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Special Setup: Isabelle Proof Checker

A special setup is required for evaluating the miniF2F_isabelle_informal2formal task.

Below, we assume that you have run the evaluation harness on the miniF2F_isabelle_informal2formal task.

The task produces an output JSON file containing the generated proofs, e.g. output/minif2f_isabelle/codellama_CodeLlama-7b-hf.json).

We will now set up proof checking in order to run, which evaluates the proofs.


The script supports proof checking via PISA. We implement a client that interacts with PISA (Checker in script).

Here are setup steps for a non-dockerized environment. The setup is heavily based on the PISA readme and Dockerfile. You may need to refer to those if something goes wrong.

Installation (PISA and Isabelle)

First, we need to set up PISA and Isabelle.

# -- PISA setup
# Download Portal-to-ISAbelle (PISA)
# This version includes an extended timeout:
cd ~/
git clone
cd Portal-to-ISAbelle
git checkout aa5a06d217af4b04f4ae573836b52572da0858f6

# Scala installation
sudo apt-get install zip
curl -s "" | bash
source "~/.sdkman/bin/"
sdk install java 11.0.11-open
sdk install sbt

# Compile PISA 
cd ~/Portal-to-ISAbelle
sbt compile
sbt assembly

# -- Isabelle setup
# Download Isabelle
wget && \
    tar -xzf Isabelle2022_linux.tar.gz

# Install Isabelle (i.e., move to WORK_DIR, make an alias).
export WORK_DIR=~/
mv Isabelle2022 ${WORK_DIR}/
echo 'alias isabelle=${WORK_DIR}/Isabelle2022/bin/isabelle' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

# Build Isabelle HOL (creates heaps in ~/.isabelle)
isabelle build -b -D ${WORK_DIR}/Isabelle2022/src/HOL/ -j 20

At the end, here's what the setup looks like:

  • Portal-to-ISAbelle github repo in ~/Portal-to-ISAbelle
  • Isabelle in ~/Isabelle2022, e.g.
    ls ~/Isabelle2022
    => ANNOUNCE  bin  contrib ...
  • Isabelle heaps in ~/.isabelle, e.g.
    ls ~/.isabelle/Isabelle2022/heaps/polyml-5.9_x86_64_32-linux/
    => Group-Ring-Module  HOL-Corec_Examples  HOL-Isar_Examples  ...

Start a PISA server

Now start a PISA server:

cd ~/Portal-to-ISAbelle
sbt "runMain pisa.server.PisaOneStageServer9000"

The number at the end (here, 9000) specifies the server's port.

Next, start a separate tmux window. In this window, we will configure the Python client to communicate with the server, then run the script.


At a high-level, we have three components:

  1. The PISA Scala server
  2. The PISA python library
  3. Our python client, Checker.


First, set a PISA_PATH environment variable that points to PISA's python directory:

export PISA_PATH=~/Portal-to-ISAbelle/src/main/python

The variable is used to import PISA's python client (Portal-to-Isabelle/src/main/python/ in Checker.
This links components 2 and 3.

Setup a working directory and working file

PISA is initialized by providing a particular working directory and file.
We will create a file called Interactive.thy and put it in the HOL/Examples directory:

vim ~/Isabelle2022/src/HOL/Examples/Interactive.thy
theory Interactive
  imports Complex_Main


Run the evaluation:

Install misc. libraries

pip install func_timeout

Run the script:

As command line arguments we pass the path to Isabelle, the working directory described above, the theory file described above, the port of the running PISA server, and our output JSON file:

python \
  --isa-path /home/username/Isabelle2022 \
  --theory-file /home/username/Isabelle2022/src/HOL/Examples/Interactive.thy \
  --working-dir /home/username/Isabelle2022/src/HOL/Examples \
  --port 9000 \
  --output output/minif2f_isabelle/codellama_CodeLlama-7b-hf.json

Naturally, you will need to set these arguments to your own file paths.

In some environments it may be necessary to prefix the command with PROTOCOL_BUFFERS_PYTHON_IMPLEMENTATION=python.