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Releases: wialon/gmqtt

Fix for python3.8

10 Mar 12:17
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Fix write_data after connection_close in python 3.8

Subscriptions stored in client

24 Jan 09:25
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Client now stores it's subscriptions

  • on_subscribe callback signature has changed, argument properties has beed added: on_subscribe(client, mid, qos, properties)
  • client.subscriptions - list of subscriptions
  • client.get_subscriptions_by_mid(mid) - get list of subscriptions with certain message identifier. May be useful in on_subscribe callback in order to handle (un-)successful subscription. Note that after on_subscribe is finished, mid is freed and can be used in other messages, so it's also removed from subscriptions.
  • client.get_subscription_by_identifier(subscription_identifier) - get list of subscriptions with certain subscription identifier. May be useful in on_message callback.

Async on_message bug fixes

03 Oct 11:48
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Bug fixes in async on_message callback. Now it works properly for partial coroutines and optimistic_acknowledgement=true clients

Fix disconnect packet in MQTT3.1.1

01 Oct 07:00
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  • fixed disconnect packet in MQTT3.1.1 This bug caused unexpected will messages coming after gentle disconnect
  • added info about asynchronous on_message callback to README

Multiple topics subscriptions

14 Aug 10:05
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  • Multiple topics subscription added:
client.subscribe([gmqtt.Subscription('TEST/+', qos=1), gmqtt.Subscription('TEST', qos=0)],
  • Fixed resend QoS > 0 messages
  • Added Client.is_connected property, which tells if connection is alive and CONNACK was received

Code improvements

06 Jun 11:09
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Removed unnecessary link to current event loop in sync method and etc.

Speed up packets read

04 May 06:54
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Optimized packets read and parse

Asynchronous on message callbacks

04 May 06:53
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  • Added support for asynchronous callback messages. Value returned from callback future will be used as reason code in PUBACK packet
  • added method to update client's _reconnect flag

UTF-8 encoding in JSON messages

28 Mar 11:11
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Do not force ASCII in json messsages, use utf-8 encoding

Allow to set a few user properties;

11 Jan 14:46
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Multiple user properties in publish (#27)