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File metadata and controls

118 lines (76 loc) · 3.29 KB


This project uses Python 3.6 Django 2.2+, Django Crispy Forms 1.9+ for basic development. The basic package requirements can be found in setup.cfg and everything needed for development is listed in requirements.txt. The demo site is handy for debugging so you will need to install nvm to manage node versions/


The package follows the recommendations made by Ionel Mărieș and puts the source code for the package in the src directory. That does make life slightly complicated regarding the PYTHONPATH but that's easily overcome with the project's makefile.


The project has a Makefile that contains a number of targets to make life easy. You can read a brief description by running make on the command line:



The project contains a Demo site to show that the various Design System components work as expected. It's a full Django site so it's good for debugging and generally mucking around. The Makefile has targets for building the all the assets:

make clean-frontend
make frontend

The target for running the demo site takes care of building all the assets:

make serve

The demo uses webpack to assemble everything. That gives you two options when building the assets manually:

  1. Build into a single JavaScript file for use running the demo site:

    nvm use
    npm run dev
  2. Build into separate JavaScript and CSS files, minified for deployment:

    nvm use
    npm run build

Generally the dev version is sufficient. Ideally you should not rely on this project for building the assets for production. You might find the webpack config file handy for getting started with your own version however.

Running tests

You can run the tests for an individual test case, the entire suite or for all the supported versions of python and Django.

  1. Run a specific set of tests, for example:

    PYTHONPATH=src pytest tests/layout/test_accordion
The PYTHONPATH needs to be set because of the way the source code is laid out.
  1. Run the entire test suite:

    make tests
This is just the equivalent of PYTHONPATH=src pytest.
  1. Run the entire test suite for all versions:


A summary coverage report will be printed to the console, with an HTML report at htmlcov/index.html.

Development standards

This project uses black, flake8 and isort to enforce consistent python styles. Plugins for each are added to pytest to keep you honest. You can also run black and isort on the command line to reformat your code in one go:

black src
isort -rc src

Generally it's better to use editor plugins to make the changes whenever a file is saved.


The documentation uses sphinx and doc8. The makefile has handy targets for building the sphinx docs:

make clean-docs
make docs

You can check your penmanship from the command line:

doc8 docs