  • Removed Node.exe bundle
  • Gui extended with help
  • New subcommand that allows HTML compression
  • Powershell Autocomplete improvements
  • Rewrote launcher
  • New HTTP server that works on local subnetwork
  • New HttpServ subcommand


  • Now uses .NET 5.0
  • Node.exe bundled with release
  • Script runtime resolve order chganged
  • Rendering pipieline modernized
  • Multi threaded build for static websties
  • Folder locking: Prevent multiple instances working on same directory
  • Launcher program: starts poweshell with preconfigured bookgen software. Supports Windows terminal
  • Removed editor code
  • New Modules: Stat, Edit, Pagegen
  • Updated dependency packages


  • Fixes issues in md2html module image embed
  • Added powershell autocomplete install module
  • Better argument handling
  • Updated SkiaSharp & Svg.Skia


  • Updated md2html module help
  • Fixed md2html module syntax rendering issue


  • Added extra options for single page generation
  • Refined printable HTML output
  • Updated Moq libary dependency for testing
  • Added app setting to disable automatic url start
  • Server module for serving static files from a directory
  • Console log now has colors
  • Updated help
  • Diched auto update code, now uses the dotnet tool infrastructure for update and install
  • Markdown doc generator module
  • Integrated SkiaSharp and an image pipeline
  • Added support for Python and PHP scripts
  • Added app wide configuration for Script runtime locations and timeout configs
  • Editor extended with build actions
  • Added a Http server module for testing purposes
  • Gui rewitten
  • Help updated: split to chaopters
  • Static generated website uses turbolinks for faster navigation
  • Shell Autocomplete support, by default for powershell
  • Shell changed to powershell
  • Wordpress builder fixed and extended with additional options
  • Generated Json uses UTF-8
  • More polished editor, that is based on Ace.js
  • Static website now has Turbolinks integrated
  • Keyword extractor and link extractor generator module


  • Changed versioning scheme. Assembly version reflects config file version, Builds are labeled by relase date
  • Breaking: Command line calling syntax changed. See documentation for details.
  • Single markdown file to HTML rendering
  • Auto updater added. Currently only supports windows
  • Epub export updated & refactored to support Epub 3.2 format
  • Fully documented with BookGen
  • Shortcodes can be Extended with C# Shortcodes via Scripting API
  • Can be Extended with Node.js scripts via Shortcode
  • Now comes with a Web based editor that is cross platform.
  • Initializer reworked
    • Can now create VSCode compatible tasks.json file
    • Can now create Scripting Project csproj file
  • Added experimental Assembly documenter
  • Source
    • Now uses .NET Core Json serializer
    • Adapted to use Nullable reference types
    • Bookgen now uses subCommand architecture, this means better command extensibility

1.0 RC 2 - 2019.10.12

  • SRI Generator speed increase with internal cache
  • FontAwesome dependency for default template eliminated
  • Bootstrap is now loaded from host - CDN dependencies eliminated
  • Better ToC file parsing
  • Epub xml tweaks
  • Better config file generation - less work for configuring
  • Content can now include shortcodes
  • Fixes issue with image inlineing
  • Fixes issue with image copy
  • Editor preview

1.0 RC 1 - 2019.09.24

  • Help now displays Usage informations correctly
  • Help now displays config file format
  • Updated to .NET Core 3.0

1.0 Preview 2 - 2019.09.02

  • Unix: Fixed shell file line endings (hopefully)
  • Unix: Paths with \ are rewritten to paths with /
  • Wordpress compatible XML file output
  • GUI: Display usage doesn't display Press a key to continue 2x
  • Initializer Keyboard input handling fixed
  • Initializer crash fixed
  • Template embeding fixed
  • Windows srcipt startup directory fixed
  • Built-in template enhancments: lightbox and cookie warning (GDPR)
  • Proper translation support for templates
  • Static site output builder: Page generation is multi threaded

1.0 Previrew 1 - 2019.08.06

  • Initial release
  • Requires .NET Core 2.2