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Manatsawin Hanmongkolchai edited this page Feb 11, 2021 · 1 revision

MacOS Setup (for programming novices)

Packaged release

Grab the packaged .app

Note that it might be outdated from the source release

Running from source

This guide is assuming that you're willing install a few things and run a few commands in your terminal application.

Not sure how to open the terminal? You can try this link.

Got your terminal open? Great, time to run some commands.

(1/4) Downloading this code

But first, we need to download this code. If you know how to use git to do that, great. If that last sentence made no sense, keep reading.

We're going to begin by downloading the code as a zip file. You can do this by clicking the green button on the GitHub repo page then clicking Download Zip, as shown below:

download the code

Then, go ahead and open it with Archive Utitlity:


You should now find the folder in your Downloads folder (use Finder to find it):

downloads folder

Great, we have the code! Next step please.

(2/4) Installing Homebrew (a package manager)

Basically, follow the instructions on their (Homebrew's) website here.

Copy the command into your terminal prompt, then hit enter:

install brew

You can check that this worked by closing and reopening your terminal, then running which brew. You should get the following output:

which brew

Awesome, we'll need this tool later. For now, on to Python.

(3/4) Installing Python (3.9.1)

Alright, we're going to install Python the straightforward way. We're going to do that by visiting Python's website here and downloading + running the macOS 64-bit installer (which of the two depends on what type of mac you have).

install python

If you're having trouble finding the downloads at the link, remember to scroll to the bottom of the page.

(4/4) Installing poetry

Run the following command in your terminal:

brew install poetry

One last thing...

Before you go and run the commands from the other page, you'll want to change what file directory your terminal is in to be the folder where you downloaded runekit-master. Assuming you downloaded it as instructed in step 1, you can do this by running the following:

cd ~/Downloads/runekit-master

Note: if you close and reopen the terminal, you'll need to renavigate to the correct folder (just rerun the above command).

That simple. Now you can go back to the other file and pick up where you left off, here.

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