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82 lines (52 loc) · 1.7 KB

File metadata and controls

82 lines (52 loc) · 1.7 KB


Brings exact CommonJS (require, exports) functionality to the Browser.

It has two parts:

  1. A simple compiler that wraps your files in a closure that injects bound of require and exports, so you can use the exact same code client side.

  2. A client side library that provides a require keyword


npm install brequire


Create a an instance of the compiler with require("brequire")("path/to/my/module")

The various options can then be set via method calls:

  • include_lib() use this method to write out the client side library along with the source files.

  • module_base(name) us this method to change the module base name

  • search(path, [path2, path3 etc... ]) set the search paths for the scripts to load from the root. the paths can use globs defaults to **.js

  • inspect will output the current state of the compiler including the files to be processed.

To output the files, use write:

  • write(path)

this wraps each file with a special closure writes it to disk. if path ends with '.js': the files will all be bundled together into one script. otherwise path is assumed to be a directroy and each file will be written out separately, the structure mirroring the src directory

Example Usage

var brequire = require("brequire")


Command Line Interface

this is not working at present. needs a rewrite => should be back soon enough

