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splitChunks can create initial chunks that are empty after CSS extraction #7300

edmorley opened this issue May 14, 2018 · 54 comments


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Bug report

What is the current behavior?

The splitChunks feature (using chunks: 'all') doesn't take into account CSS extraction (via mini-css-extract-plugin) when deciding whether to create a new inital chunk. A new chunk can end up being created that is empty (other than the webpack functions) and under the default 30KB splitChunks.minSize threshold so shouldn't have been created.


For webpack build log output see:

If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.

  1. git clone
  2. yarn install
  3. yarn build

What is the expected behavior?

There is no dist/vendors~pageA~pageB.js chunk generated, since after the CSS is extracted, there should be no common JS code between the two pages.

Other relevant information:
webpack version: 4.8.3
Node.js version: 10.1.0
Operating System: Windows 10
Additional tools: mini-css-extract-plugin@0.4.0

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@edmorley Maybe related webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin#85?

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Hi! I saw that issue before filing this, however in that issue a custom cacheGroups definition was being used to move all CSS to one chunk - whereas this case is with the default cacheGroups setting. The symptoms do seem similar, so it's not implausible that it's the same root cause - but I didn't want to assume and pile on there.

@sokra sokra added this to the webpack 4.x milestone May 15, 2018
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sokra commented May 15, 2018

Yep that's true

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edmorley commented Jun 8, 2018

Another issue that this causes, is that the empty (plus also "not quite empty, but still less than the 30KB minimum size") chunks use up the maxInitialRequests allowance - forcing some of the larger modules into the entrypoint chunks where they are duplicated, meaning that the total built output size is greater.

This has the knock on effect of slower builds , since there is more to minify/source-map. (In one of my projects raising maxInitialRequests higher than the default of 3 reduces cold cache build times by 40% and warm by 30-35%.)

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paynecodes commented Jun 21, 2018

@sokra Is there any workaround for this issue you can think of? I'm simply trying to split out all vendor css, but this is creating an "empty" (file contents: (window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[0],[]]);) js file. Any suggestions?

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@jpdesigndev try prepending those files' contents into you main entry manually.

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Any news on this? I think this is the final blocker for our upgrade to Webpack 4.

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This is blocking me to upgrade to webpack 4, but it is planned for webpack 5. I guess I will stop trying to upgrade until 5 comes out.

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The milestone for this used to be webpack 4.x, but has recently been changed to webpack 5. Was this due to the fix for this being seen as a breaking change, or because of timeframe/resources required to fix?

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Yes, it is breaking change

@sokra sokra modified the milestones: webpack 5, webpack 4.x Jun 22, 2018
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sokra commented Jun 22, 2018

hmm... maybe there is a way we could add it for webpack 4 too

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If this needs help, I'm happy to help out

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Igloczek commented Jul 4, 2018

Seems like related to webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin#151

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/cc @sokra will be great solve this for webpack@4, because a lot of people have this problem

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Right now I'm using this "workaround":

class MiniCssExtractPluginCleanup {
    apply(compiler) {
        compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync("MiniCssExtractPluginCleanup", (compilation, callback) => {
                .filter(asset => {
                    return ["*/scss/**/*.js", "*/scss/**/*"].some(pattern => {
                        return minimatch(asset, pattern);
                .forEach(asset => {
                    delete compilation.assets[asset];


It's very specific for my use case and has things hardcoded and I even have just put it directly in the webpack.config.js file (so not published on npm).

So it would be awesome if this could be fixed at webpack level.

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maapteh commented Aug 16, 2018

@sokra will this still be fixed in 4? We are migrating to 4 currently and everything works except this "empty" file.

Or wait for 5 with css-webpack-plugin ? Awesome work by the way, i only had problems with the optimise part!

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toastal commented Aug 17, 2018

@danechitoaie ’s ‘workaround’ worked for me, but it does unnecessary looping, incurs a dependency in minimatch, & isn’t very flexible as mentioned. I modified to this which passes in a RegExp to be reused for what to delete, as well as not doing extra loops via higher-order functions:

class MiniCssExtractPluginCleanup {
   constructor(deleteWhere = /\.js(\.map)?$/) {
      this.shouldDelete = new RegExp(deleteWhere)
   apply(compiler) {
      compiler.hooks.emit.tapAsync("MiniCssExtractPluginCleanup", (compilation, callback) => {
         Object.keys(compilation.assets).forEach((asset) => {
            if (this.shouldDelete.test(asset)) {
               delete compilation.assets[asset]

Which then in their case could be used by passing in the RegExp

module.exports = {
   // …,
   plugins: [
      new MiniCssExtractPluginCleanUp(/\.js(\.map)?$/),
   // …,

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Kajeczko commented Aug 20, 2018

Also remember you can just run console command to delete / modify this files after webpack done his job.

// package.json
"scripts": {
    "clean-css": "rm ./build/normalize.bundle.js",
    "build": "webpack --config && npm run clean-css",

Can be useful: Pre and Post hooks for npm scripting

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usebaz commented Aug 27, 2018

@Kajeczko in some cases this file can have code that run webpack. Example:

⇒  cat build/_js/route.styles.js 
(window["webpackJsonp"] = window["webpackJsonp"] || []).push([["styles"],[]]);

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Dwood15 commented Aug 27, 2018

@usebaz that kind of code isn't necessary to use the css files, and are safe to delete.

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Partial solved in webpack@5:

  optimization: {
    splitChunks: {
      cacheGroups: {
        styles: {
          type: 'css/mini-extract',
          chunks: 'all',
          // If you need this uncomment
          // enforce: true,

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#11585 should fix it, I will put couple tests in mini-css-extract-plugin to ensure all works fine

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Done webpack-contrib/mini-css-extract-plugin#599

@alexander-akait alexander-akait moved this from Maybe to Done in webpack 5 Oct 7, 2020
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@evilebottnawi I've tried with the following packages
webpack: 5.0.0
mini-css-extract-plugin: 1.0.0
css-loader: 4.3.0

and this config

const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require('mini-css-extract-plugin');

module.exports = () => {
  return {
    entry: {
      test: './src/test.css',
    mode: 'production',
    optimization: {
      removeEmptyChunks: true,
      splitChunks: {
        cacheGroups: {
          styles: {
            type: 'css/mini-extract',
            chunks: 'all',
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /\.css$/i,
          use: [
              loader: MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader,
              options: {
                esModules: false,
              loader: 'css-loader',
    plugins: [new MiniCssExtractPlugin()],

but it still outputs a dist/test.css and dist/test.js with the latter being empty, any hint what might be wrong here?

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@martinherweg Please create reproducible test repo, I think you still on old webpack

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@evilebottnawi here I've created a very small test repo.

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@martinherweg to be honestly it is not related to this issue, we create empty js because you need js entrypoint, but because you don't have js it is just empty, it's a bit like this problem, but it's a different problem, can you open a new issue about this?

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@evilebottnawi just to confirm my understanding. For which cases is your fix where it doesn't generate an empty JS file?

I've added an additional entry point with a JS file, still it generates an empty JS file for the CSS only entry.

I understand it's not related to that issue, I just read various threads about this and read your comment here that it's fixed.

Do you think it's webpack or mini-css-extract-plugin related?


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@evilebottnawi just to confirm my understanding. For which cases is your fix where it doesn't generate an empty JS file?

For all cases, except non js entry points

Do you think it's webpack or mini-css-extract-plugin related?


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So there still isn't a fix for this?

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Partial fixed

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I created a plugin to fix this for us and hold us over until webpack 5. Works fine after the webpack 5 upgrade, but this plugin did the job until then: Just concats the empty js files onto the main entrypoint js.

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meglio commented Apr 5, 2021

Still not fixed for me when using webpack 5:

cacheGroups: {
                    styles: {
                        name: 'styles',
                        test: /\.(sa|sc|c)ss$/,
                        //type: 'css/mini-extract',
                        chunks: 'all',
                        enforce: true,
                        minSize: 0,
                        minChunks: 1,
                        priority: 20
                    vendor: {
                        test: /node_modules/,
                        chunks: "initial",
                        name: "vendor",
                        priority: 10,
                        enforce: true
                    commons: {
                        chunks: "initial",
                        name: "commons",
                        minChunks: 1,
                        enforce: true,
                        maxInitialRequests: 4,
                        minSize: 0

Produces the following js file:


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@meglio Not all chunks can be dropped, please create reproducible test repo, I will look

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meglio commented Apr 5, 2021

@alexander-akait , I've been playing with various options and made the following discovery:

Using test: /\.(sa|sc|c)ss$/ in the chunk configuration does emit the js file besides the css file.

Removing that and using type: 'css/mini-extract' instead stops emitting the js file and only emits the css file.

Does this make any sense, and is there an explanation of this behaviour?

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Does this make any sense, and is there an explanation of this behaviour?

type was implement for this, test doesn't know which modules should be dropped, it is right solution, can you help update docs?

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meglio commented Apr 5, 2021

Is there any way to contribute to docs without running a full local developer copy of the webpack website?

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You can send improve here

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meglio commented Apr 5, 2021

Do you suggest adding a note in this section?

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phil-lgr commented Dec 9, 2021

Thanks @toastal for your minimal plugin, it does the job!

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@alexander-akait , I've been playing with various options and made the following discovery:

Using test: /\.(sa|sc|c)ss$/ in the chunk configuration does emit the js file besides the css file.

Removing that and using type: 'css/mini-extract' instead stops emitting the js file and only emits the css file.

In my case I'm running out of memory if I remove the test entry:

[116765:0x613fc70]    18299 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 4086.4 (4109.8) -> 4086.2 (4103.0) MB, 5.5 / 0.0 ms  (+ 39.2 ms in 1 steps since start of marking, biggest step 39.2 ms, walltime since start of marking 57 ms) (average mu = 0.947, current mu = 0.814) al[116765:0x613fc70]    18482 ms: Mark-sweep (reduce) 4099.7 (4115.8) -> 4099.0 (4115.8) MB, 49.8 / 0.0 ms  (average mu = 0.901, current mu = 0.728) allocation failure; scavenge might not succeed

<--- JS stacktrace --->

FATAL ERROR: Reached heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
 1: 0xb95be0 node::Abort() [webpack]
 2: 0xa9a7f8  [webpack]
 3: 0xd6f5b0 v8::Utils::ReportOOMFailure(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [webpack]
 4: 0xd6f957 v8::internal::V8::FatalProcessOutOfMemory(v8::internal::Isolate*, char const*, bool) [webpack]
 5: 0xf4ceb5  [webpack]
 6: 0xf5f38d v8::internal::Heap::CollectGarbage(v8::internal::AllocationSpace, v8::internal::GarbageCollectionReason, v8::GCCallbackFlags) [webpack]
 7: 0xf39a7e v8::internal::HeapAllocator::AllocateRawWithLightRetrySlowPath(int, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment) [webpack]
 8: 0xf3ae47 v8::internal::HeapAllocator::AllocateRawWithRetryOrFailSlowPath(int, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment) [webpack]
 9: 0xf1c04a v8::internal::Factory::NewFillerObject(int, v8::internal::AllocationAlignment, v8::internal::AllocationType, v8::internal::AllocationOrigin) [webpack]
10: 0x12e139f v8::internal::Runtime_AllocateInYoungGeneration(int, unsigned long*, v8::internal::Isolate*) [webpack]
11: 0x170e079  [webpack]
error Command failed with signal "SIGABRT".

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Can you profile your memory and look where is a problem?

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