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2R1Day 1 September 2019

I am going back to a new start:smile:

Today practice web and restart to learn JavaScript.

I watching YouTube to practice build simple web. This is a simple web

Basic JavaScript is important,Traversymediahave great JavaScript in the YouTube totorial teach to let me understand. Basic JavaScript



2R2Day 2 September 2019

Keep watching Youtube learn about basic JavaScript, but ”break” how to explain? If the only enter number gets the result?? Like this ”name”, ”fruits” any word can’t use the ”break”?:squirrel:



2R3Day 3 September 2019

Continue to learn JavaScript, I like ”const” it means is ”constant”, but I can't say it looks easy to use, and repeat practice is important. Who can explain what is ”f” mean?:sweat_smile:I don't understand what is it?

like this:point_right:f

es5 or es6 choose is that which good?? But I learn is es6, like this ”class” ”const” ”${name}”, like es6 called es2015.:eyes: Top 10 ES6 Features Every Busy JavaScript Developer Must Know This is explained better clear


2R4Day 4 September 2019

Go back to freecodecamp continue to finish all classes. When I watching a YouTube tutorial, what is Vanilla JS? but es6 same with vanilla JS? I search for it any knowledge like this example is explained well:smiley_cat: What is VanillsJS?


2R5Day 5 September 2019

Read any Javascript article and practice es6 this evening, console really has help for me.

This is great Javascript to a lot of examples let me know, but a bit don't understand:sweat_smile:

ES6 for Everyone


2R6Day 6 September 2019

Practice simple es6, and watching the second JavaScript.

Document.text( You can do yourself Good!)

But I didn't learn more and my headache not comfortable this evening.


2R7Day 7 September 2019

I and my mom to go to eat lunch together, that was a company having lunch gatherings today, lunch finish after going to IKEA buy need life thing.

only get a bit time to learn es6 and watching Tutorial practice.



2R8Day 8 September 2019

Didn't practice today!!

Function tomorrow () {
   console.log("Remember to practice");


2R9Day 9 September 2019

var titles = document.querySelectorAll('.title');
titles.textContent = 'Tomorrow';
titles.textContent = 'Continue';


2R10Day 10 September 2019

Watching YouTube and Practice learning DOM this evening, I will continue to learn about DOM tomorrow night.



2R11Day 11 September 2019

I didn't practice JavaScript, my eye not uncomfortable, need rest, only read JavaScript Book.

Question about Boolean:

const n = 0; //falsy
const b1 = !!n; //fales
const b2 = Boolean(n); //fales

Why falsy and fales what different?:open_mouth::question:


2R12Day 12 September 2019

But learn a bit Javascript, why watching the tutorial tries to enter, only in the console display like this.

button dom

That is input:

function buttonClick() {
console.log('Button clicked');

It can't in the console to display.

Just add below:point_down: like this:

console.log('Button clicked');

It can display these results.:open_mouth:


2R13Day 13 September 2019

Practice ”table” and about ”buttonClick” question is my wrong,So from head to begin start, Read JavaScript book and practice open console know what results.

let x = 3;
const r1 = x++ + x++;

This is me can parctice ane let me understand.:smile: Expressions and operators-MDN


2R14Day 14 September 2019

Continue practice JavaScript, I see a website teach basic explain example formula know why to write.

Like variable Type: [var type var name = var value] All var defined in the JS, all use ”const” and ”let”.

JS formula:

const obj = new obj();
console.log("see an orange");
const isOrangeMuature = true;
if(isOrangeMuature == true) {
    console.log("Pick up");


2R15Day 15 September 2019

Repeat! Repeat! Repeat! Still, modify and fumble everything, a web page not finish, but I think how to add a background simple music?🤔


2R16Day 16 September 2019

Finally, finish a web page, but didn't add background simple music last, I try to write JS how to make it can scroll, I think it didn't work or have work? 🤔

music practice web page

Practice a bit es6, like ”this” it is a global environment, Method in the object, if a function is put in the object, ”this” means the object itself.

const objWithThis = {
     name: 'GoodNight',
     log: function() {


2R17Day 17 September 2019

I learn a little bit the git, unfamiliar and must habit it any command instruction:smile:

Read the CSS book, know any property and value explain to understand.


2R18Day 18 September 2019

I look like I am a game to break go back from zero to start to practice basic CSS:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:, HTML already familiar. will continue to practice JavaScript.

Practice basic CSS

const practice = { 
start: ’zero’, continue: ’Keep it up’, time: ’never not stop” 
for(let prop in practice) {
     if(!practice.hasOwnProperty(prop))  continue;
console.log(prop + ’:  ’ + practice[prop]);


2R19Day 19 September 2019

I read JavaScript and practice JavaScript, I see JavaScript really easy and understand it. Read Git, about Taiwan book, introduced really clear that. Git

Like this, “define the variable and assign the value”, “Variables name ‘apple’ and ‘AppLE’ are two different variables”:point_right:but I am easy to make a mistake.:sweat_smile:


2R20Day 20 September 2019

Practice CSS in the codepen, think ”border” how to do?! ”border-width”, ” border-style”, ” border-color”, ”padding”, ”margin”

Practice CSS#2


2R21Day 21 September 2019

I looking for a GitHub page on how to do it, I want to do a simple page, use vscode and Desktop GitHub push to Github when finished it a ready push but one mistake disappears all, the only display background-color and ”Hello World!”

Oh my god


2R22Day 22 September 2019

No code TODAY!

Clean home and read any CSS and Javascript book.:books:

function getSentence({ subject, verb, object })  {
     return ’${subject}  ${verb}  ${object}’ ;

const now = {
      subject:  ”I”, 
      verb:  ”go to”, 
      object:  ” sleep”,



2R23Day 23 September 2019

I finally finished my GitHub page, because I spend a lot of time search learning how to build a simple GitHub page. This is my simple web.:sweat_smile:

Deaf Dev Web

Sure, I will slowly add my learn what anything later:smile:

Why must learn C language??

Javascript and C what have relationships??

How to learn JavaScript

will continue to learn JavaScript tomorrow:simple_smile:


2R24Day 24 September 2019

Modify my GitHub page look comfortable, I watching YouTube Buttons With Awesome Hover Effects Using Only HTML & CSS practice CSS button and practice JavaScript, but I think how to do small JavaScript objects??

I have a small question, why my phone desktop displays the page left and right side look to space, not in the center:worried:I have a try to control it but only display computer. Twitter


2R25Day 25 September 2019

Watching YouTube practice CSS and Javascript. Awesome is in the <html> inside add <script>, know-how let color change background different color.:star: That is my want to learn CSS can use JavaScript how the operation.:wink:

var sayName();

function sayName() {
     console.log('tomorrow night continue to learn more');


2R26Day 26 September 2019

I watching Youtube Text Typing Effects By Using JavaScript learn Text Typing Effect by using JavaScript, use <script> operation, But only learn a bit, I feel body the uncomfortable need rest, so I read JavaScript book.:blush:

JavaScript & JQuery 網站互動設計程式進化之道


2R27Day 27 September 2019

I practice the old web and watching YouTube Amazing Product UI Card Using HTML CSS & JavaScript learn ”UI Card”, but have a bit confused about Font Awesome, where can download or copy URL? Does JQuery URL need copy or download??

Practice UI Card


2R28Day 28 September 2019

I still practice ”pricing table” and ”Pagination Design ”, ”create a modal”

Beacuse my belly uncomfortable this day,so the practice didn't more.


2R29Day 29 September 2019

Not Code.

I accompany my framily go to watch movie and eat dinner.:smile:

not today


2R30Day 30 September 2019

I watching Flexbox CSS In 20 Minutes practice flexbox.

JavaScript Pro Tips-Code This,Not Thatpractice JavaScript ”Code This, Not That” know what is bad code and good code.:smile:

My practice Javascript



2R31-32Day 1-2 October 2019

keep practice JavaScript and watching Loops-Code This,Not Thatpractice ”loop” know can use ”map”, ”filter”, ”stored”, ”splice”, I finally know to use Emoji add in the vscode.:smile:

Repeat to learn again is important to me.:muscle:


2R33-34Day 3-4 October 2019

I watching JavaScript: How It's Made

Like this:

setTimeout(() => console.log('do this first?'), 0)

It give me know for each round of the even loop.

  1. Run syne code.
  2. Run Promise or microtask callbacks.
  3. Run async task callbacks.



2R35-36Day 5-6 October 2019

Keep watching Fireship-The JavaScript Survival Guide

Like basic: Boolean, Null, Undefined, Number, Biglnt, String, Symbol.:smile:

function argument

Read the LearningJavaScript book learn ”function call vs. refer”, ”Destructuring assignment”, ”Default parameters ”, ”function argument ”, ”this keyword”, ”function return value”.:books:

Destructuring assignment

But I have a small question, why I see a return value write example return words, isn't use the message write to console, getGreeting(); it didn't work, only add

really in the console display ”Hello World!”

function return value


2R37-38Day 7-8 October 2019

Still watching Codevolution practice Flexbox tutorial 1-14 like Align items know it along the cross axis.:smile:

I will continue to learn it to finish all the flexbox tutorials.


Same watching JavaScript Arrays practice JavaScript Arrays, an array is an object, it will check the input value is or not an Array.:eyes:

like this:

let selecteddynamic = [’Today’, ’Tomorrow ’, ’Everyday ’];


2R39-40Day 9-10 October 2019

Happy Double Ten Day Happy Double Ten Day!!!:smile:

keep watching Codevolution practice Flexbox 15-17.

Practice JavaScript 'Function','String','if else','Loops'.

String gives me know have two way can write "String primitive" and "String object"

const message = 'This is my\n practice String primitive';
const another = new String('hi');

I go back to SoloLearn Tutorial must finish all HTML and JavaScript, to learn Python3 to start too.:muscle:


2R41-42Day 11-12 October 2019

I finally finis SoloLearn HTML Certificate, continue to practice Flexbox 18-22 and watching JavaScript Factory Functions and JavaScript Constructor Functions to practice,but I confused Factory Function and Constructor Functions, two functions what is different?:astonished: like this: must add "this"?or every object add "this"?

SoloLearn HTML Certificate 😊😊


2R43-44Day 13-14 October 2019

I practice SoloLearn JavaScript in ES6 lessons. Watching Build A Calculator With JavaScript Tutorial know why it how to operation, but I do have small wrong is Because didn't look clear "this" write counter. So have modified it.:sweat_smile:

Watching practice JavaScript Getters and Setters and JavaScript Value vs Reference Types

I think get and set use fullName() and fullName(value) can reslut all firstName and lastName,fullName. getters => access properties. setters => change (mutate) them. :wink::wink:

Value has five basic: Number,String,Boolean,Symbol,undefined. Reference Types have three basic: object,function,Array.

Primitives are copied by their value:point_down:

let number = 10;
function increase(number) {


Objects are copied by their reference:point_down:

let obj = { value: 11 };

function increase(obj) {



2R45-46Day 15-16 October 2019

Finished JavaScript Certificate, next step to learn Python. watching JavaScript Scope and let vs Var vs Contestant, this Local and Global give me know oh, it in the defined inside a function are not accessible from outside the function.

SoloLearn JavaScript Certificate

I looking for a great article that can understand how to write. ”in JavaScript, objects and function are also variable.” w3school content says. JavaScript: Introduction to Scope(function scope,block scope)


2R47-48Day 17-18 October 2019

I am to start to learn Python lessons and watching practice JavaScript.:smile:



2R49-52Day 19-22 October 2019

Read book about JavaScript and Python.

Continue to learn Python:snake:lessons and watching practice JavaScript, finish half Clock Javascript.

read book


2R53-54Day 23-24 October 2019

Continue to learn Python:snake:it looks easy to learn.:smile:

Finished Javascript Clock, but have a question, why hand didn't display, I try to check 1-2 times, still not find. watching API teach, tomorrow will practice API how to operate.



2R55-59Day 25-29 October 2019

Learn Python:snake:and read every book:books:,sometimes want to relax or daze, go back to practice the same clock, why var session =”AM” and session =”PM” can't display?! Like this:11:32:49 PM




2R60-61Day 30-31 October 2019

2R61-68Day 1-7 November 2019

Read any the codebook,keep to learn the code.

Because 9 days good enough rest time, so I continue to learn , can't give up.

No one is willing to lay off staff,continue to look for new a job.

I finally modify my page,the look can give anyone easy to read any word.

Deaf Dev


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