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plothist average [-h] [-o PLOT_OUTPUT] [--hdf5-output HDF5_OUTPUT] [--plot-contour]
                       [--title TITLE] [--linear | --energy | --zero-energy E | --log10]
                       [--range RANGE] [--postprocess-function POSTPROCESS_FUNCTION]
                       [--text-output TEXT_OUTPUT] [--first-iter N_ITER] [--last-iter N_ITER]
                       input [DIMENSION] [ADDTLDIM]

Plot a probability distribution averaged over multiple iterations. The probability distribution must have been previously extracted with w_pdist (or, at least, must be compatible with the output format of w_pdist; see w_pdist --help for more information).

optional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit

input options:

input                 HDF5 file containing histogram data
DIMENSION             Plot for the given DIMENSION, specified as INT[:[LB,UB]:LABEL], where INT is a
                      zero-based integer identifying the dimension in the histogram, LB and UB are
                      lower and upper bounds for plotting, and LABEL is the label for the plot axis.
                      (Default: dimension 0, full range.)
ADDTLDIM              For instantaneous/average plots, plot along the given additional dimension,
                      producing a color map.
--first-iter N_ITER   Begin averaging at iteration N_ITER (default: 1).
--last-iter N_ITER    Conclude averaging with N_ITER, inclusive (default: last completed iteration).

output options:

-o PLOT_OUTPUT, --output PLOT_OUTPUT, --plot-output PLOT_OUTPUT
                      Store plot as PLOT_OUTPUT. This may be set to an empty string (e.g. --plot-
                      output='') to suppress plotting entirely. The output format is determined by
                      filename extension (and thus defaults to PDF). Default: "hist.pdf".
--hdf5-output HDF5_OUTPUT
                      Store plot data in the HDF5 file HDF5_OUTPUT.
--plot-contour        Determines whether or not to superimpose a contour plot over the heatmap for 2D
--text-output TEXT_OUTPUT
                      Store plot data in a text format at TEXT_OUTPUT. This option is only valid for
                      1-D histograms. (Default: no text output.)

plot options:

--title TITLE         Include TITLE as the top-of-graph title
--linear              Plot the histogram on a linear scale.
--energy              Plot the histogram on an inverted natural log scale, corresponding to (free)
                      energy (default).
--zero-energy E       Set the zero of energy to E, which may be a scalar, "min" or "max"
--log10               Plot the histogram on a base-10 log scale.
--range RANGE         Plot histogram ordinates over the given RANGE, specified as "LB,UB", where LB
                      and UB are the lower and upper bounds, respectively. For 1-D plots, this is the
                      Y axis. For 2-D plots, this is the colorbar axis. (Default: full range.)
--postprocess-function POSTPROCESS_FUNCTION
                      Names a function (as in module.function) that will be called just prior to
                      saving the plot. The function will be called as ``postprocess(hist, midpoints,
                      binbounds)`` where ``hist`` is the histogram that was plotted, ``midpoints`` is
                      the bin midpoints for each dimension, and ``binbounds`` is the bin boundaries
                      for each dimension for 2-D plots, or None otherwise. The plot must be modified
                      in place using the pyplot stateful interface.