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Pilot Setup

Scripted Installation

The pilot preinstallation and setup routines are in two scripts,<> and<>.

Setting up a pilot then just requires you run those two scripts, which will prompt you as you go:

cd <repo_directory>/autopilot/setup
sudo python ./

The setup_pilot script produces the prefs.json file (see ~autopilot.prefs) and uses npyscreen to enable graphical parameter setup on headless machines and over SSH. The prefs.json file can be manually edited to add any additional configuration options needed by your system.


Basic Configuration

  • Pilot name: The name that will be used to address messages to the Pilot and identify it across the system. This should be unique within a swarm.
  • Base Directory: The parent directory that will be used for all Autopilot data -- preferences files, data, logs, etc.
  • Lineage: ("Are we a parent or a child?") - can be PARENT or CHILD.
  • Configuration: (Still experimental) Whether the Pilot has been set up for audio stimuli (and thus launches a jack server, etc.), visual stimuli (X11 server) or neither.
  • Child/Parent Settings: The ID of any parent or child that this pilot has. Since Autopilot's networking structure is treelike (see the whitepaper), an IP and Port are only necessary for a child that is connecting to a parent
  • Push/Message Port: The push port is the port that messages are pushed to and should correspond to the port used by the upstream node, whether that be a Terminal or a Parent. The message port is the port opened to receive messages by the Pilot's ~autopilot.core.networking.Station object.
  • Terminal IP: The IP address of the Terminal. Ideally the Terminal has a static, local IP address, but this can be changed at any time by editing the prefs.json file.

Audio Configuration

If the CONFIG is set to VISUAL, these options are ignored. We will make the setup menu responsive in future versions (see todo).

  • Audio Server: While both options use jack as a backend, choose between using our internal ~autopilot.stim.sound.jackclient.JackClient that dumps samples directly into Jack streams (strongly recommended) or pyo which is a more flexible synthesis library but has issues with latency and reliability and will likely be deprecated in future versions
  • N Audio Channels: How many audio channels should be used for output.
  • Output Ports: The indices of output that should be used (depending on whether you have connected a speaker to the left or right audio out, for example)
  • Sampling Rate: The sampling rate that will be used by the jack server.
  • Jackd String: The string used to launch jack, see the jackd manpage. The default configuration is:

    • -P75 - Sets jackd to operate with a high realtime priority
    • -p16 - Maximum number of ports (16) that the jack server can manage
    • -t2000 - Set a 2000ms timeout before our client is kicked from jackd's client pool.
    • -dalsa - Use alsa as the hardware backend (strongly recommended)
    • -dhw:sndrpihifiberry - Use the HiFiBerry as the output device. Customize this to your own sound card by replacing with a device listed by aplay -l
    • -P - Playback only mode
    • -rfs - Sets the sampling rate, leave as "fs" to have this replaced by the sampling rate specified previously
    • -n3 - Latency is --nperiods * --period (number of samples in a period) / --rate. This sets the number of periods to 3 to make buffer underruns less likely while slightly increasing latency
    • -s - "Soft mode," Ignore buffer under/overruns from ALSA.

The next menu screen sets the hardware options:


These settings create a HARDWARE dictionary that maps hardware objects based on their type and name to a GPIO pin number. These names are the same as those used by tasks to parameterize hardware requirements.

The HARDWARE that are set by default are

  • POKES - IR ~autopilot.core.hardware.Beambreak s, digital logic input
  • LEDS - ~autopilot.core.hardware.LED_RGB s, which use 3 pins modulated by PWM to output RGB colors.
  • PORTS - ~autopilot.core.hardware.Solenoid s, which dispense water rewards, digital logic output.
  • FLAGS - ~autopilot.core.hardware.Flag s, which are a trivial subclass of ~autopilot.core.hardware.Beambreak with their default logic directions reversed.

Additional hardware can be configured by editing prefs.json, so for example if your task calls for:

        'L': hardware.gpio.Digital_In

then one could add an entry to the HARDWARE dictionary in prefs.json like:

    "POKES": {
        "L": {
            "pin": 1,
            "polarity": 1,
            "pull": 0,
            "trigger": 'U'

(See ~.gpio.Digital_In and the metacalss ~.gpio.GPIO for parameter documentation)

The npyscreen setup wizard will be extended so that hardware can be added w/ parameters graphically, see todo

The setup script will then create a launch script (ie. <BASE_DIR>/ and optionally install the Pilot to run as an always-on systemd service. If the Pilot is not setup as a systemd service, it needs to be started manually using the script.

Manual Preinstall

Rasbian Installation

  1. Download Raspbian Lite and unzip

  2. Use dd to write the Raspbian disk image to a microSD card. Note that dd can and will mess up your entire life if given the opportunity, be very careful that you don't run the command until you're sure your if= and of= are correct.

    • macOS:

      # get the number of the disk, should be something like /dev/disk2
      diskutil list
      # unmount the disk, using the disk # from before.
      sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk#
      # use dd to copy (use ctrl+t to check transfer status)
      # note the use of rdisk rather than disk the number should be the same
      sudo dd if=/path/to/raspbian.img of=/dev/rdisk# bs=1m
    • linux (use admin privileges when needed with sudo):

      # get the number of the disk, should be something like /dev/randomnumbersandletters
      fdisk -l
      # unmount the disk
      umount /dev/<your_disk>
      # use dd to copy (use ctrl+t to check transfer status)
      # note the use of rdisk rather than disk the number should be the same
      dd if=/path/to/raspbian.img of=/dev/<your_disk> bs=1M
  3. Boot from the SD card. It should reboot once after it resizes the filesystem. Login with the default credentials:

    • username: pi
    • password: raspberry
  4. Do an initial update and upgrade to grab any critical security fixes so we don't get sunk before we get started:

    • sudo apt-get update ** sudo apt-get upgrade -y
  5. Optional: Change the default password. You'll be sorry if you don't -- I got my credit card stolen this way.

    • passwd and follow the prompts
  6. Install necessary system packages:

    sudo apt-get install -y \
        build-essential \
        cmake \
        git \
        python-pip \
        python2.7-dev \
        python3-distutils \
        libsamplerate0-dev \ # audio requirements are from here...
        libsndfile1-dev \    #
        libreadline-dev \    #
        libasound-dev \      #
        i2c-tools \          #
        libportmidi-dev \    #
        liblo-dev \          # to here.
        libhdf5-dev \
        python-numpy \       # install these python packages through apt,
        python-pandas \      # take forever to build them on the raspi
        python-tables \      # this one too
        libzmq-dev \
        libffi-dev \         # Allows us to call C functions from python
        python-cffi \
  7. And Python packages:

    sudo -H pip install -U \
        pyzmq \        # ZeroMQ wrapper
        npyscreen \    # ncurses wrapper used for setup menus
        JACK-Client \  # client for jack audio
        tornado \      # tornado message server
        inputs \       # interactions with USB devices
        blosc          # compression for networking objects
  8. Autopilot depends on a modified version of pigpio for high performance GPIO access and control, so install it already:

    git clone
    cd pigpio
    make -j6
    sudo -H make install

Raspbian Performance Improvements

All of these are, strictly speaking, optional, but there's not really a good reason not to do them...

  1. Change the CPU Governor - Change the CPU Governor - normally the RPi keeps a low clock speed when not under load, raising it when load increases. this can cause audible glitches which are obviously to be avoided.

    • the RPi has a startup script (confusingly, /etc/init.d/raspi-config) that sets the cpu governor to on demand. disable it

      • sudo systemctl disable raspi-config
    • Add a line to etc/rc.local, which runs on boot, that changes the governor to "performance"

      • Either add this above 'exit 0':

        echo "performance" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor
      • Or run this which does it for you:

        sudo sed -i '/^exit 0/i echo "performance" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor' /etc/rc.local
  2. Disable Bluetooth

    • Add dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt to /boot/config.txt, or use this:

      sudo sed -i '$s/$/\ndtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt/' /boot/config.txt
    • Disable other bluetooth services:

      sudo systemctl disable hciuart.service
      sudo systemctl disable bluealsa.service
      sudo systemctl disable bluetooth.service
  3. You can decrease the memory that is allocated to the video card, but keep in mind pigpio allocates its memory from the GPU store. Don't reduce to lower than ~8MB
    • sudo raspi-config > Advanced > Memory Split

Audio Setup

Autopilot uses Jack Audio to play sounds.

  1. Clone jack:

    git clone git:// --depth 1
  2. Configure, build, install:

    cd jack2
    # use ./waf --help to list compile options
    ./waf configure --alsa=yes --libdir=/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/
    ./waf build -j6
    sudo ./waf install
    sudo ldconfig #reconfigure links
  3. Give jack some more juice:

    # let jack use more memory than Raspbian wants it to
    sudo sh -c "echo @audio - memlock 256000 >> /etc/security/limits.conf"
    # let jack take a higher priority than Raspbian wants it to
    sudo sh -c "echo @audio - rtprio 75 >> /etc/security/limits.conf"
  4. Install the jack python wrapper:

    sudo -H pip install JACK-Client

We also use the the Hifiberry Amp 2 as our soundcard and amplifier.

  1. Add pi user (or whatever username you're using) to i2c group:

    sudo adduser pi i2c
  2. Turn onboard audio off and enable hifiberry overlays in /boot/config.txt.

    Comment out:

    # dtparam=audio=on



    Or use these commands which do it for you:

    sudo sed -i 's/^dtparam=audio=on/#dtparam=audio=on/g' /boot/config.txt
    sudo sed -i '$s/$/\ndtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus\ndtoverlay=i2s-mmap\ndtoverlay=i2c-mmap\ndtparam=i2c1=on\ndtparam=i2c_arm=on/' /boot/config.txt
  3. Edit ALSA configuration (/etc/asound.conf) so hifiberry is default sound card.

    Make it look like this:

    pcm.!default  {
     type hw card 0
    ctl.!default {
     type hw card 0

    Or use this:

    echo -e 'pcm.!default {\n type hw card 0\n}\nctl.!default {\n type hw card 0\n}' | sudo tee $ALSAFILE
  4. Reboot and test with aplay -l which should look something like this:

    pi@raspberrypi:~ $ aplay -l
    **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
    card 0: sndrpihifiberry [snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus], device 0: HiFiBerry DAC+ HiFi pcm512x-hifi-0 []
      Subdevices: 1/1
      Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

Video Setup

If you're using Autopilot to present visual stimuli, it runs in an X11 instance and uses PsychoPy

  1. Psychopy and X11 both have quite a few dependencies. Currently, there is no opencv-python wheel available for the raspberry pi (it can be compiled manually <>), so we have to install the psychopy dependencies piecemeal.:

    # X11 dependencies
    sudo apt-get install -y \
        xserver-xorg \             # graphics server
        xorg-dev \                 # development headers
        xinit \                    # interface for graphics server
        xserver-xorg-video-fbdev \ # frame buffer
        python-opencv \            # opencv python bindings
    # Psychopy dependencies
    pip install \
        pyopengl \
        pyglet \
        pillow \
        moviepy \
        configobj \
        json_tricks \
        arabic-reshaper \
        astunparse \
        esprima \
        freetype-py \
        gevent \
        gitpython \
        msgpack-numpy \
        msgpack-python \
        pyparallel \
        pyserial \
        python-bidi \
        python-gitlab \
        pyyaml \
        sounddevice \
  2. Enable the Raspberry pi's OpenGL driver:

    • sudo raspi-config > advanced > GL Driver > "GL (FakeKMS)"
    • then reboot
  3. Psychopy uses a few video backends, but in our experience glfw is the fastest. We have to compile it manually:

    git clone
    cd glfw
    cmake .
    make -j7
    sudo -H make install
  4. After all dependencies have been installed, install Psychopy.:

    pip install psychopy --no-deps
  5. Set the default backend to glfw:

    nano ~/.psychopy3/userPrefs.cfg
    # add the line
    winType = "glfw"

Optional Installation Steps

sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

Optional: Setup SSH access and install RSA key