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Mini library to help you easily integrate existing web library into React Native!


npm install --save react-native-html5-loader

What can it do for you?

This is indeed a mini library, but it offers some good stuff to you:

  • Create base HTML template inside Webview, let you easily inject the part you need for customization
  • Hook up basic communication channel between the WebView and React Native using the postMessage. The message format is redux like: type and payload, so you won't need to manually stringify or parse anything youself.
  • Handle WebView initialization to avoid the possible race condition between WebView and React Native, since there're running in their own JS runtime
  • You can write JS function for web directly in your React Native project (NOTICE: es5 syntax only)


Please see examples directory, we have provided 3 examples for now:

  • A simple Counter example
  • An example to integrate SignaturePad js library
  • An example to integrate ThreeJs to show 3D object

API Usage

Let's use a simple Counter example to explain the usage.

What we want to accomplish is:

  • Create the counter UI inside WebView
  • Increment or decrement the counter value in React Native side.

The full code is here, very short and clean:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {View, Text, TouchableOpacity, WebView} from 'react-native';
import Html5Loader from 'react-native-html5-loader';

export default class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
            body { margin:0; padding: 20px; }
            h1 { font-size: 100px; }
        webHandler={function webHandler(action, callRN, window) {
          var count = parseInt(window.document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML, 10);
          if (action.type === 'inc') {
              window.document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = (count + 1);
          } else if (action.type === 'dec') {
              window.document.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = (count - 1);
          callRN('ack', 'message ' + action.type + ' received')
        rnHandler={(action, callWeb) => console.log(action.type, action.payload)}
        {({callWeb, webViewProps}) => (
          <View style={{flex: 1}}>
              style={{flex: 1, alignSelf: 'stretch'}}

            <View style={{flexDirection: 'row', height: 60, justifyContent: 'space-around'}}>
              <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => callWeb('inc', null)}>

              <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => callWeb('dec', null)}>


  • head (string): will be injected into the <head> section of WebView HTML.
  • body (string): will be injected into the <body> section of WebView HTML.
  • webHandler (es5 function): the code to execute inside Web when receiving message from React Native side. The signature:
    • action: JS object with format {type, payload}
    • callRN: used to send message back to React Native side. callRN also has two positional params type(string) and payload(any)
    • window: injected global window object for WebView.
  • rnHandler (function): the code to execute inside RN when receiving message from Web side. The signature:
    • action: JS object with format {type, payload}
    • callWeb: used to send message to web side. callWeb also has two positional params type(string) and payload(any)


This library uses render props pattern and the props.children should be a function returning JSX, with a single param which is an object containing following properties:

  • callWeb: used to send message to web side. callWeb also has two positional params type(string) and payload(any)
  • webViewProps: calculated props for the actual WebView, use spread operator to pass those props to let the magic happen!

