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➤ wl-ripple

Indicate touch actions.


➤ Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description
autoRelease autoRelease boolean false Releases the ripple after it has been spawned.
centered centered boolean false Makes ripple appear from the center.
disabled disabled boolean false Disables the ripple.
focusable focusable boolean false Allows focusin to spawn a ripple.
initialDuration initialDuration number 350 Initial animation duration.
overlay overlay boolean false Overlays the ripple.
releaseDuration releaseDuration number 500 Fade out animation duration.
role role AriaRole "presentation" Role of the ripple.
target target EventTarget Target for the spawn ripple events.
unbounded unbounded boolean false Makes the ripple visible outside the bounds.
x number required
y number required


➤ CSS Custom Properties

Property Description
--ripple-color Color.
--ripple-opacity Opacity.


➤ Usage

Go here to try the demo.


➤ Contributors

Andreas Mehlsen You?
Andreas Mehlsen You?


➤ License

Licensed under MIT.