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WPS601 in classes derived from Django models #1197

RandyRomero opened this issue Feb 27, 2020 · 1 comment

WPS601 in classes derived from Django models #1197

RandyRomero opened this issue Feb 27, 2020 · 1 comment
bug Something isn't working


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Bug report

What's wrong

Django 3.0.3
I have a model derived from Django standard model. Checking this code gives me WPS601 Found shadowed class attribute.

class MyModel(models.Model):   
    foo = models.TextField()   # setting a class attribute
    def my_method(self): = "new value"  # updating aforementioned class attribute 

How is that should be

The linter alarms about WPS601 because I didn't declare within dunder init method, it's understandable. But Django docs discourage programmers to reimplement dunder init within classes derived from Django models. So imo within classes derived from Django models we shouldn't get WPS601 error.

System information

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@RandyRomero RandyRomero added the bug Something isn't working label Feb 27, 2020
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Thanks a lot for the report!

This case is understandable. People do want and will override Django model class / instance fields. But, there's nothing we can do from our side. Because we cannot tell if that's a Django model or not.

So, the solution is to use per-file-ignores and just ignore WPS601 for all your where you do use this. Or if this is a one time problem: use # noqa: WPS601

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