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Nguyen Dang Khoa edited this page Sep 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Cult Hunter is designed for PC. I want players to focus on precise movements to dodge incoming complicated enemies attacks.

Basic Movement

  • Move: W,A,S,D
  • Jump: SPACE
  • Crouch: CTRL
  • Look: MOUSE


  • Dash: SHIFT, dash into an obstacle will make characters "parkour" through it
  • Dash Attack: SHIFT then LEFT MOUSE
  • Dash Jump: SHIFT then SPACE
  • Dash Slide: SHIFT then CTRL
  • Sprint: hold SHIFT to sprint, you can do WALL RUNNING if you run and touch a wall.


  • Attack : LEFT MOUSE
  • Block: RIGHT MOUSE
  • Launcher: SCROLL WHEEL UP, launch enemies into the air
  • Finsher: TAP SCROLL WHEEL to do a fancy animation and execute an enemy
  • Swap weapons: TAB
  • Change style: F
  • Pick/throw/kick: G, if your character can't pick something up, like a heavy table, they'll launch it into nearest enemies. If there's nothing to pickup, they'll kick enemies.
  • Skills: 1,2,3,4
  • Rage: Q+E (still working on this)


  • Taunt: T
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