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This directory contains the compiler job templates.

These templates, file type .JESI, are used by hercjis to generate from a meta-jcl .JES file a ready to run jcl job. The templates provide a standardized interface to the stored procedures in SYSx.PROCLIB and define variables which can be overridden from the .JES file. The set of variables is compiler specific, the common ones are

Variable Function
JOB job name
JOBPOS job card positional parameters
JOBEXT job extra parameters
CLASS job class
MSGCLASS message class
MSGLEVEL message level
REGION job memory
TIME job time limit
PRTY job priority
DDSRC source file
DDDAT data file
PARMC compile step PARM
PARML linker step PARM
OUTLIM go step SYSPRINT limit

The following compilers are supported

Compiler ID JESI called PROC Comment
a60 job_a60_clg ALGOFCLG
asm job_asm_clg ASMFCLG
cob job_cob_clg COBUCLG
forg job_forg_clg FORTGCLG
forh job_forh_clg FORTHCLG OPT=2
forw job_forw_clg WATFIV
gcc job_gcc_clg GCCCLG -O3
jcc job_jcc_clg JCCCLG
pas job_pas_clg PASCLG
pli job_pli_clg PL1LFCLG OPT=2
sim job_sim_clg SIMCLG