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Add notes on the usage of your component here.


Custom property Description Default
--custom-property What it does value


Clone the repo

git clone

Getting started

Make sure you have both yarn installed locally. Then run yarn in the repo's directory to get all of your dependancies installed.

Testing your component

You'll find some failing tests pre populated in your testing files. This is both an example of how to write tests and an immediate blocker to CircleCI based continuous integration processes. Also, note the availability of should in the test context.;

Web Component Tester + Sauce Labs based x-browser tests

By default WCT is configured to run your tests in your local headless Chrome and Firefox browsers. This can sometimes be an issue when running in various CI environments as the default Firefox installation may be outside of your support matrix. Update the plugins.local.browsers entry to wct.conf.json to ["chrome", "firefox"] as needed to support your development workflow.

When looking to expand your x-browser testing suite to include real browsers on, make sure the edit wct.conf.json appropriately.

"sauce": {
  "disabled": false, // <--- change to `true`
  "username": "username",  // <--- add your username here
  "accessKey": "accessKey",  // <--- add your access key here

Learn more about working with Sauce Labs and web-component-tester to take full advantage of it in your project.

Yarn scripting

To build component documentation use:

yarn analyze


To lint your styles, JS, and HTML use:

yarn lint

This is great for when you're refactoring file connections.

Serve locally

To serve your component in a browser, and have your default automatically opened to the component documentation, use:

yarn serve

While this is running you can access the following helpful URLs:

URL Description
/ The analysis.json documentation and demos of the component.
/test Your WTC tests rum in the browser of your choice. (ignore the lodash errors...)
/demo Direct path to main demo page, no navigation will be present.

Deploy gh-pages

To publish the current version of your documentation of GitHub pages use:

yarn pages

Create and tag a GitHub release

To release a new version of your code to Github and NPM use:

yarn release

By default this will create a "bug fix", meaning it will bump the last number of the semver 0.0.x. Adding minor, major, or an explicit semver 1.1.2 is also available when making more precise releases. Visit the release-it documentation site for more information on the underlying API.

Once the release process is complete this command will also trigger the yarn pages command deploying your component documentation to GitHub.


To run web-component-tester with Istanbul based test coverage:

yarn test

Update your settings in wct.conf.json if you want to attach to Sauce Labs or other browsers, etc.

Changes across multiple repos

To make it easier to make changed to your project configurations across multiple repos the command yarn update-settings has been provided to batch update a number of configuration files in the repo. If you want to diverge from the expected settings there in, but would still like to do so in batch, you can make changes to scripts/update-settings in order to point to an separate package of configuration files.


If any of these commands fail through the course of your development, it's possible that required yarn post* commands won't be called correctly. If you have trouble activating subsequent commands, try manually calling the yarn post* to clean up any incomplete tasks.


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