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hashCode(String id)
    remove cssc
    covert to int
    return int

Hash functions

  • property of the data
  • be fast to compute
  • if two things are "equal" the should return the same value
  • Always return the same value for an object during an one run of the code
  • possible to return different values for an object in separate runs (hardly believe)
  • minimize collisions


E.g. We have a phone number $6195551212$
And our hash function takes the number and sums up the different parts of it $$619+555+1212=2386$$ That's nice, but what if we have another number $619 550 1217$? It is also $$619+550+1217=2386$$ This is a collision
Btw the way we summed up the number is called Folding


Let's hash the string 'this'
We may represent it as ASCII code

t h i s
116 104 105 115

The problem is if we are going to just sum up their codes we will have a collisions with strings like:

  • hits
  • tish
  • shi.. O.O

So, just adding the numbers is not a good way of hashing the string
But we may take some constant g and multiply it like $$g^0116+g^1104+g^2105+g^3115$$
code may look like

public int hashCode(String s) {
    int g = 31;
    int hash = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
        hash = g * hash + s.charAt(i);
    return hash;

Compressing hashCode()

  • odd sized table
  • table size is a prime number
    $$-10\mod3 = -1$$
    There are a lot of stuff with two's complement
    int hashVal = data.hashCode() & 0x7FFFFFFF; // make int positive
    hashVal = hashVal % tableSize;

Load factor

$$\lambda = \frac{\text{number of entries}}{\text{total size of array}}$$ $$\lambda = 0 \text{ - then data structure is empty}$$ $$\lambda = 0.5 \text{ - then data structure is half full}$$ $$\lambda = 1 \text{ - the data structure is full}$$

When it full we have to resize the array.

Resolve collisions in a hash

Linear probing

  • If cell is full, let's go to the next one

Quadratic probing

  • If cell is full, let's go to the +n^2 cell

Double hashing

  • Two different hashCode functions
  • 2nd must be different from the 1st
  • 2nd mustn't return 0
  • e.hashCode() + e.hashTwo()


Approach using linked lists.

  • Constant time: add, remove, find (?)
  • Unlimited size
  • Doesn't need resizing (Unlimited size)

$$\lambda = \frac{\text{num entries}}{\text{num possible chains}}$$

We may allow $\lambda$ may be $\ge$ to the 1

This is a best approach

Worst case: O(n) Best case: O(1)


The problem is that we can't just copy nodes from old array to the new one. THUS, we have to rehash all the elements.

Bloom Filters

Bloom filters - is data structure which is used to check the set membership.

  • Definitely not in the set
  • Probably in the set
  • But it can't guarantee that object is definitely in the set
  • Items cannot be deleted from a bloom filter. EVER
    Hash all the objects and store them in the array where the index of the element is his hash.
    The chance to have a collision is low in the MD5 hash. But that's not the case. Let's use several hash functions. If there is 0 in any of the location, then the object was never entered into the filter. $$n = \text{number of items we're planning to put in the filter}$$ $$p = \text{probability of a collision we're willing to accept}$$ $$m = \frac{n*ln(p)}{ln(2)^2} \text{ - optimal size of array to use in a bloom filter}$$ $$k = \frac{m}{n}ln(2) \text{ - optimal number of hash functions to use}$$

Cuckoo hashing

Let's combine Bloom filters and hashing into the Cuckoo hashing!
We have to hash initial value twice. If the 1st location is empty we place the value there, otherwise we put it in the second spot. If both locations are full, we place the value in the first location, bumping the existing value.
Actually, you may see it more deeply here


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