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122 lines (111 loc) · 4.49 KB

File metadata and controls

122 lines (111 loc) · 4.49 KB


Xml-extensions is a slight library that contains a set of extensions for working with org.w3c.dom package. This library is kind of facade behind which hides the implementation of the most common cases of working with xml objects, such as searching child elements, getting node values, adding elements, creating documents and so on.

Often it is necessary to write additional classes like Utils that contains base functions for working with XML objects. Often these classes are even moved from project to project with some modifications. Xml-extensions offer a number of mostly used such functions.

Access to the extensions is performed via the extension property ext.

Frequently when debugging, you wonder whether the variable contains exactly the right XML document. It is would be great to see the document as string in a debugger. With Xml-extensions you can just invoke overridden method toString on the property's extension ext:

val document: Document = ...

and see something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testXmlDocument xmlns:ns1="http://someaddress1">someValue</testXmlDocument>

It is often necessary to transform a document into other types in order to transmit it. Using this library, it is also easy to do this:

val document: Document = ...

Reverse transformation is also performed using just one method:


There are also auxiliary classes DocumentExt, ElementExt, NodeListExt, SchemaExt, and TransformerExt for providing static functionality.

Usually you need to access to some element of a document without defining a namespace, but just by name. Xml-extensions finds elements in a document without namespaces.
For example, to find the element ns1:child7 from code snippet below, it is enough to specify only its name:

<testXmlDocument xmlns:ns1="http://someaddress1">

The library also provides other useful extensions for work with Element, Document, NodeList, Schema, and Transformer classes. Examples for some of them can be seen in the section below.



Add mavenCentral() to your list of repositories:

repositories {

Add this library to your list of dependencies:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.wellusion:xml-extensions:1.12'


Create a Document from a String:

val documentAsString = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><document></docuemnt>"
val document = DocumentExt.createDocument(documentAsString)

Write a Document as a String:

val sDocument = document.ext.toString()

Find nested single-level Element by its name without a given namespace:

val document = DocumentExt.createDocument(documentAsString)

Get the text value of the Element if the value exists. If the Element has nested elements, a null value is returned:

val childElement = document.documentElement.ext.getChildElement("childElement")

Check the Element for having nested elements:

val childElement = document.documentElement.ext.getChildElement("childElement")

Provide a NodeList as a List of elements:

val element = document.documentElement.ext.getChildElement("element")

Check the Document for Schema compliance:

val document = DocumentExt.createDocument(documentAsString)
val schema = SchemaExt.createSchema(schemaAsString)

Create a Transformer instance for xslt transformations from String:

val transformer = TransformerExt.createXsltTransformer(someXsltTemplate)

More working examples of using all extensions can be found in the project's test directory.