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Blorc.Core is a set of components that can be used to write Blazor libraries and apps.


BlorcComponentBase is a base control for any Blazor component. It adds several new features to any component.

Property bags

Thanks to the underlying property bag, each component will automatically support change notifications.

public bool IsGrouped
    get => GetPropertyValue<bool>(nameof(IsGrouped));
    set => SetPropertyValue(nameof(IsGrouped), value);

State converters

Because properties can be watched automatically via the property bag, it's possible to subscribe to properties and automatically update states based on property changes.

    .If(() => IsExpanded, "pf-m-expanded")
    .Watch(() => IsExpanded)
    .Update(() => Class);
Feature Description
Fixed This is a fixed of constant expression that will always be added.
If The state is added in case the predicate returns true (e.g. IsExpanded == true).
Watch Adds a property to the watch list. The state will be re-evaluated every time a watched property changes.
Update Updates a specific property with the new state. In the example above the Class property will be updated every time the IsExpanded property changes.

Binding system

To be described...

DocumentService / DOM manipulation

Blazor is able to update everything within the <app> element. Sometimes it's necessary to update the DOM outside this element. This is possible via the IDocumentService that uses Javascript interop:

    public IDocumentService DocumentService { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInit()

        DocumentService.InjectHead(new Css("/patternfly/patternfly.css"));