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Variational Junction Tree Encoder-Decoder

The folder contains the training and testing scripts for variational junction tree encoder-decoder. The trained model is saved in models/ for all datasets. Sample translations of the test set are provided in results/ folder.

Please make sure that this repo can be found by the system by running

export PYTHONPATH=$path_to_repo/iclr19-graph2graph


For fast training, we need to first preprocess the training data. For instance, you can preprocess the training set of logp04 task using:

python ../scripts/ --train ../data/logp04/train_pairs.txt --ncpu 8
mkdir processed
mv tensor* processed

This will put all binary files into processed/ folder. To preprocess all the datasets, run


This will create four folders in ../data/*/processed for four tasks respectively.

Vocabulary Extraction (Optional)

The fragment vocabulary files have already been provided in data/ for all datasets. If you are working on your own dataset, you will need to extract the corresponding fragment vocabulary. Supposed your molecule file is mols.txt, which has a SMILES string in each line, then you can run the following script for vocabulary extraction:

python ../fast_jtnn/ < mols.txt


Suppose the preprocessed data of logp04 is saved in processed/ folder. You can train our model on the logp04 task by

mkdir -p newmodels/logp04
python --train processed/ --vocab ../data/logp04/vocab.txt --save_dir newmodels/logp04 \
--hidden_size 330 --rand_size 8 --epoch 10 --anneal_rate 0.8 | tee newmodels/logp04/LOG

Specifically, --hidden_size 330 sets the hidden state dimension to be 330 and --rand_size 8 sets the latent code dimension to be 8. --epoch 10 --anneal_rate 0.8 means the model will be trained for 10 epochs, with learning rate annealing 0.8. The model checkpoints are saved in newmodels/logp04.

The hyperparameters of our experiments in the paper are provided in Our models with the best validation performance are provided in models/ folder (e.g., models/logp04/model.iter-5 for the logp04 model). After you have preprocessed all four datasets, you can run bash to train our model on all datasets:



After training, you can evaluate different model checkpoints to select the one with the best performance:

bash val_scripts/ models/logp04 10


After finishing cross-validation, you can test the chosen model on the logp04 task by running

python --test ../data/logp04/test.txt --vocab ../data/logp04/vocab.txt --model models/logp04/model.iter-5 | python ../scripts/logp_score > results.logp04
python --delta 0.4 < results.logp04

You can test our models on all four tasks by running


or equivalently bash if the decoded file is given. This should print the model performance as follows:

logp06 task: Evaluated on 800 samples
average improvement 2.33211345528 stdev 1.28808721418
logp04 task: Evaluated on 800 samples
average improvement 3.58104201902 stdev 1.62546251435
QED task: Evaluated on 800 samples
success rate 0.605
DRD2 task: Evaluated on 1000 samples
success rate 0.781

Note that the above results are slightly different from the reported value in the paper. In the paper, we run this evaluation with multiple random seeds and report the average performance. Here we run with just one random seed.