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A command line client and go package for iterating over events from gharchive.


Download binaries from the latest release

Command line usage

Usage: gharchive <start> [<end>]

  <start>    start time formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as an RFC3339 date
  [<end>]    end time formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, or as an RFC3339 date. default is an hour past start

  -h, --help                     Show context-sensitive help.
      --type=TYPE,...            include only these event types
      --not-type=NOT-TYPE,...    exclude these event types
      --strict-created-at        only output events with a created_at between start and end
      --no-empty-lines           skip empty lines
      --only-valid-json          skip lines that aren not valid json objects
      --preserve-order           ensure that events are output in the same order they exist on
      --concurrency=INT          max number of concurrent downloads to run. Ignored if --preserve-order is set. Default is the number of cpus available.
      --debug                    output debug logs


I can iterate about 200k events per second from an 8 core MacBook Pro with a cable modem. On an 80 core server in a data center that increases to about 450k.