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HOWTO: execute an s370-perf benchmark test

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This HOWTO describes how to execute an s370-perf benchmark test in the Hercules tk4- environment. It assumes that

  • the benchmark is executed on a target node. On this node, the simulator from the tk4- package must be installed.
  • the test is controlled and analyzed from a control node. On this node, the wfjm/s370-perf must be installed.

Target and control nodes can be identical. In that case, the ssh tunnel described later is not needed.

On target node

  mkdir -p ~/tmp/mvs/tk4m_1
  cd ~/tmp/mvs
  cd ~/tmp/mvs/tk4m_1
  unzip ../

On control node

  mkdir ~/tmp/mvs
  cd ~/tmp/mvs
  git clone --recurse-submodules

Ensure that bin and herc-tools/bin is in your PATH

  export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/tmp/mvs/s370-perf/bin:$HOME/tmp/mvs/s370-perf/herc-tools/bin

On target node

Start the simulator with

  cd ~/tmp/mvs/tk4m_1
  NUMCPU=2 MAXCPU=2 ./mvs

This starts Hercules in a dual CPU configuration. Two CPUs match the characteristics of the emulated IBM 3033, and are also the maximum supported by MVS 3.9J.

On control node

If target and control node are different setup an ssh tunnel with all the relevant ports

  ssh <target node> \
      -L  8038:localhost:8038  \
      -L  3505:localhost:3505  \
      -L 14030:localhost:14030 \
      -L  3270:localhost:3270

Then start the Hercules WebGUI, essentially a system console

  firefox localhost:8038 &

wait until you see (click the Send botton to update display)

HHC02264I Script 5: file local_scripts/10 processing ended
HHC02264I Script 5: file scripts/local.rc processing ended
HHC01603I *
HHC01603I *                           ************   ****  *****          ||
HHC01603I *                           **   **   **    **    **           |||
HHC01603I *                           **   **   **    **   **           ||||
HHC01603I *                                **         **  **           || ||
HHC01603I *        |l      _,,,---,,_      **         ** **           ||  ||
HHC01603I * ZZZzz /,'.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,    **         ****           ||   ||
HHC01603I *      |,4-  ) )-,_. ,( (  ''-'  **         *****         ||    ||
HHC01603I *     '---''(_/--'  `-')_)       **         **  **       ||     ||    ||||||||||
HHC01603I *                                **         **   **      |||||||||||  Update 08
HHC01603I *       The MVS 3.8j             **         **    **            ||
HHC01603I *     Tur(n)key System           **         **     **           ||
HHC01603I *                              ******      ****     ***       ||||||
HHC01603I *
HHC01603I *            TK3 created by Volker Bandke
HHC01603I *            TK4- update by Juergen Winkelmann
HHC01603I *                     see TK4-.CREDITS for complete credits
HHC01603I *
HHC02264I Script 5: file scripts/tk4-.rc processing ended

and enter in the S370 console the commands

  devinit 00E 14030 sockdev
  devinit 00c 3505 sockdev ascii trunc eof

The Hercules System Log should respond with

HHC01603I devinit 00E 14030 sockdev
HHC01042I 0:000E COMM: device bound to socket 14030
HHC02245I 0:000E device initialized


HHC01603I devinit 00c 3505 sockdev ascii trunc eof
HHC01046I 0:000C COMM: device unbound from socket 3505
HHC01042I 0:000C COMM: device bound to socket 3505
HHC02245I 0:000C device initialized

Next, start in one session the hercjos printer server. It captures the printer output, and stores it job-by-job in files with telling names.

  cd ~/tmp/mvs/tk4m_1/prt
  hercjos -db -dt

Finally submit the s370_perf test jobs. This is done with the hercjis job submission system. Use at least 10 jobs, for best results use about 30. Each job takes about 4-6 minutes, independent of host CPU speed because the GAUT option is used. The number of jobs is controlled via the -r option of hercjis.

  cd ~/tmp/mvs/s370-perf/codes
  hercjis -r 30 s370_perf_ff.JES

You see in the session where hercjos runs output like

hercjos-I: head  'A JOB  251 PERF#ASM WFJM                 2022-06-06-13:41:59'
hercjos-I: write '2022-06-06-13:41:59_J0251_PERF-ASM.prt'
hercjos-I: close written   9p,   520l; dropped   2p,    66l
hercjos-I: head  'A JOB  252 PERF#ASM WFJM                 2022-06-06-13:47:16'
hercjos-I: write '2022-06-06-13:47:16_J0252_PERF-ASM.prt'
hercjos-I: head  'A STC  171 MF1                           2022-06-06-13:52:15'
hercjos-I: write '2022-06-06-13:52:15_S0171_MF1.prt'
hercjos-I: close written   9p,   307l; dropped   2p,    66l
hercjos-I: head  'A JOB  254 PERF#ASM WFJM                 2022-06-06-13:52:33'
hercjos-I: write '2022-06-06-13:52:33_J0254_PERF-ASM.prt'
hercjos-I: close written   9p,   521l; dropped   2p,    66l

The PERF#ASM jobs are the benchmark jobs, the MF1 jobs are system monitoring jobs that are executed periodically. To determine whether all jobs have finished simply count the output files with

  cd ~/tmp/mvs/tk4m_1/prt
  ls -1 *PERF*.prt | wc  

When the benchmark jobs are finished the MVS system can be shut down with

  cd ~/tmp/mvs/s370-perf/codes
  hercjis ../jcl/shutdown.jcl

That triggers an orderly MVS shutdown, at the end, the Hercules simulator will exit. The shutdown takes some time. hercjos will also exit when Hercules has exited.

When the benchmark jobs are finished the job outputs can be analysed. The prt directory should contain files like

  cd ~/tmp/mvs/tk4m_1/prt
  ls -1

The analysis is finanlly done with s370_perf_ana and s370_perf_mark

  cd ~/tmp/mvs/tk4m_1/prt
  s370_perf_ana  *PERF*.prt > perf.dat
  s370_perf_mark perf.dat